Challenge from the Learner

Science is based on that which can be studied
Religion alows for the supernatural- stuff that can't be explained

it doesn't matter if there is a god or not- science cannot say
Enigma'07 said:
Science is based on that which can be studied
Religion alows for the supernatural- stuff that can't be explained

it doesn't matter if there is a god or not- science cannot say
M*W: The fact that science has remained silent on the theory there is a god, speaks volumes. If god is a magnanimous as you people believe, it shouldn't be so hard to prove its existence.
If 'god' exists, it would be the SUPERnatural abilities he posses that make him a god.

therfore, he is outside the realm of science
Enigma'07 said:
If 'god' exists, it would be the SUPERnatural abilities he posses that make him a god.

therfore, he is outside the realm of science
M*W: Okay, if he created science, which you people believe he did, then he should be obvious and self-explanatory and no enigma.
Nothing is outside of the realm of scientific study.

The human emotion of love cannot be explained.

M*W: Okay, if he created science, which you people believe he did, then he should be obvious and self-explanatory and no enigma.

Ahhh, but who every said god created science. Science is a human invention designed to explain things. If there were a god he would understand all things, and therefore would not need science
Ugly is your opinion. It doesn't necessarily mean that the other person holds the same opinion nor does it imply that the "ugly" potential mate would be deleterious for offspring. It could very well be that there are qualities in that person unrelated to cultural opinions about beauty which would improve fitness.

Moreover, it is undoubtedly an evolving process. Still a trick of DNA.
So how does one decide which traits are best. Early on in our history, looks determined fittness, but survival in our day seems to be based more on intelligence.
One doesn't. One simply believes one "falls in love." The DNA and chemicals in the brain decide for us.

Also, "looks" are culturally driven expectations.
I am to understand that there are people in this discussion who honestly believe that the bible is the pure, direct, and unadulterated word of GOD?
ok. I'm new. Would someone please tell me how to do the cut/paste that illustrates that it was taken from a previous comment?... because I really want to address Enigma'07's statement

"So how does one decide which traits are best. Early on in our history, looks determined fittness, but survival in our day seems to be based more on intelligence."

By saying that I wish it were so.
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