Carjacker shoots baby in face!

It does'nt matter if he had a mental illness are not, he deserves to die for what he did. We don't need people in society that are like that. People who have young children whould probably understand this better then those who don't have children. If you are against the death penalty, I guarantee you that your mind whould change if someone harmed or murdered your child. You need to stop looking at this from the killers point of view, and start looking at it from the families point of view, do you think the family wants him to go free. I've seen child molesters who are let out of prison, then a month later they are arrested for rape, or even worse. I believe in justice I believe in safety.

I agree completely.

I laugh when people on this website say that if it was their baby who was shot in the mug, they would kill the gunman, yet are against the death penalty in general.
a desire for revenge means nothing. Its an emotional responce like lust, doesnt make it any BETTER than lust
It does'nt matter if he had a mental illness are not, he deserves to die for what he did. We don't need people in society that are like that. People who have young children whould probably understand this better then those who don't have children. If you are against the death penalty, I guarantee you that your mind whould change if someone harmed or murdered your child. You need to stop looking at this from the killers point of view, and start looking at it from the families point of view, do you think the family wants him to go free. I've seen child molesters who are let out of prison, then a month later they are arrested for rape, or even worse. I believe in justice I believe in safety.

20,000 children die everyday due to unfair trade practices and corrupt governments. Who should their parents kill?
so whats the point of revenge? There is no point.

If someone who has been staved of O2 atacks me at a job do i blame the pt?
no i treat the pt and restrain them until there O2 stats come back up to the point that they can make a rational decision

Would they be charged if they killed or injured me?
No they arnt in control of there actions

There is no difference for ANY case
so whats the point of revenge? There is no point.

No point? In all the world, there is no better feeling than revenge.

If someone who has been staved of O2 atacks me at a job do i blame the pt?
no i treat the pt and restrain them until there O2 stats come back up to the point that they can make a rational decision

I've been around people staved of oxygen. They never had the urge to strike me without caution, though. Maybe the oxygen is different in Australia?
again i ask the question "what would make you comit this crime"?

Yes personality disorders cant be treated at the moment, doesnt make that person SANE it just means it cant be treated. That MAY be because insted of atempting to treat these people they are either given life without parol and thrown in a cell for every or killed
This thread reminds me of a good movie called, "A Time To Kill." It's a movie everyone should watch at least once.
A Time to Kill reminds me that one month old babies are raped in some countries where everyone is too busy killing each other to take note of this as an atrocity. And that truth is often stranger and more horrifying than fiction.
Madants motto is:

we kill people who kill people because killing people is wrong!
Why is it wrong for someone to break into your house and kill you, but Ok for you to kill the guy who broke into your house? Because it's self defense, your actions are justified.

Clearly, then, killing is not wrong. At least not in all circumstances. There are situations in which killing is justified, and those in which it is not. When you kill someone in a situation in which it was unjustified, you have committed murder. Unjustified killing.

This brings me to the correct formulation for the motto:
We execute people who commit murder.​
The punishment should fit the crime. Lex talionis. The oldest, simplest, and fairest form of justice.
there is a difference between self defence and pure cold blooded murder (ie exicution)

As i said before it wouldnt be ok to punish someone who atacked me on a job because of lack of oxygen but that wouldnt stop me defending myself.
there is a difference between self defence and pure cold blooded murder (ie exicution)

As i said before it wouldnt be ok to punish someone who atacked me on a job because of lack of oxygen but that wouldnt stop me defending myself.
Your characterization of execution as "cold blooded murder" is incorrect. It may be cold blooded, but it's not murder.

And I agree you'd be perfectly justified in taking whatever actions were necesary to defend yourself from the oxygen starved attacker. But that just serves to reinforce my point: Killing is not always wrong.

Killing in self defense is justified. Killing as punishment for murder is justified. You might even characterize it as self defense for society at large against someone who has shown he's a danger to everyone around him.
take an oxygen staved person as an example

Yes i would be justifide defending myself but say Im injured in the atack would you charge the guy who was acting irationally because of O2 Deprabation?

Would they act the same way once there o2 stats are restored to normal?
The fact that it was a child makes it worse? I don't think so. The farther back in development a person is, the less important is his life. No scientifically minded person would cringe at the sight of a terminated zygote. The termination of a born baby would elicit outrage. Everywhere in between those two points, the level of outrage should be proportional to the development of the fetus. Why should the increasing outrage stop simply because the fetus has left the womb? People should cringe when children are killed because of their instinct to protect and prevent them from getting killed. Actually, however, their lives are less valuable than adults'.

Forget value, it's almost impossible to put a value on a life. What this person meant was that it was senseless to kill the child to steal a car, since the child couldn't prevent the theft and was about as innocent a bystander as you could imagine. Don't forget that us humans are hard wired to care for infants, and like it or not 99.99999% would put a baby's life before an adult's.
20,000 children die everyday due to unfair trade practices and corrupt governments. Who should their parents kill?

You keep bringing this point up, so I guess I should kill your argument. First, they should try to get a change in the government, even if it requires riots. Second, we can do something about some crimes and we can not do about some other people's suffering. So for the sake of this discussion, it is IRRELEVANT that kids die of hunger or disease. The topic of dying because of crimes.

so whats the point of revenge? There is no point.

Why do you always need a point? Maybe the crime was pointless too. By the way revenge just like lust statisfies desires. There is your point....
so, I wonder how the mother is doing? Not only is she trying to keep breathing, but now she has to be told her infant son was killed.

You all do remember the victims in this right???