Catcalling -- creepy or a compliment?

Do you like catcalling?(ladies only)

  • Yes, it is a compliment

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • No, it is objectification

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Other opinion (post it)

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That's right. If it bothers women SO MUCH when they get catcalled, then it is only sensible not to dress in a sexually provocative manner. Granted, they might still get heckled by assholes. But at least not dressing like a skank decreases your chances.

Still not catching on? Or is this your little hacker?

Okay. It seems you are having a slow morning. The only way for a woman or a man to decrease their chances of being harassed by others on the street in such a manner is to either cease to exist as their particular sex or never leave their homes. Neither of which are viable options.

And how exactly does one dress like a "skank"? If your mother gets harassed in such a fashion, will you tell her to not dress like a skank?

I mean, if you dress in a sexually provocative manner, is it any surprise that you get the sexual attention of the opposite gender (and some homosexuals)? That applies for both males and females. Granted, assholes should restrain themselves, but who are you kidding? If you hate being exposed to such behaviour so much, why go out of your way to put yourself in that situation?

Honestly, do you ever leave your house? A woman can be dressed in anyway and she'll still get harassed and catcalls. The same goes for men. Is it too much to ask that people have some form of self control?

Pray tell, how do you propose we put ourselves out of the situation? Magically teleport to work, the store, etc, so that we aren't seen in the public eye? Or as Tiassa said earlier, wear a burka?

The onus is not on the men and women who have to deal with this kind of behaviour. The onus is and will remain on the idiotic cavemen and women in society who think it is acceptable to harass others in that fashion, to not do so.

So please MH, stop being so god damn moronic. \
The only way for a woman or a man to decrease their chances of being harassed by others on the street in such a manner is to either cease to exist as their particular sex or never leave their homes.

No, that pretty much eliminates your chances of being sexually harassed. But it's not practical.

Neither of which are viable options.

But not dressing in slutty attire is a viable option. If catcalling bothers a woman, and not dressing in slutty attire decreases the likelihood of her being subjected to catcalling, doesn't it make sense for that woman to dress more conservatively?

And how exactly does one dress like a "skank"?

Come on Bells. I'm sure even you've seen women who are dressed in such a fashion that you go "Whoa, wtf are they thinking?" Girls who wear low cut blouses and mini-skirts... in winter. Their breasts bulging out, maybe even some pubic hairs showing. Granted, that's at the extreme end, but you can usually distinguish between "Normal" and attire which screams "Fuck me now!".

If your mother gets harassed in such a fashion, will you tell her to not dress like a skank?

My mother doesn't dress like a skank, so your point is moot. I don't dress like a skank either, although ironically I was subjected to catcalls by a group of girls. Oh well, at least I haven't been anally penetrated by any homos.

Honestly, do you ever leave your house?

Yep. But I make an effort not to go into the city centre, or any of the rougher train stations for that matter, late at night. One of my old (male) uni friends also made a point of walking together, so that we wouldn't get mugged.

Precautions, Bells, precautions.

A woman can be dressed in anyway and she'll still get harassed and catcalls.

And I might be sitting peacefully in my house, when a criminal bursts in and beats the shit out of me. That doesn't mean that I'm going to go "Oh well, fuck it, I might as well just walk down that dark alley." I don't want to get raped/bashed/harassed, so I take reasonable precautions to avoid such dilemmas.

Is it too much to ask that people have some form of self control?

Yes. That's why you need to take your life into your own hands. Again, rapists should always be brought to justice, but I'm still not walking down that dark, seedy alleyway.

Pray tell, how do you propose we put ourselves out of the situation? Magically teleport to work, the store, etc, so that we aren't seen in the public eye? Or as Tiassa said earlier, wear a burka?

Dress in an appropriate manner. If women don't want to do that, fine. It's their choice. But if they dress like sluts, and then get wolf-whistled and jeered at by horny idiotic men, they shouldn't go "Who, me? What did I do?" Reminds me of one episode of Jerry Springer, where a woman got augmented her normal sized breasts into gigantic melons, and then bitched that all the guys were ogling them and making 'lewd' comments. Hah!

The onus is not on the men and women who have to deal with this kind of behaviour. The onus is and will remain on the idiotic cavemen and women in society who think it is acceptable to harass others in that fashion, to not do so.

In theory, maybe. In practice, not everyone is going to act decently. So you need to take matters into your own hands.
(Insert title here)

I think part of the problem is a fundamental difference between men and women that I've addressed before, although the response was, admittedly, dubious.

The sexual act is fundamentally different for men and women. That difference is simply "enter" and "receive".

The difference here becomes relevant according to a punch line: What, do these construction workers think a woman is going to say to herself, Well, normally I don't, but ...

Anyone care to speculate on how often sexual harassment actually gets a guy laid?

Lepustimidus said:

I don't dress like a skank either, although ironically I was subjected to catcalls by a group of girls.

There are a couple of functional problems about this point. What was the nature of this harassment? To what degree did the catcalling offend or demean? (How did it make you feel?) After we resolve these points, we are left to consider how often a man is subject to such behavior.

Because misogyny is pervasive. Sometimes it seems this point is forgotten.

Oh well, at least I haven't been anally penetrated by any homos.

So you've only been anally penetrated by hets?

Er ... never mind.

To the other, though, I would suggest that you give it a try. Twice. That's an old saying in my circle: "I'll try anything twice; once to say I did it, and again to see if I like it." Of course, I guarantee you that for most of the people I've known who would say that, getting properly reamed is not actually on the list of "anything".

The point is that once you know what you're dealing with on that count, try living in a world where you can't even buy milk at the grocery store without someone suggesting you need their penis inside your body. Everywhere you go, everything you do, there's always someone hinting, cajoling, or otherwise proposing that you let them fuck you. Try being the only one in the office who is never addressed by your proper name. Nobody ever called me "sweetheart" or "hon" or "babe" at the office except maybe one friend of mine in the middle of some hilarious conversation about ... hell, I don't remember ... while smoking cigarettes in the garage below the building.

So you can't go to work without someone trying to bone you on the way to work, at work, or on your way home from work. You can't go to the store without hearing it. And, apparently, you certainly can't expect to go out for a night on the town and be treated decently.

When it's someone else's penis and your ass or mouth, I promise you'll get sick of it real quick. I would say something about 24/7, but I don't think you'd last seven days without complaining. I know I wouldn't, and I'm one who enjoys getting shagged brainless.

The broader point, Lepus, is that there are no precautions a woman can take that will put an end to this behavior. Hell, I saw a woman today who was dressed from shoulder to calf, and there's no doubt about it: the only precautions she might be able to take are surgical breast reduction and maybe the attachment of horns and a tail. And no, her eyes weren't the greatest, and I wouldn't want to wake up next to that face, but if I have to give you the punch line on that one ....

(Anyone? Anyone?)
Tiassa, you are aware that I have evolved defensive mechanisms which kick in when I lay my eyes on one of your posts, right? I'm serious, my eyes just glaze over when I'm subjected to your waffle.

For the love of Christ, can't you at least put a three or four line summary at the end?
First you guys have a lot of time for even starting this thread. Where I live catcalling is as usual as tax. Women like it, any woman that says she doesn't is lying or just not in a good mood. You have to be a nutter to not appreciate compliment. If some dude says you have nice breasts, you probably have nice breasts or you have no business wearing that low rider blouse. Men aren't really that different from women. Age is one of the things that differenciates their emotional position. I 'm approcahing 30 and 30 is a bad omen age for men emotionaly...bad, bad, bad. These days after having sex I wake up in the morning crying and feeling emotional, meanwhile the girl wakes up, goes to the bathroom, smokes a cigarrete, slaps me silly a bit, and jumps off to work. I'm still there in bed naked and wondering where our relationship is going. But then the tide turns again when you are 40, men become men again and women start feeling emotional, partly because of their fading appearance and potential. I hear at 50 its almost pretty much balanced for the two. Then after 60 the man becomes even more aggressive, this includes insatiable bittterness and dramatic disremorse (basicaly an evil construct of some kind), while women become even more astronomical emotional and creepily nice, especially if they have grandkids. Women, catcalling is a compliment, think of it as tax for looking so good. There are lots of low lives out there, so you are going to get lowlife-type catcalls, but please don't be discouraged, he probably hasn't had sex since forever, plus you are only increasing our libido.
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First you guys have a lot of time for even starting this thread. Where I live catcalling is as usual as tax. Women like it, any woman that says she doesn't is lying or just not in a good mood. You have to be a nutter to not appreciate compliment. If some dude says you have nice breasts, you probably have nice breasts or you have no business wearing that low rider blouse. Men aren't really that different from women. Age is one of the things that differenciates their emotional position. I 'm approcahing 30 and 30 is a bad omen age for men emotionaly...bad, bad, bad. These days after having sex I wake up in the morning crying and feeling emotional, meanwhile the girl wakes up, goes to the bathroom, smokes a cigarrete, slaps me silly a bit, and jumps off to work without saying a word. I'm still there in bed naked and wondering where our relationship is going. But then the tide turns again when you are 40, men become men again and women start feeling emotional, partly because of their fading appearance and potential. I hear at 50 its almost pretty much balanced for the two. Then after 60 the man becomes even more aggressive, this includes insatiable bittterness and dramatic disremorse (basicaly an evil construct of some kind), while women become even more astronomical emotional and creepily nice, especially if they have grandkids.

My god. Where do you live that women's good appearance holds out till 40?
it starts to fade at that age, I never said it fades at that age. Plus I was talking about their emotional state really.
What if it's a brutally hot summer and you have to wear brief clothing to keep cool? Does that count as being slutty and asking for it?
I once had some guy old enough to be my grandfather tell me that he "would just love to lick my pussy". That is not a compliment!!! That is creepy and gross. What does he think I'm going to say back? "Oh, okay, go for it grandaddy"? The point is, you never know whats going to offend people. A whistle and a wave might be fine to some and not to others. A creepy stranger on the street tells you he wants to lick your pussy...well I'd like to see the girl who enjoys hearing that. Catcalling is done at you own risk because you never know when your going to piss off the wrong person and end up hurt, in jail, or up against sexual harrassment charges.
I once had some guy old enough to be my grandfather tell me that he "would just love to lick my pussy". That is not a compliment!!! That is creepy and gross. What does he think I'm going to say back? "Oh, okay, go for it grandaddy"? The point is, you never know whats going to offend people. A whistle and a wave might be fine to some and not to others. A creepy stranger on the street tells you he wants to lick your pussy...well I'd like to see the girl who enjoys hearing that. Catcalling is done at you own risk because you never know when your going to piss off the wrong person and end up hurt, in jail, or up against sexual harrassment charges.

So, how could a greepy old man have reworded it to be more flattering?
Women shouldn't dress like sex-hungry sluts if they can't stand the cat-calls from ball-scratchin', joint-blazin' construction workers.

Know what's interesting? Never in my life have I seen a conservatively dressed woman, no matter how good looking, the target of these calls and whistles. However, the instant somebody with a short skirt walks along, people start making these cat-calls.

Moral of the story? If you don't want to be treated like a slut, then don't dress like one.

I have to disagree with you on this. Although I love my body and I'm not ashamed of it in the slightest. The way I dress is very reserved. Like jeans and sweatshirts all the time, or when I go to work I have to dress very professionally, so there is no room for me to show much skin regardless of the weather outside and I still get a lot of cat calls. I usually ignore it, but I still get a ego boost from it. Sometimes guys get on my nerves, but for the most part I feel like its a back handed compliment in a way.
I really cannot comprehend the women who get an "ego boost" from being reduced to a sex object by complete strangers.