Catholics miraculously saved from inferno of Death-Science!

First of all:


That's the most laughable representation of an ancient middle eastern woman and child I've ever seen. Wait I forgot. Mary was a blond, blue-eyed caucasion of nordic descent. Right. And god must look suprisingly like that too! Look at the baby's hair. All blond and curly. So cute! Look! He's got daddy's feet!

That picture embodies the complete gullability and stupidity of 99.9% of christians. Idiots.

Now, the article (clearly written to impress idiots) relates a few stories. How nice. Where are the statistics that show the ratio dead/alive of professed catholics, christians of other denominations, shintoists, buddhists, muslims, atheists, etc. that would clearly demonstrate that a catholic miracle occurred? Hmm?

superluminal said:
That's the most laughable representation of an ancient middle eastern woman and child I've ever seen. Wait I forgot. Mary was a blond, blue-eyed caucasion of nordic descent. Right. And god must look suprisingly like that too! Look at the baby's hair. All blond and curly. So cute! Look! He's got daddy's feet!

I haven't laughed that hard in a while...thanks. :)
Ignorance of the ONE TRUE FAITH is no excuse for attacking it.

The Virgin and Child are a caucasian/european representation.
Many races and cultures depict the Virgin in a way that is familiar to each, and this is pleasing to God.

You claim to be rational and tolerant, but exclude Catholicism and mock our cultus.

Why is it so difficult for you to see/ accept God as a baby?

...and this is pleasing to God.

He told you that showing Jesus and mom as nordic icons or dark skinned sub-saharans was A-Ok? God promotes deception and lies? We already knew that...
superluminal said:
That's the most laughable representation of an ancient middle eastern woman and child I've ever seen. Wait I forgot. Mary was a blond, blue-eyed caucasion of nordic descent. Right. And god must look suprisingly like that too! Look at the baby's hair. All blond and curly. So cute! Look! He's got daddy's feet!

It's probably not so important what Jesus or Mary looked like physically.

I think many people still need to give God physical attributes which are similar to themselves, like a body and personality for example, so that they can relate and feel more familiarity with "him".

For example, if Jesus was pictured as a "black" man, white people couldn't have easily felt the same relationship with him.

You claim to be rational and tolerant, but exclude Catholicism and mock our cultus.

I am rational, and I never claimed tolerance for willful stupidity. Your cultus is a joke of monumental proportions and a great human tragedy.

If it were a true miracle, everyone would have been saved, not just a small group of aryans.

It reminds me of the woman who lay buried for hours under the rubble of WTC and when finally rescued claimed Paul had saved her, although no such person was present. Of course, she took this as a divine sign, and became a fervent theist as she now believes the apostle Paul did in fact save her.

As yet though, there is no word from Paul as to why he allowed thousands of others to perish.
Faith in what?

That when it comes to human tragedies, your gods will decide to save only a small group or individual and leave the rest to die horribly? And if all those who perished also prayed to be saved and were devout to their religions, should they have had faith as well?

Chance circumstance is far more credible than devine intervention, or lack thereof.
And you have most certainly provided ample sermons to that end, lest we forget.

It's the means in which you have a problem communicating.
Do not concern yourself with me, but look for answers from God by studying scripture and praying, and of course, finding ample evidence of the Truth in creation which sound science provides.
lawdog: how can we study scriptures and look for answers from a god, when these things dont exist to us, I may as well ask the walls in my house to paint themselves, it makes about as much sense.
Scriptures are fables, praying is pointless and science finds no evidence for creation.

And if I made a point to concern myself with you, it would only be pause to reflect on those who stood upon soap boxes in Hyde Park.
(Q) said:
Scriptures are fables, praying is pointless and science finds no evidence for creation.

If the world is not created, how can it exist? Creation (cause) is necessary for something to be (effect), right?

You keep saying we don't exist, that everything is in your mind. Why would you ask such a question?
(Q) said:
You keep saying we don't exist, that everything is in your mind. Why would you ask such a question?

To question your beliefs. I believe the material world is an "illusion", but even the visual illusion must have been caused by something.

But I don't think you have understand me when I said that "you don't exist". You do exist, it's just that none of us are not individuals, but we parts of one single self. There is only one being, and every human, every animal, every plant and also every heavenly body, all the suns, all the planets are just tools for this self to express itself. The same self talks through "me" (body) as it talks through you and all other living beings.

The difference is that all living things do not know their self completely. So neither can they express all the properties of the self.

Yorda, which you think is 'me', is just a tool, which expresses an aspect of the self whichever happens to be necessary.

This self starts to sound pretty much like God, doesn't it?
Lapdog: Ignorance of the ONE TRUE FAITH is no excuse for attacking it.
M*W: I studied for years about the ONE TRUE FAITH. I taught many people about the ONE TRUE FAITH. I lived and breathed the ONE TRUE FAITH. Then I learned the ONE TRUE FAITH I had given my life to had lied. Not only to me, but to billions of people! Your ONE TRUE FAITH does not exist.
Lapdog: The Virgin and Child are a caucasian/european representation. Many races and cultures depict the Virgin in a way that is familiar to each, and this is pleasing to God.
M*W: How do you know it is "pleasing to God?" Do you have evidence to support this? I didn't think so.
Lapdog: You claim to be rational and tolerant, but exclude Catholicism and mock our cultus.
M*W: And a cultus it is.
Lapdog: Why is it so difficult for you to see/accept God as a baby?
M*W: God never existed much less as a baby. Jesus never existed much less as a baby. Why do you come up with this nonsense? You are preaching to an atheist choir. Instead of trying to convert us with your fascist rantings to the religion of doom, it would serve you well to read a few scientifically researched books on the subject.