
Hello PH.

Survive for how long? Perhaps if i saw an end in sight to the situation then maybe..maybe.

In any case, i would rather not. It is a personal goal to get through life without eating another human so if it was to survive but a few weeks longer. I dont know. For some will see this as a breach in basic humanity. I would rather not eat bugs either.

Hello Mr John :)

If there was no end possible to the situation then there is no point in prolonging the agony if it was justto survive for a few weeks more but then death was inevitable then no...but for instance (the most highlighted case) the football team in the andes if they hadn't eaten their friends they would have died and i'm sure some refused to eat it did die..
If there was a chance of rescue from the predicament you were in then you have to do anything you can to survive, I could eat someone i know to live but, I couldn't kill them to do it, for me that would be moraly wrong..

I would rather not eat celery.
Hello Mr John :)

...but for instance (the most highlighted case) the football team in the andes if they hadn't eaten their friends they would have died and i'm sure some refused to eat it did die..
If there was a chance of rescue from the predicament you were in then you have to do anything you can to survive, I could eat someone i know to live but, I couldn't kill them to do it, for me that would be moraly wrong..

I would rather not eat celery.

Hey there buddy:),

That case is what i was thinking about also. I watched a movie (long time ago) and saw a documentary on it.

It is hard to say because people react differently when actually confronted with it but i am kind of stubborn. I just cannot say for sure.:shrug:
There was a guy on the plane who's wife died in the crash. The others made sure that the meat he did eat never came from his wife.

They were only rescued when others walked out and found help. It was never coming for them.
I'm thinking of researching cannibalism a bit more in depth, but before that I'd appreciate if you could answer my 9 short questions about cannibalism. Thanks!

1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?


2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?

depends on the situation

3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?

again,depends.if it was a part of funeral rites i dont really have any problem with it other than the hygeine aspect.

4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?


5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?

yes a big one.i think that if you served someone a slice of human and only told them after what it was the impact wouldnt be that great other than an outward show to save face,however if someone had to carve the flesh off of a dead human i doubt they would be the same after.

6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?

hmm.,not that i know of.i think maybe the druids did a line in sacrifice but i dont think they ate anyone.

7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?

sick,i guess.because i had consumed flesh of my own species.wouldnt feel comfortable eating ape either i dont think.
pissed off with the person who fed it to me without telling me what it was.

8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?

massively important,when you eat something is becomes a part of you in one way or another.

9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?
no,but i probably will now.

You do. You care what happens to a dead person.
Not exactly, it bothers me what other people want to do. I don't care about the body, I care that the freak wants to fuck it. I want to isolate and ridicule the freak for having such a desire, perhaps put a big sandwich board sign on him and pelt him with tomatoes.

I think you're overlooking this, like "so what, the coma wife probably isn't being hurt" and "so what? a dead body can't feel anything", totally ignores the fact that the husband and necrophiliac ARE disgustingly satiating perverse urges, and should be punished.
Dr Lou Natic
disgustingly satiating perverse urges, and should be punished.

Where is the line between "disgustingly satiating perverse urges" and "disgusting prude control freak?"
hmm necrophiliac's as in...

Dennis nilsen....
Ed gein...
Ted bundy...
Edmund Kemper...
Fred and Rose west...
Henry Lee lucas....
Jeffrey Dhamar....

Some of these were also cannibals too..
oh cannibals....

Albert Fish..
Andre Chikatilo...

Some people have no choice "Eat flesh or die"

Cannibals by circumstance...

1846 george donner and 89 people.....46 survived
1972 rugby players from chilie...... 16 survived

There is a massive difference between 'A crimminal cannibal' and 'A cannibal of circumstance' apparently there is 4 types of crimminal cannibalism..Sexual,Agressive,Spiritual/Ritual,Epicurean/Nutritional..

There is no such thing as a necrophiliac by circumstance that i know of only crimminal....!
1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?
1a.The Donner party, chewing on skin around my finger nails and relishing the taste. ;)
2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?
2a. Not unless I could grow eyes on the back of my head while being around them.
3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?
3a. As long as the deceased have signed a legal statement they wish to donate their body to that religions meal time, yes.
4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?
4a. The practice is done today in certain societies.
5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?
5a. Haven't actually fried some human meat for a while, have to get back to you on this one.
6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?
6a. If I like raw meat does that insinuate they may have been?
7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?
7a. Full? I want more?
8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?
8a. To put off starvation?
9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?
9a. Not yet. Anything is possible I guess.
I'm thinking of researching cannibalism a bit more in depth, but before that I'd appreciate if you could answer my 9 short questions about cannibalism. Thanks!

why? school project? really getting into goth?

remind me never to visit you
1. Some of these were also cannibals too..
oh cannibals....
Albert Fish..
Andre Chikatilo...

2. Some people have no choice "Eat flesh or die"
Cannibals by circumstance...
1846 george donner and 89 people.....46 survived
1972 rugby players from chilie...... 16 survived

gruesome topic
1. I find it ironic that someone thats a "fish" would eat human
2. if I'm dead already I guess it doesn't matter, but if I'm alive, I'd volunteer to go get help before things get desperate, specially if Avatar's around
If you were at a friend's barbecue, and someone offered you a piece of meat and said "Try, this, it's a Mexican" (Or Alaskan or whatever)

You'd have a taste wouldn't you?
If you were at a friend's barbecue, and someone offered you a piece of meat and said "Try, this, it's a Mexican" (Or Alaskan or whatever)

You'd have a taste wouldn't you?

Probably, because I would know that he was kidding.
But if the meat looked weird I wouldn't.
If I would believe it I would respectfully decline and then sneak out and call the cops :p
If I was in a culture that practiced cannibalism, I'd eat it. But a neighbor offering it to me? Nope!

Cultures which actually practice cannibalism usually have very strong ritual contexts surrounding the eating of people. Generally you aren't going to just be offered a bite.

I find it odd that you would just abandon your ban on cannibalism simply because others are ok with it culturally. I would politely decline myself.

You might want to also consider that peoples who regularly practice cannibalism are subject to Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, a particularly nasty and degenerative way to die. (a form of prions like BSE or "mad cow")

FYI, people are supposed to taste a lot like pigs. So much so that the Hawaiians called human "long pig."
...I find it odd that you would just abandon your ban on cannibalism simply because others are ok with it culturally. I would politely decline myself....

Because I'd be thinking the person had died and they were eating the person to honour them. I wouldn't think the person had been murdered so that they could be eaten.
I can hardly believe what I'm reading here.
You people are snitches. And food faddists.
I bet you wouldn't eat anyone, no matter how nice they tasted.

I would draw the line at people who had been murdered just for the barbecue.
I would probably snitch too in that case.
But what about roadkill. How could that do any harm?