Challenge from the Learner

Horseman42 said:
Why can we not use science to prove/disprove god? Why do theists insist on using logic, and reason only to dump it in the trash whenever it does not suit them best?

Are you assuming that the scientific method is the proper toll to go about proving/disproving God?
If yes, what makes you think so?

And do consider the inherent relativity of any empirical endeavour.
A man once said "why are you seeking knowledge? Are you not indirectly seeking God?" I say why do we spend resources on going to space every couple of years? God must be the shy type. Obviously there is no known address or road to God so we seek him through knowledge, thus far he or she does not exist.

"We are like children in a library. We know all the books are in some sort of order but we have no idea how and who" -Albert Einstien
water said:
Muhaha, I am in a devilish mood.

Prove it, SouthStar, prove it that science is all we have.
no your quite clearly in an insane mood, if your the "clever one" you teach us, or shut the fuck up, all you've done with your inane rabblings, is hyjack the thread, we're on the second page, and nothing been said since, you opened your mouth.
your the one making assertions, theres something other, you know the rules regarding assertions dont you.
I have never believed anything is capable of creating the universe, maybe earth but certainly not the universe. The universe is all that is and everything comes from its womb. I deeply believe religion is early man's constitution but I can neither prove nor disprove that just like the notion of God itself. We have changed too many Gods in the past for me to go ahead and fully embrace another fictitious deity, who knows I might be offending Zeus or Orisi if I attend any Muslim ceremony. For this religion has easily failed in credibility. Necessity is the mother of all creations so I believe we are serving God a purpose by adopting us, pity some of us will burn in hell after all this servitude. Even a mother and father raise children because of one reason or the other, which is usually loneliness. However God creates us for no real reason, give us freedom and the rest is up to him or her. In my opinion freedom or free will is an illusion because you are only as free as you think. If I were a lesser animal like the dog I will probably not be worried about why I haven't traveled to Hong Kong lately. On the soul, I have never seen my soul but I can seriously tell you that the body is enough of a hassle believe me, just wait till you are a little older. I’ve never really been spiritual person; I find it too creepy and arrestingly ugly. If there is something anybody wants to tell me, whether from heaven or hell, let he or she come forth because I take no interest in punching other peoples believe with my skeptics. Let’s take two cars with the same engine but different body style; wouldn’t the difference be a superficial one? Psychologists believe that what differentiates humans is only our experiences and physical appearance, aside from these we are all the same. Your experiences however is largely subjected to how intelligent one is, which is not up to you but your brain and body’s physics, so its safe to say some of us are all dammed right from birth. It’s kind of like a river channel, the water flows in accordance with the physical nature of the channels. Yes, function follows form. Does God exist? Yes if only in our minds because psychologists believe there are people who see demons out of a preconceived respect for them. Sociologists believe that the collective human society is more influential that the single individual or nuclear family. In respect of this I think religion is the father and mother figure of the collective society, usually with parents around children do not run with scissors as much. Someone once said religion might be questionable but it is necessary. All so confusing.

"Dear lord how did you find the imagination to create all this beautiful things if you alone existed" - Aquinas
I think that in other threads, I and my fellow secularists have more than "proved" that god does not exist by any rational standards. In science, overwhelming evidence to the contrary along with zero compelling evidence for a proposition usually gets the theory in question relegated to the history books. I know that "proof" is a strong word. Let's just say we are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. God is a fantasy. An artifact of the particular way humans percieve the universe. Remember, our advanced brains are relatively recent and we haven't had a big chance to seperate the wheat from the chaff.
Given: god is all-knowing and all-powerful.

Can god create something he cannot lift? Can god create a thought he cannot comprehend?

If he can, he is not god. If he can't, he is not god.
water said:
Muhaha, I am in a devilish mood.

Prove it, SouthStar, prove it that science is all we have.

To prove it would require science. There you go.

Unless, of course, you have another method in mind.
Maybe the ancient Greeks were on to something when they anthropomorphized their gods. 'Course that wouldn't leave much to argue or write books or fight wars about.........
superluminal said:
I think that in other threads, I and my fellow secularists have more than "proved" that god does not exist by any rational standards. In science, overwhelming evidence to the contrary along with zero compelling evidence for a proposition usually gets the theory in question relegated to the history books. I know that "proof" is a strong word. Let's just say we are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. God is a fantasy. An artifact of the particular way humans percieve the universe. Remember, our advanced brains are relatively recent and we haven't had a big chance to seperate the wheat from the chaff.

So you are after all using science to prove/disprove God ...
geeser said:
no your quite clearly in an insane mood, if your the "clever one" you teach us, or shut the fuck up, all you've done with your inane rabblings, is hyjack the thread, we're on the second page, and nothing been said since, you opened your mouth.
your the one making assertions, theres something other, you know the rules regarding assertions dont you.

You, the atheist, are the one who per default considers himself smarter.

I'm just challenging your rational thinking.
§outh§tar said:
To prove it would require science. There you go.

Another one of our favourites sneaks up: argumentum ad ignorantiam.
Just because we think science is all we have, this doesn't make it so.

Unless, of course, you have another method in mind.

There is always a light that never goes out.

There is always a light that never goes out.

Oh great water, stuff of life, please, please enlighten us as to the validity of your philosophical ways of knowing, and show us how your completely self referential methodology illuminates the universe for us. We beg you.
Religion is all about "...I think..." or "...I believe..." or "...I hope..." or "...I want...", but can never be about "...I know..." or "...I can prove to you..." Religion is about gambling on something that has never been proven and can never be proved. And there are too many games to choose from to say that any one of them is the right game to play. Religion is limited to being an unproveable theory.

Science, good science, has the Scientific Method for examining physical evidence and determining what is and what isn't true. Valid theories survive while invalid theories go into the trash.

Does it ever make you feel like throttling the nearest theist, just to get them to admit this simple fact (as you stated)? God is a construct of the human mind. Why does this seem so blatantly obvious to me...? Hmm... need a new thread.
Another one of our favourites sneaks up: argumentum ad ignorantiam. Just because we think science is all we have, this doesn't make it so.
Please I'm dying to know. Just what other method is there to detect weather or not god exists? You keep alluding to the fact that we cannot use science, what can we use then?
water said:
You, the atheist, are the one who per default considers himself smarter.
you've got atheism totally wrong, I dont consider myself better, than any other person on this planet, we are all the same.we all eat through same hole and shit out of the same hole.
just because, I use facts over fantasy, to lead my life, does'nt make me smarter, it just put's me in more control of my thought processes.
water said:
I'm just challenging your rational thinking.
you have'nt challenged anything, your just rabbling on.
superluminal said:
Oh great water, stuff of life, please, please enlighten us as to the validity of your philosophical ways of knowing, and show us how your completely self referential methodology illuminates the universe for us. We beg you.

Ah. The funny thing is that you are caught in your own trap ...
I am not espousing any other methodology, I am only basing my whole position that an argumentum ad ignorantiam is not a valid basis.
You are assuming that I know some other way. I am only objecting the argumentum ad ignorantiam.
geeser said:
you've got atheism totally wrong, I dont consider myself better, than any other person on this planet, we are all the same.we all eat through same hole and shit out of the same hole.
just because, I use facts over fantasy, to lead my life, does'nt make me smarter, it just put's me in more control of my thought processes.

And for this sake, you consider yourself superior to those hwo don't do as you do. This is, after all, your position for calling some other people morons.

you have'nt challenged anything, your just rabbling on.

Then you aren't able to see the challenge, it seems.
Horseman42 said:
Please I'm dying to know. Just what other method is there to detect weather or not god exists? You keep alluding to the fact that we cannot use science, what can we use then?

We should be true to science, and, using its own analytical method, surmise that it might not be sufficient to adequately describe and explain reality.

To insist science is all there is is to insist on an argumentum ad ignorantiam. This is all I am saying.

I haven't offered any other way. I am only objecting the argumentum ad ignorantiam, from the scientific perspective.
so if I called you an ass, blockhead, boob, booby, cretin, dimwit, donkey, dork, dumb ox, dumbbell, dunce, dunderhead, fool, geek, halfwit, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, jerk, kook, meathead, mental defective, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, pinhead, pointy head, simpleton, stupid, tomfool, twit, yo-yo.
it would mean I thought I was smarter, than you would it, talk about over sensitive!
it's just name calling everbody does it, especially when you feel someone is being foolish.
my sig says "I see morons" ,which comes for a parody of the film sixth sense, it actually go's "I see dead people, and sometimes, sometimes they come here". some person had changed the dead people for morons, as a joke.
it's just humour.
water said:
To insist science is all there is is to insist on an argumentum ad ignorantiam.
but nobody else but you think that way. it's only argumentum ad ignorantiam to you, to insist that science is'nt the only way, is completely irrational.
it's just an Argumentum ad baculum.