
It's interesting to see how intolerant people seem to be. I don't know if this is an accurate microcosm of society but it seems most people can not accept cannibalism as part of someone else's culture, indicating if given the opportunity they would stop them from doing it, they would interfere with a culture and change it to suit their ideals.
That's bizarre to me, because I assume these people aren't english crusaders from 1100 ad, yet the mentality is still well and truely alive and I guess I naively thought it wasn't.
Bollocks. Where's your basis for that?

There was a good thread on neanderthal cannibalism..

Plus if you look into a lot of past cultures ritualistic cannibalism has been rife since the year dot Aborigine's,Aztecs,American indians,the fore tribe,New zealand,Sumatra,India,Egypt,England,Europe in fact you could look at wiki as it will give you a quick insight into it from paleolithic to now...

I always thought we evolved from neanderthals but apparently not, both sapiens and neanderthals evolved from the same ape-like creature so as apes do eat other primates there is my basis..
They eat chimps in Africa.. :shrug:
Similar looking species are not the same species.
1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"

Neanderthals in film A Guerra do Fogo.

2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?

I think yes, if he wouldn't try to eat me!

3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?

Sure, to each culture its own.

4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?

I still can't understand the reasons. That's why I plan to buy those books on cannibalism.

5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?

There's a social difference, and a biological, because nasty diseases can be gotten that way.

6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?

Not my immediate ancestors, maybe somewhere in deep prehistory.

7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?

I'm a vegetarian, but I'd try to recall the taste and if I liked it.

8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?

To associate yourself with some power.

9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?

Not that I remember.
I want to know,

How would you feel if you found out a person you cared about ate human flesh?
How would you feel if you found out a person you cared about had sex with a dead person?

Is one worse than the other? Why?
I want to know,

How would you feel if you found out a person you cared about ate human flesh?
How would you feel if you found out a person you cared about had sex with a dead person?

Is one worse than the other? Why?

I'd feel more uncomfortable around a necrophile than a cannibal, you have to eat or dont have to have cadavar sex unless your perverse.
IMO necrophillia is worse than cannibalism.
One is (could be) down to primative survival instincts the other is down to perverted deviant cravings
So a man who makes love to his wife soon after death is worse than butchering and eating her after death?
Because its icky dead or alive.

I'm just sayin. Sex is bad, eating is ok. I find that odd.

Let me put it this way.
Would you have sex with a dead man for any reason?

Would you eat flesh to save you life or your childrens' lives?

Does that help?