Catholics miraculously saved from inferno of Death-Science!

Interesting site. Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Another testament to the mind numbing hubris and idiocy of humans in general. People suck.
Lawdog said:
MIRACLE LINK: CAUTION, filled with catholic stuff...

Utterly retarded. This is a great example of "I can't explain it, therefore 'God'
did it". Here is some data showing that it's not only believers whom can
survive close proximity to Atom Bomb detonation relatively unharmed:

FROM: Energy Citation Database

and here is a fun little quote that you don't want to miss:

There was no significant change in the blood and bone marrow other than a tendency to a higher incidence of either anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, or their combination, particularly in those who had been exposed at a small distance from the hypocenter.
And this one:

...almost all the survivors had some complaints such as anxiety, a feeling that their lives were hopeless, and fear of A-bomb effects on their descendants.

Can't understand why. Get over it already. It was just an atomic bomb that detonated over your head, killed all your relatives, and wiped out everything you knew since childhood. Quit your whining.
lawdog rules. He really honestly tries his hardest to sound and look as ignorant and stupid as possible
superluminal said:
And this one:

Can't understand why. Get over it already. It was just an atomic bomb that detonated over your head, killed all your relatives, and wiped out everything you knew since childhood. Quit your whining.


superluminal said:
That's the most laughable representation of an ancient middle eastern woman and child I've ever seen. Wait I forgot. Mary was a blond, blue-eyed caucasion of nordic descent. Right. And god must look suprisingly like that too! Look at the baby's hair. All blond and curly. So cute! Look! He's got daddy's feet!


Q; you must have Faith.
We believe that there is but One True God.
Nice. So you believe that all those saved believed in the " One True God" you believe in? What about all the others who were "saved" or more correctly, survived, who do not believe in your version of the "One True God"? Nice to see they don't get a mention in that article. But then again that would put a dampener on the notion of a 'miracle' now wouldn't it? Mentioning the other survivors of other faiths and beliefs would only portray that that the believers of the "One True God" were merely survivors like everyone else.


Atomic Jesuit? You make it sound like he glows in the dark like some comic book figure...

That site gives the interview of a priest who survived the blast and his description of the horror during and after the bomb was dropped. Did you even read the completed text version of the interview with Father John Siemes? There are countless other such survival stories Lawdog. The fact that he was a priest does not make him any more special than the other survivors.

There are about 3000 living survivors of Hiroshima, including a man 550 meters from ground zero (300 or so meters closer than your Catholic). Most of whom, I would gamble, are not Christian. One survivor (now dead) was a Catholic. BTW, he only lived to 63 years old which is rather young these days. I would also gamble that a proper autopsy would have indicated radiation caused illness was the cause of death.

I'm not sure I see your point.

To question your beliefs.

I don't have any beliefs because I don't need to believe. It is a major fundamental difference between you, theists and me.

This self starts to sound pretty much like God, doesn't it?

YOUR version of the self and YOUR version of god sound the same. However, it does not sound like anything I've ever heard before.
"I don't have any beliefs"...that's funny...are you alive?

Certainly you must believe that if you type on your keyboard and then press enter that you will make a post. There, that's something to start with. Do you believe that your mom is really who she says she is? What about gravity...or would you be so inclined as to take a running leap off of a 50 story building?
(Q) said:
YOUR version of the self and YOUR version of god sound the same. However, it does not sound like anything I've ever heard before.

Cool. You still haven't understood that it is impossible for me to talk about something else than my own thoughts.
Lori_7 said:
"I don't have any beliefs"...that's funny...are you alive?

Certainly you must believe that if you type on your keyboard and then press enter that you will make a post. There, that's something to start with. Do you believe that your mom is really who she says she is? What about gravity...or would you be so inclined as to take a running leap off of a 50 story building?

belief suggests faith in something that cannot be proven
You mean in something that hasn't been proven to you. My faith is trust in something that I know.
kenworth said:
belief suggests faith in something that cannot be proven

nothing can ever be proven, you can only make things sound rational. besides, you don't have to prove selfevident things like your own existence.
Yorda: nothing can ever be proven, you can only make things sound rational. besides, you don't have to prove selfevident things like your own existence.
M*W: As I've said, science cannot prove what IS, science can only prove what ISN'T.
M*W: As I've said, science cannot prove what IS, science can only prove what ISN'T.
Yorda: Science, like everything else, offers just temporary ideas, which take us from one relevant concept to the next. Truth, any truth, is relative to where we happen to be at any given point on this life of ours.
Yorda said:
nothing can ever be proven, you can only make things sound rational. besides, you don't have to prove selfevident things like your own existence.

assuming that we exist things can be proven.
Certainly you must believe that if you type on your keyboard and then press enter that you will make a post. There, that's something to start with. Do you believe that your mom is really who she says she is? What about gravity...or would you be so inclined as to take a running leap off of a 50 story building?

These are not 'beliefs' in the context that Q was probably getting at.

Everytime I push the 'f' button, an 'f' appears on the screen.. Look: ffffffffffff

The last 300,000 'f' presses have all resulted in an 'f' being displayed on the screen. The same goes for every other key. Whenever I press the 'post quick reply' button, whatever I have typed in this box ends up on the forum. It is backed up by so much undeniable evidence that only a fool would think it would do otherwise.

It will most likely eventually break - and thus I will have to buy a new keyboard, but again the evidence would suggest that the next keyboard will do exactly the same as this one does.

The same is true of your other examples, but not for things like fairies, mermaids, gods and demons which have no evidence and no good reason to believe they are anything other than the creation of men.