Case: c20 vs Atheists

Thought this might help everyone ...

tol·er·ance ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tlr-ns)
The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.

Leeway for variation from a standard.
The permissible deviation from a specified value of a structural dimension, often expressed as a percent.
The capacity to endure hardship or pain.


You see tolerance tolerates the practises as well as beliefs. I tolerate you. But that's all it is. Tolerance. I cannot agree with you. I can only bear you. Give you leeway to practise the things you practise. I must not be told to like the things you do. The moment you do that you are imposing your will on me which of course will never be tolerated in a system of free will.
You preach freedom for homosexuals and the like. I preach the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ. I will tolerate your preaching. You tolerate mine. Do we still have an agreement?


c20H25N3o said:
You see tolerance tolerates the practises as well as beliefs. I tolerate you. But that's all it is. Tolerance. I cannot agree with you. I can only bear you. Give you leeway to practise the things you practise. I must not be told to like the things you do. The moment you do that you are imposing your will on me which of course will never be tolerated in a system of free will.
You preach freedom for homosexuals and the like. I preach the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ. I will tolerate your preaching. You tolerate mine. Do we still have an agreement?


How rich of you c20. You don't tolerate c20, you judge and you try to convert. While you continue to judge others and refer to them as being disgusting, abhorrent, evil, don't expect others to be tolerant of you or your beliefs. Call it the defense mechanism that is built in all creatures. You preach the death and ressurection of Christ, yet you refer to others as being abhorrent and all the rest of the vile things you've said in the past. Do you not see the irony in that?

You preach about a system of free will, but won't allow it for certain groups in society. Have I asked you to like homosexuals? No, I merely asked that they be afforded the same rights as everyone else, including you. Is my saying that we should all be free to be who we are imposing my will on you? As I said to you before c20, tolerance begets tolerance. It works both ways.

You wish to preach to us, we will preach to you. You continue to judge others in the manner that you have been doing, then you too shall be judged. It's a two way street.
c20H25N3o said:
Thought this might help everyone ...

tol·er·ance ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tlr-ns)

The capacity to endure hardship or pain.


Curious that in your whining and moaning you forgot this part of the definition.
Why ban anyone?
It is a discussion forum and he is saying what he believes. Preaching or not, you can decide not to listen or agree.

It is always interesting to keep an open mind and see what others think. You can sometimes get a new prospect that you have never thought or will never think of.
Even if here comes a Satan worshipper, it will be interesting to know his beliefs.

Edit: typo fix
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Look, C2O, all the people here are asking for is for you to debate without preaching. As someone said (I cannot remember who) we do not want to be converted, the same way you do not want to be friends with any homosexuals. WE state our point, you state a counter-point that does not consist of hate or conversion tactics. Do you understand why people are upset? I don't necessarily think that you should be banned, but I think that now that this has been brought to your attention (with your prodding) you should cut it out. Nobody likes to hear a hate-filled or biggoted message, it simply dows not go along with what you are preaching yourself. If people want to be converted, they will notice a message in your post, or the way that you are so devoted to this, and will have to find it on their own. You can walk with them, but you cannot force them to walk.

"You cannot lead a horse to water and make him drink, but you can lead a horse to water and make him awfully thirsty." Try that approach, and I bet you will be quite a bit more respected, and a lot more successful.

Best of wishes.
§outh§tar said:
Not every road has two ways.

Jesus speaks in Matthew 7:13, "enter ye in by the narrow gate:
for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to
destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby."

It really is that cut and dry. Black and white. Like text on a page.
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c20H25N3o said:
Jesus speaks in Matthew 7:13, "enter ye in by the narrow gate:
for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to
destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby."

It really is that cut and dry. Black and white. Like text on a page.

In Deut 21:20-21 it says that you should kill unruly or rebellious children.

In Num 31:17, Deut 20:13, Psalm 137:9, and Lev 26:29 it says you should kill the children and babies of enemies.

In Ex 35:2 it says you should kill anybody who works on a Sunday.

AND (before the "But thats OT" BS gets pulled out)

In Matt 5:17-19 it says that all the OT laws still apply in the NT.

It really is that cut and dry. Black and white. Like text on a page . . . oh wait, it *IS* text on a page! :)
c20H25N3o: Jesus speaks in Matthew 7:13, "enter ye in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby."

It really is that cut and dry. Black and white. Like text on a page.
M*W: Biblical scholars don't know who actually wrote the Gospel of Matthew, but for this moment, let's assume Matthew transcribed what Paul dictated to him about the Jesus he never knew. No one truly knows what Jesus may have said, because Paul created the mythology of christianity. The 'narrow gate' that Paul had Matthew write was he, himself -- Paul. Paul was the 'narrow gate' he convinced people to enter in. It's not as cut-and-dried as you believe. Have you ever read a periodical called Biblical Archeology Review? This journal reports the research of biblical scholars.
Really? Cool. So since it says in Deut. 17:6 that we should kill anybody who is accused by at least two people of wickedness . . . my friend and I can go around town and do a little ''clean up''? :)

(I'm kidding of course BTW)
"enter ye in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby."

Let me break it down.

Here is a voice that is for you undeniably...

Ghost Friend said:
enter ye in by the narrow gate:

... it seems to be a life and death decision giving voice advising you to take the narrow gate whatever that might be.

Ghost Friend said:
for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction

I was right! The wide gate, for which the path seems to be widely traveled (broad is the way), leads to destruction!

Destruction sounds nasty. How do I avoid destruction? Err... narrow gate stupid! What the flip is a narrow gate? What the hell is this voice on about?

Now I am panicking. How the hell do I avoid destruction? Well I am not convinced that I am not destroyed so I must be on the wide path thing. Dang! Help! What am I to do?

Then I start to think "I need eternal life here"

Then I start to remember I am reading the bible.

Then I ask God

Then He says "My grace is sufficient for thee"

Then I rest.

Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear and was grace my heart relieved.

Then I have a whole heap of questions of God. Then the Spirit of God takes me to high places where I see more clearly though still very dimly. I crave the fruits of the spirit. My life is being transformed.

The unspiritual man does not receive the gifts of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. The spiritual man judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. "For who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct Him?" But we have the mind of Christ. {1 Cor 2:14-16 RSV}