Carjacker shoots baby in face!

maybe its more than that cosmic. That is a good reason to throw at the right wing nutjobs but the real reasons go ALOT further. Another simple reason is that the DP is banned under the international convention of civil and political rights.

The real reason is that it is wrong. Infact the whole "justice" system is wrong in MY opinon but not everyone would take it as far as i would. I would abolish the criminal justice system compleatly and pump all that money into social services and mental health. That is the way to REALLY abolish crime

They hung Saddam, they killed Idi Amin and on and on.
why do you think i would agree with that?

no one has been killed in australia in god knows how many years (nor in england as far as i know)

We have had one major incident in the last 20 years, how many has the US had in the last YEAR??
I thought conviction for a capital crime takes people off the donor list?
They hung Saddam, they killed Idi Amin and on and on.

Idi Amin was never killed by anyone - he died from a coma.

Well, for those in Ethopia it is about the same and as far as Saddam goes the verdict is still out.

Idi Amin was not Ethiopian. He was Ugandan.

So what did killing people achieve? Besides killing more people, that is.

What would be achieved if Saddam wasn't executed?
I don't think that analogy quite works. Equal pay for equal work implies that there should be equal punishments for equal crimes, not that criminals should get the same treatment they gave their victims (sometimes known as "an eye for an eye").

It does. I didn't imply equal pay for equal work (as between 2 employees), I implied decent pay for work. So you shouldn't have a problem to work for 30% salary, if you are OK with giving a murderer 10 years only....

But I already dealt with this in the capital punishment thread. The point is that above a certain level we should execute quite a few criminals.

And please let's stop the innocent bull. Nobody wants to execute innocents.
On the other hand most victims are innocents and nobody cries for them...
If it does, that is a law that is ripe for a change....

I think its because they are also taken off the recepient list. May be mistaken.

I believe a change in that law would lead to organ harvesting and probably an increase in executions. Its big business in China.
no the DP is a law ripe for change, stoping random breath testing is a law ripe for change.
The real reason is that it is wrong. Infact the whole "justice" system is wrong in MY opinon but not everyone would take it as far as i would. I would abolish the criminal justice system compleatly and pump all that money into social services and mental health. That is the way to REALLY abolish crime
You leave no room for evil? For free will? For the possibility that some people just flat out enjoy causing pain and suffering?

But putting aside those with no definable "sickness", just considering those who do suffer from some potentially treatable condition; should society run the risk that the treatment doesn't take? That the criminal pretends to go along with the BS psycho-babble just long enough to get out so he can again enjoy the pleasure of killing?
But putting aside those with no definable "sickness", just considering those who do suffer from some potentially treatable condition; should society run the risk that the treatment doesn't take? That the criminal pretends to go along with the BS psycho-babble just long enough to get out so he can again enjoy the pleasure of killing?

As compared to ---killing him outright?

What do you think?
yes sociaty should, currently they do. "i plead not guily by reason of mental defect" ever herd it?
Madants motto is:

we kill people who kill people because killing people is wrong!
An eye for an eye is the best justice system ever established. You want to kill someone else? Enjoy being killed yourself. Why should you have the luxury of being pampered lifelong in a prison where you're cared for around the clock? Think about it: if you kill somebody else (especially a baby, who is completely innocent), then why should anyone go out of their way to seek your protection?
It does'nt matter if he had a mental illness are not, he deserves to die for what he did. We don't need people in society that are like that. People who have young children whould probably understand this better then those who don't have children. If you are against the death penalty, I guarantee you that your mind whould change if someone harmed or murdered your child. You need to stop looking at this from the killers point of view, and start looking at it from the families point of view, do you think the family wants him to go free. I've seen child molesters who are let out of prison, then a month later they are arrested for rape, or even worse. I believe in justice I believe in safety.