Case: c20 vs Atheists

anonymous2 said:
Lori, here's the point though. You think it's not in a negative way that demeans others, because you believe in the Bible, right? So if C20 calls people a "brood of vipers", it's fine to you, isn't it? But to those who don't believe in the Bible, it can be offensive. You can understand this, right?

You know what? I read this thread and guess what I'd call it...yep, an f'ing brood of f'ing vipers. I call it like I see it. You people have a problem with honesty? You don't like being called a viper? Don't be one.
anonymous2 said:
Lori, here's the point though. You think it's not in a negative way that demeans others, because you believe in the Bible, right? So if C20 calls people a "brood of vipers", it's fine to you, isn't it? But to those who don't believe in the Bible, it can be offensive. You can understand this, right?

And who are "you people"? Are you including me in that? Have I attacked him? Just wondering why you don't put your language in more specific terms, unless you are including me. Are you? Didn't I defend him? While also defending a non-Christian viewpoint?

No, I'm not including you...I'm speaking generally to those who know who they are.
Lori_7 said:
You know what? I read this thread and guess what I'd call it...yep, an f'ing brood of f'ing vipers. I call it like I see it. You people have a problem with honesty? You don't like being called a viper? Don't be one.

I don't have a problem with honesty. I have a problem with incorrect honesty though. Read it again if you wish. Ask C20 if he considers my attitude toward him to be "viperous". Ask him. I'm curious what he'll say. If he thinks that, then fine.
My problem with this whole thing is not so much what anyone has done or not done, or said or not said, or that rules have been followed or not. My problem is the outrageous hypocrisy on the part of many....accusing him of doing the very same thing that they themselves do on a regular basis. The only reason the "rules" were ever brought out was because they didn't like what he was saying, not how he was saying it, or the format within which he was saying it. And I thought that religious people were hypocrits...they have nothing on some of you out here. I thought that it was the churchies that loved to point their fingers in judgement? I see that they don't have that market cornered like I thought they did after all.
Lori_7 said:
You know what it is that you people want? A Christian-bashing forum. Well then, rest assured because that is exactly what you have. Congratulations. You win. you win? Maybe you should ask yourselves what the prize is.
On the contrary, most of us want a forum where religion can be discussed in a calm rational manner, sans preaching.

I could cite where every one of the "accusers" have repeatedly, and I mean repeatedly as in almost every time they post, broken the "preaching rules" that they are accusing c2o of breaking. It's not that c2o isn't answering their's that they don't like his answers...plain and simple. And that my friends amounts to no crime on his part...just poor taste on your part.
So we all quote the bible and tell people how they are wrong according to what the bible teaches? And Lori, I commend you for defending c20, but you must accept the fact that he repeatedly does not answer questions. Any question that he faces in regards to his beliefs, that he knows if he answers truthfully will contradict those teachings, he does not answer. He's not the only one who does it and he won't be the last. If we don't like his answers when he actually answers a question, we tell him so, and what do we get in return? Instead of a rational answer, we are preached to. We do not wish to be converted Lori.

He doesn't? He is the same individual who called homosexuals abhorrent and disgusting is he not? Regardless of the fact that homosexuals were also taking part in that discussion. You don't consider that to be negative or demeaning? And when it's turned on him, he cries foul.

What he does is expresses the way that he feels and what he believes, and he does so in a mild-mannered and humble way...
Yes, telling others that they are evil, disgusting, abhorrent, blood of vipers, etc, so humble and mild-mannered. :rolleyes:

AND has as a reference The Holy Bible and Jesus Christ. There are no more well-known nor widely accepted references available. This is a witch-hunt. And you point your fingers at the people are worse!
I don't consider the bible or Christ to be widely accepted references.

And Lori, you forget who started this so called witch hunt. It was c20 himself who started this thread and instigated all this hoopla. It was he who decided to be a martyr, no one forced him to start this thread.

You know what? I read this thread and guess what I'd call it...yep, an f'ing brood of f'ing vipers. I call it like I see it. You people have a problem with honesty? You don't like being called a viper? Don't be one.
Again, it was c20 who started this thread. That would make him the biggest viper of the lot, wouldn't you say?

No, I'm not including you...I'm speaking generally to those who know who they are.
Yes I know who I am, but thank you for reminding me.

The only reason the "rules" were ever brought out was because they didn't like what he was saying, not how he was saying it, or the format within which he was saying it.
Yes, we don't like being preached to. That's the whole point of this thread.
My accusers are right. I am a hypocrite. I profess the love of Jesus and yet I would not treat all people equally. I am a sinner. Only God is good. Jesus died for everyone. This is why I exalt Him. Pay no mind to me. I am just a man like you. A sinner like you.
I am sorry for the upset I have caused you. I am not your judge. And I am sorry.


Yo jurydudies,

In defense of c20 I must say that I don`t find him offensive or rude as much as passionate. As a self confessed wierdo, I even find him endearing. He is looking at the world through his reborn eyes and I think he is applying honesty from the unique perspective of his belief. On this forum we can choose what we read or who we debate with. Empower/Disempower, the choice is yours. He certainly comes across as "happy", and that is something this world is in serious need of.

Yeah - this whole thing is a bit out of hand. Who gives a damn what silliness he beLIEves in. "Religions change, beer and wine remain" -- he just needs to stop interjecting Babble thumping (excuse me - BIBLE thumping) cliches into every thread he belongs to in sections other than religion. He can preach away in this one, if he does it enough - maybe he'll get his own little section where he can just babble away to himself.

Anyways, even if this is one small section of the world where Xtians are being called on the carpet - so what? Here in the USA at least we live in a society where this RARELY happens - though they are so insecure and sensitive that if out of 1000 little messages/symbols one sees in a day about religion . . . just ONE is critical of it, then they think they are "persecuted'' and get this ''we are martyrs'' garbage going.

Here in America, on the streets, on TV, the Radio, in Newspapers - the ratio of pro-Christian to anti-Christian messages is 1000 to 1, at least. So if the ratio of critical thinkers is higher here on the SCI-forum, so be it. There are thousands of devoutly Xtian discussion groups on the internet for them if they want that.

Life in our anti-christian America
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C2o - Jesus too called the intellectual elite of his time vipers and hypocrites. I just have one scripture for you:
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.​
You can judge for yourself what are pearls and who is swine.
Jesus too called the intellectual elite of his time vipers and hypocrites

Ah so thats where he got the phrase from and he didn't even credit it. I believe plagiarism is not allowed round here....
"the intellectual elite of his time" What? You mean the Sanhedrin? I thought they were priests.

So if jesus is allowed to dis the local theocracy why can't we be accorded the same pleasure? (and it is a pleasure)

I'm sorry I'm trying to cut back on the viperish behaviour but I can't help myself. Never mind, I know god will forgive me even if the christians don't.

Dee Cee (callsign Viper 1) :cool:

BTW CO2 did you find god before or after you started using LSD?
David F. said:
C2o - Jesus too called the intellectual elite of his time vipers and hypocrites. I just have one scripture for you:
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.​
You can judge for yourself what are pearls and who is swine.

Hi David,

Thanks for your support. I am learning an important lesson here though.
These people are not swine. They are flesh and blood like I am. If they are swine then so am I. We are just men born of women after all. Nothing is really trampled. The text is there for all to see. For all human eyes that have an interest. The words go in. What happens after that is God's business.

your brother

c20 :m:
Ah. After. "He" found you after you started using LSD.


You do know, C20, that historically psychedelics have been used to help a variety of people/tribes/superstitions ''see'' their gods/goddesses/totems/demons and etc?

Perhaps c20 needs to be forgiven his habit of descending into raving. Timothy Leary always said you need to be sure of having a proper set, setting and guide before tripping. A few powerful trips without such . . . anything can happen to your mind. And no amount of discussion will ever dissuade him now from what he just *knows* he has seen/felt/heard.

But, we can still demand that the ravings be in proper context and place on this board.

Go figure...

I never found god with lsd. Found a hair in my mouth once but I never was able to fish the bugger out. ;)

Dee Cee
My past LSD use and my subsequent conversion to Christianity are related in the grand scheme of things yet remain unrelated in the context you would have them conjoined.


David F. said:
C2o - Jesus too called the intellectual elite of his time vipers and hypocrites. I just have one scripture for you:
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.​
You can judge for yourself what are pearls and who is swine.
Well I'd hardly call the people here the intellectual elite... :p

Dee Cee said:
Dee Cee (callsign Viper 1)
Stand in line Mr D, I think you call sign is probably Viper 5 or 6. ;)

I never found god with lsd. Found a hair in my mouth once but I never was able to fish the bugger out.
Maybe next time you should be careful to make sure that the carpet you're licking is not molting or shedding.

Ok, I've just disgusted even myself... moving right along...

c20H25N3o said:
These people are not swine. They are flesh and blood like I am. If they are swine then so am I. We are just men born of women after all.
Walk in a man's shoes before you judge them. Next time you're judge people as being blood vipers, swine, abhorrent, disgusting, etc, imagine how you'd feel if others treated you the same way. You expect tolerance, but such tolerance won't be shown until you are tolerant of others.
c20H25N3o said:
My past LSD use and my subsequent conversion to Christianity are related in the grand scheme of things yet remain unrelated in the context you would have them conjoined.

Uh huh.​

When on a nice acid trip back in College I saw a sexy ghost and she sidled up and began whispering lewd and hot promises into my ear - it too was real, and the coincidental use of LSD at the same time as the visit from the sex goddess are "related in the grand scheme of things yet remain unrelated in the context you would have them conjoined".
Bells said:
You expect tolerance, but such tolerance won't be shown until you are tolerant of others.

Have we reached a mutual agreement then?


c20 :m: