Catholics miraculously saved from inferno of Death-Science!

But I knew she wasn't lying.. and I know she's not crazy, or making a thing up.

what methods did you employ to ascertain that she was not lying, delusional or pretending, (especially the second one)?
Oh a few survive, and they were catholics. Wupiii!! :D

How about the millions killed becuase of religious zealots?


The bible tells a tale of all it's atrocities.
Biblical Atrocities
Exodus 32: 3,000 Israelites killed by Moses for worshipping the golden calf.
Numbers 31: After killing all men, boys and married women among the Midianites, 32,000 virgins remain as booty for the Israelites. (If unmarried girls are a quarter of the population, then 96,000 people were killed.)
Joshua 8: 12,000 men and women, all the people of Ai, killed.
Joshua 10: Joshua completely destroys Gibeon ("larger than Ai"), Makeddah, Libnah, Lachish, Eglon, Hebron, Debir. "He left no survivors."
Joshua 11: Hazor destroyed. [Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews (1987), estimates the population of Hazor at ?> 50,000]
TOTAL: if Ai is average, 12,000 x 9 = 108,000 killed.
Judges 1: 10,000 Canaanites k. at Battle of Bezek. Jerusalem and Zephath destroyed.
Judges 3: ca. 10,000 Moabites k. at Jordan River.
Judges 8: 120,000 Midianite soldiers k. by Gideon
Judges 20: Benjamin attacked by other tribes. 25,000 killed.
1 Samuel 4: 4,000 Isrealites killed at 1st Battle of Ebenezer/Aphek. 30,000 Isr. k. at 2nd battle.
2 Samuel 8: 22,000 Arameans of Damascus and 18,000 Edomites killed in 2 battles.
2 Samuel 10: 40,000 Aramean footsoldiers and 7,000 charioteers killed at Helam.
2 Samuel 18: 20,000 Israelites under Absalom killed at Ephraim.
1 Kings 20: 100,000 Arameans killed by Israelites at Battle of Aphek. Another 27,000 killed by collapsing wall.
2 Chron 13: Judah beat Israel and inflicted 500,000 casualties.
2 Chron 25: Amaziah, king of Judah, k. 10,000 from Seir in battle and executed 10,000 POWs. Discharged Judean soldiers pillaged and killed 3,000.
2 Chron 28: Pekah, king of Israel, slew 120,000 Judeans
TOTAL: That comes to about 1,283,000 mass killings specifically enumerated in the Bible. The battle of 2_Chron_13 is so much larger than all the others that we probably should doubt it.

Where is the love I wonder?

The Vatican's Holocaust

I can't go on, it's too much massacre. The religious nuts have been killing human kind for centuries. It is time to stop, it's time to really become civilized, stop the nonsense, the madness, the killing for this entity that has no place in human life, other than it's own demise.

I had never seen an alien or a spaceship or had been abducted myself. But I knew she wasn't lying. And now I know her...and I know she's not crazy, or making a thing up

And of course, your judgement is sound and reasonable?
SnakeLord said:
what methods did you employ to ascertain that she was not lying, delusional or pretending, (especially the second one)?

She's one of my best friends. We talked about it and many other things for years. I don't think she's even told anyone else about it. Even out here on the forum, she wouldn't say anything about it...we did all of our conversing about it privately. She was afraid of what people would think/say. The details that she's just way too much to make up...impossible even. And why would she? See, delusions don't make sense...they're irrational...illogical...and they're not "shared". How can all of these abductees be having the same "delusion"? And what she testified to, just as what I testify to, has everything to do with Revelation prophecy.

Don't you know anybody? Don't you trust anybody? Or do you think that everyone is always lying or delusional? Or is it just everyone who disagrees with you, or says something that you don't want to hear?

There were times when I would actually converse with "them" through her. She kept trying to get me to want to meet them, but I refused. I wanted nothing to do with them other than to prove to her that they were demonic/nephilim. So I would ask her questions to pass onto them and she would retrieve answers, and though they were very "enlightened", they gave the wrong answer...about Jesus. I also experienced missing time when I was with her one evening...which troubled me at first, and though I still can't explain it, I trust God and know that He's doing something good, even if I don't understand it...He protects me I know.

Anyway, you're talking to someone who's fallen into a trance-like state while the Holy Spirit wrote poetry through her...what do you expect? I'm open-minded ok? I've experienced way too much not to be...and thank God.
lori claims:

As a matter of fact, about 6 years ago, I met a woman out here on this forum who was an abductee...had been since she was a child. She didn't tell anyone that out here. We argued about everything

Really? What was your userid then? Is lori_7 a sock-puppet?
There were times when I would actually converse with "them" through her.

A pair of looney-tunes, you are.

Birds of a feather...
It was Lori.

A sock-puppet? Huh? Like an alias, or alter-identity? No. I'm not that creative...I wouldn't see the point of such a thing.

I took a hiatus, and had trouble logging on when I came back so I re-registered.
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(Q) said:
There were times when I would actually converse with "them" through her.

A pair of looney-tunes, you are.

Birds of a feather...

This interaction with her confirmed for me through experience, what God had already told me about the abduction phenomenon...that it was a spiritual phenomenon, a demonic one, and would support the rise of the false prophet and implement the mark of the beast, which is a genetic alteration.

She hated me when I came out here screaming Jesus saves, and aliens are demonic. And even though we became friends, she still to this day doesn't believe me about either. But we talked for years, and though we beat a dead horse, we definitely found out what we needed to know.

Ah yes, I read some of your posts - it appears everyone has been calling you a looney for years, and you are still re-hashing the same old tired arguments.

(Q) said:

Ah yes, I read some of your posts - it appears everyone has been calling you a looney for years, and you are still re-hashing the same old tired arguments.


Your welcome. God is's nice. I've learned a hell of a lot from visiting this place, and from getting to know good friends that I've met here.
we definitely found out what we needed to know.

As I have, too. thanks.
She's one of my best friends. We talked about it and many other things for years.

While that's certainly nice, it isn't an adequate method with which to establish validity.

The details that she's just way too much to make up...impossible even.

So.. it is impossible, in your opinion, for someone to make up a highly detailed story?

And why would she?

There are many reasons that people make things up - and that's made even worse thanks to the internet where people can maintain anonymity and cannot really be subjected to any proper testing procedures. I wont list reasons because there's far too many, but it could range from simple things such as wanting attention to more complex things like getting raped.

See, delusions don't make sense...they're irrational...illogical...and they're not "shared"

I would disagree.

How can all of these abductees be having the same "delusion"?

Well, the basics are generally the same but I wouldn't go so far as to call it the 'same delusion'. However, abduction cases are quite common amongst rape victims.. It's like a creation of the brain to somehow remove guilt from the victim, (it's an unfortunate thing but victims do very often feel guilty for the crimes they have suffered). The whole struggling but unable to move, an unidentifiable face looking down at you while it administers violating tests etc.

And what she testified to, just as what I testify to, has everything to do with Revelation prophecy.

Flying dragons, stars falling onto the earth and warring babylonians?

Don't you know anybody?

I know people.

Don't you trust anybody?

Certainly, but I do also recognise that people can and sometimes do suffer from delusions and things they believe to be true that are not. I also understand that people can make things up - for a whole host of reasons, and the majority will vastly exaggerate a personal experience they have had.

Fortunately the people I mix with in my social life don't generally have any accounts regarding space dwelling entities or anything else of such nature.

Or do you think that everyone is always lying or delusional?

Not at all, although unknown people on the other side of the world with a keyboard talking about abduction experiences will always instantly have slightly less credibility than a face to face discussion about alien abduction.

Or is it just everyone who disagrees with you

Disagreeing with me is more than fine. But here's the thing.. If you make a claim to something, (and that claim is true), then testing that claim wont do any harm so what is the problem? But you can't in all honesty expect everyone, or anyone, to just instantly believe you when you say you were taken up into a nephilim mothership, flew around the galaxy a few times and had your womb extracted.

What makes me raise an eyebrow is that you seemingly just accepted her story as true, over the internet, merely on the basis that you both like each other. Being friends does not in any way establish grounds of validity, and yet you seemingly just took her word for it and now classify it as reality for no good reason other than "she's a nice girl".

Would you look at it the same if she said she got teleported to some room where odin, marduk and allah were having Sunday lunch, and they told her the key to salvation was to kill christians?

So having said that Lori, " it just everyone who disagrees with you, or says something that you don't want to hear?"

I treat every claim in the same manner. You on the other hand only seemingly trust this 'online friend' of yours only because, in your own words, "And what she testified to, just as what I testify to, has everything to do with Revelation prophecy". If it was anything else that you don't personally 'testify to', I bet you wouldn't have even given her the time of day. Do you state otherwise?

There were times when I would actually converse with "them" through her.

You held hands and listened for voices? What did 'they' say exactly? What kind of accent did they have? Did they say 'tomarto' or 'tomayto'? How many were you speaking to at the same time? Do they have names?

Aside from the 'tomato' one, these are all important questions.

She kept trying to get me to want to meet them, but I refused. I wanted nothing to do with them other than to prove to her that they were demonic/nephilim.

What made you assume they were demonic? Was your friend displaying signs of madness having met them? You say "prove", but then she met them, you didn't.. so surely, (based upon your speech of 'trust'), you should have taken her word for it instead of trying to put her against what she has experienced and you haven't.

So I would ask her questions to pass onto them and she would retrieve answers

You said you conversed with them, why couldn't you have asked them?

and though they were very "enlightened", they gave the wrong answer...about Jesus

Being aliens, there's no reason they'd know the slightest thing about jesus.. he's just an ancient jew mentioned in one old tatty book. I bet they're sitting on their planet right now calling you lot demonic because you've never heard of wekwjbcbekwbwkab.

I also experienced missing time when I was with her one evening...

Yeah man that's freaky shit. I experience it all the time. One day I was having great fun and an hour passed in like 10 seconds. It was really weird.. Then there was that day where I was bored out of my balls waiting to see a doctor and an hour took 3 hours to pass.

Anyway, you're talking to someone who's fallen into a trance-like state while the Holy Spirit wrote poetry through her...what do you expect?

No but I can understand that.. The holy spirit doesn't have any hands, so it's gotta find some way of writing poems... lol.