
When would eating a dead person?

If you would starve to death by not eating one.
It has happened numerous times.

I can't recall hearing any story about someone having to have sex with a dead body as a matter of survival.

You never answered the question...
Would you eat a person to save the life of yourself or childen?
Is it ok to eat someone ? the answer is no

When you consider that most animals won't eat a member of their own species it's clearly an instinct to not do so.

I would not only rather starve to death if I had to eat a family member or friend, but I could not fathom eating anyone or any part of one.

Since I do eat meat of various animals I think it allows for eating other animals but not each other.

Since I do eat meat of various animals I think it allows for eating other animals but not each other.

I don't understand this statement.
Since you like meat it is OK to eat meat, but since you find cannibalism icky to the point of preferring death, that makes it immoral?
Is that what you are saying?
If you would starve to death by not eating one.
It has happened numerous times.

I can't recall hearing any story about someone having to have sex with a dead body as a matter of survival.

You never answered the question...
Would you eat a person to save the life of yourself or childen?

Of course. I would probably do anything.
So is that the only time cannibalism is ok? To save a life? Not for religious or cultural reason?
So a man who makes love to his wife soon after death is worse than butchering and eating her after death?

This is of course unless the 'cannibalistic desire' is also for sexual gratification in which case they are probably as bad as each other as you have to murder first....

Why butchering why not...
So a man who makes love to his wife soon after death is worse than a man taking a slither of flesh of her rump to taste after her death
They are both socialy frowned on but like i said one of them we all may have to resort to if the situation deemed it ,the other is sexual pleasure and there are enough people throughout the world imprisoned for crimes which they committed to fullfill sexual desire
When you consider that most animals won't eat a member of their own species it's clearly an instinct to not do so.
What animals (and please don't put any herbivores

I would not only rather starve to death if I had to eat a family member or friend, but I could not fathom eating anyone or any part of one.
Hmmm if i was in a situation whereby i was with loved ones and i was dying i would insist that they used me for food as these would be people that i loved therefore would not want them to die, its only a corpse,meat,lifeless body.
I'm sure there would be people like you who would rather die than break social taboo even though their lives depended on it..pointless though as all over the world races have been cannibals at some point in time

Since I do eat meat of various animals I think it allows for eating other animals but not each other.
Meat is meat whether with 4 or 2 feet..
You need food for nutrition to live..
You eat whats available,to survive or you lay down and die....

So how would you the rest of your party get stronger while you get weaker as they get there nutrition the best way they will soon realise that you are the next to be eaten because you are too weak from malnutritionto do anything plus you have turned down your chance of survival because you worry about eating flesh only to be eaten by the people you care you are low down on the food chain friend

Wolves, Lions, Bears, All the large cats, pretty much every large mammal predator and of course pretty much all the omnivores and all the herbivores, except for the ones we feed cow/sheep parts to and end up with mad cow !

"Hmmm if i was in a situation whereby i was with loved ones and i was dying i would insist that they used me for food"

Well that is a personal request that you could offer, but what if you were already dead. What if aunt Mary was dead, and you were starving, would you eat her ?

"lol you are low down on the food chain friend"

If this is how you look at life I feel sorry for you. Look at what your saying, your turning the dead into a reality show. He who comes out on top is the winner, the winner of what, rotten human flesh !

I would be more inclined to say you are the bottom feeder.

I would rather die with some dignity and I would certainly die trying to eat other things than my sister, brother or other.
Or children to sexually gratify, dieing of horniness, you'd just have to use a dead body. Right orleander? (seriously I don't know wtf you were talking about before, but it seems wrong to let it go).
Or children to sexually gratify, dieing of horniness, you'd just have to use a dead body. Right orleander? (seriously I don't know wtf you were talking about before, but it seems wrong to let it go).

I'm just saying, I don't understand how eating a body for religious or cultural reasons is better than having sex with a dead body. None of it is necessary.

Why isn't it all treated with the same revulsion?
Because there's no comparison? When I see someone eating a hamburger, I'm like "whatever", when I see someone sticking their dick in a hamburger, I want to punch them in the back of the head.
Fucking a dead body is perverse, eating one is eating one. You can only be so disgusted by what someone eats, you know, if they're eating a shit then yeah that's fucked up, it's really bad don't get me wrong, but if they're fucking a shit, well, that's just infuriating. How dare they?

What someone wants to do with a dead human body just says a lot about them. If someone's first choice would be to eat the body, what do we learn? They're hungry? Who cares. At worst they're inclined to disregard our social standards that state you shouldn't eat people, whatever really. I personally would choose to tape the dead body to a stick and shake it at children to frighten them, so I also disregard social standards, I'm just not hungry.
In the case of choosing to fuck the dead human body, to hump it untill you orgasm inside of it/on it, that too disregards social standards, PLUS it's a disgustingly perverse choice and the person who makes it is clearly scum.
This should be so strongly hardwired into everyone that it needs no further explanation, if you see someone fucking a dead body you see someone making the most disgracefull choice possible, and proving themselves to be the worst kind of person on earth, no contest.
Even asking the question, "why is eating a dead body better than fucking it?" makes one raise an eyebrow at the person asking it. Why do you have to ask that?

Weren't you also vocal in supporting the sick freak who was effing his comatose wife? Are you deranged by any chance?
Avatar.....I'm thinking of researching cannibalism a bit more in depth, but before that I'd appreciate if you could answer my 9 short questions about cannibalism. Thanks!

1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?
As an embryo I needed nourishment from my mother, then as an infant I needed her breastmilk, later on I shared saliva when I kissed a woman, licking my girlfriend gave me the taste, & sharing bodily fluids during oral sex, cannibalism or not?

2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?

My girlfriends would taste me and derive nourishment from me on occasion, if you know what I mean? I had a good buddy who received a blood transfusion once, does that count?

3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?
I have a problem with any religious practice. Does symbolically dining on the body of Christ count?

4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?
Yes but it's not for me. Cook it first

5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?
No. Meat is meat

6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?
Irish are more concerned with drinking and fighting, so I suppose after punching someone's face you might lick your fingers afterwards and get a little sampling of them.

7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?

I might be worried that it contained some bad bugs. I don't like things raw so I wouldn't have eaten it unless it was cooked. Wouldn't want to contract Kuru either.

8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?
Garnering the other person's strengths

9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal
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Wolves, Lions, Bears, All the large cats, pretty much every large mammal predator and of course pretty much all the omnivores
SORRY I think your wrong here they all will eat there young in hard times..and a hell of a lot of omnivores will....cats,dogs,foxes,apes,insects,birds,rabbits,mice,rats,hamsters..male bears will eat a female's cubs to make her come into season again so he can mate with her.

Well that is a personal request that you could offer, but what if you were already dead. What if aunt Mary was dead, and you were starving, would you eat her ?
If it was a matter of life and death of course why die ? whats the point in that? if it was me who was dying i would insist that they used me...why die when you can live....

if this is how you look at life I feel sorry for you. Look at what your saying, your turning the dead into a reality show. He who comes out on top is the winner, the winner of what, rotten human flesh !
Live or Die thats the choice no game

I would be more inclined to say you are the bottom feeder.
You have completely missed the point...!
Through you being adamant that you would rather die than eat human flesh (of someone you know) then (in certain situations) you would automaticaly be FOOD therefore you would be eaten therefore it puts you lower on the food chain than someone who eould eat flesh even aunt maud..

I would rather die with some dignity and I would certainly die trying to eat other things than my sister, brother or other.
We all would but we are talking about survival if your brather and sister are already dead what is the point in you dying too? thats daft
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P.S. im not trying to insinuate that we we should all dine on our family just about if the situation arose whereby it was a necessity to survive..
Hello PH.

Survive for how long? Perhaps if i saw an end in sight to the situation then maybe..maybe.

In any case, i would rather not. It is a personal goal to get through life without eating another human so if it was to survive but a few weeks longer. I dont know. For some will see this as a breach in basic humanity. I would rather not eat bugs either.
.....Are you deranged by any chance?

I don't think icky is immoral. If I did then homosexuality would be immoral, S&M would be immoral, organ donation would be immoral, autopsies would be immoral, etc. If it doesn't hurt another person, I have no issues with it. If I'm dead, I don't care what happens to my body. Not one bit.

You do. You care what happens to a dead person.
I don't think icky is immoral. If I did then homosexuality would be immoral, S&M would be immoral, organ donation would be immoral, autopsies would be immoral, etc. If it doesn't hurt another person, I have no issues with it. If I'm dead, I don't care what happens to my body. Not one bit.

You do. You care what happens to a dead person.

What if it hurts someone (or something) no one cares about ?
I would be pissed if someone planned on eating me when i died. They certainly would not get my permission.
I would be pissed if someone planned on eating me when i died. They certainly would not get my permission.

then it is immoral to do so.
What if you said they couldn't have your organs but you were a perfect match to a a young teen. Would it be immoral for your spouse to say "take it and keep the kid alive"?