

smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
I'm thinking of researching cannibalism a bit more in depth, but before that I'd appreciate if you could answer my 9 short questions about cannibalism. Thanks!

1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?
2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?
3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?
4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?
5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?
6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?
7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?
8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?
9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?
1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?

Anyone who might have a certain taste for human flesh.

2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?

If they ate the flesh of someone in order to survive a catastrophe, yes. Otherwise if they didn't tell me they were then I'd never know.

3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?


4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?

I can understand their beliefs but do not think they are correct and would try to influence them to stop the practice if they were my friends.

5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?

Of course there's a difference, human flesh is more fatty, especially the rump areas! :p ;)

6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?


7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?

I never hope that happens but I'd be very disgusted and wouldn't eat wherever that place was again!

8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?

I don't know, I eat for survival myself and at times for pleasure.

9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?

1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?

Monsters like Albert Fish - perverted, unstable individuals.

2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?

No. It would disgust me.

3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?

No. The same way I cannot accept human sacrifice - the word religion shouldn't change anything within rational society.

4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?

No. I could never 'understand' their motives.

5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?

What a stupid question - are you aiming to incense?

6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?

How the hell would I know? I doubt it, but it makes no difference.

7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?

I would either be sick freely or stick fingers down my throat. Then I would call the police, while I sat in horror.

8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?

Ritual meanings? Purification or destruction perhaps? What matter - it's all madness.

9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?

Hell no.
1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?

The eucharist

2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?

Any xtian

3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?

Its central to xtianity.

4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?

Willing to understand them? Sure. Dead is dead as far as I'm concerned.

5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?

Are you talking about as a food source or ritual use? There are pretty strong genetic and cultural biases against in species eating as a food source. Most cannibalism is ritual.

Eating of other species is simply predation and there are strong genetic and cultural biases in favor of this.

6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?

As far back as xtianity. Its hard to say about before that.

7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?

I would be surprised since my last lunch was vegitarian.

8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?

It is usually an atttempt to take power from the deceased or control it in some way, like gaining "salvation."

9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?

Can't say I have.
1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?
A person who eats human meat
2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?
Yes, as long as they weren't killing people, like Hannibal or something.
3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?
Yes, again as long as they aren't killing or harming anyone.
4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?
Yes, whatever makes you happy.
5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?
The only difference is that you are eating your own species, other than that there really isn't a difference.
6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?
Possibly, I don't know anything about my ancestors, I'm descended from African slaves.
7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?
Surprised and kind of angry I don't like surprises.
8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?
I have no idea, I don't understand much about rituals.
9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?

Not that I can recall
1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?

A person that eats another human.

2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?

The only way I could is if my friend had no other choice and was put in a desperate situation where it was a matter of life or death. If it was for any other reason....NO it's disgusting.

3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?


4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?

Understand, maybe agree with it NO.

5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?

Yes, the whole thing is barbaric to me. One day you are going to lunch with someone and another THEY are lunch.

6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?

I have no idea.

7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?

Absolutely sick to my stomache. I would probably end up vomitting and wouldn't be able to eat anything again for a long time.

8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?

I don't know because I can't even comprehend some of the rituals I have seen performed by various groups. There are some groups out there that do some pretty fucked up things, for their religion or right of passage or whatever you want to call it

9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?

I have some pretty weird and violent dreams, but never about a Cannibalism that I can recall anyway.

I'm thinking of researching cannibalism a bit more in depth, but before that I'd appreciate if you could answer my 9 short questions about cannibalism. Thanks!

1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"? Used to be the tribesmen of New Guinea and the David Rockerfeller or the Donnor Party. Now its Jeffrey Dahmer and Hannibal Lecter. It was about culture and survival, now its about psychotic murderers
2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal? yes but don't think I'd eat at his house
3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice? Yes. After all isn't communion about drinking the blood of Christ and eating his flesh?
4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites? yes, I could probably understand it better than it being against their religion to donate an organ
5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why? Of course there is. I could go to China and eat dog, but I couldn't eat my pet dog. There is emotion tied to eating things you love. Not a lot of emotion tied to eating a chicken nugget.
6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago? As far as I know, only Sawney Bean and no relation. Just the same country
7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why? I'd be pissed for heath reasons. Prions ya know.
8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]? I think it is a very intimate way to say good-bye and thank you. Native Americans feel that way about the animals they eat
9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal? Nope, but I probably will now. lol

anything else?
1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?
Black people

2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?
I litterally do have a couple. Tribal Papua New guinean's who went to my highschool as part of some government funded program. Seriously the nicest people you could ever imagine meeting. Out of this world nice.

3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?

4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?
Hmm, that's a bit weird, eating slaine enemies is easier for me to understand, but different strokes for different folks.

5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?
No significant difference, I've heard certain diseases may spread through cannibalism, but really there are ways to get sick off any food.

6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?
I'm sure at some stage, but not notably in recent times.

7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?
Giggly and excited, but I'd try to just act all non chalante and cool about it.

8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?
I don't know, I could imagine a few different perspectives on it.

9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?
Hmmm, don't think so. I've probably daydreamed about it. I've definately daydreamed about other people doing it, like "wouldn't it be weird if the teacher just suddenly grabbed Vanessa and started violently eating her alive while she screamed in gutwrenching agony as the class looked on in dumbstruck horror", when vanessa was up at the front desk getting her test results back and I was bored, or whatever.
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1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?
People that eat other people or any animal that eat other animal of its own kind.

2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?
I would be very surprised.

3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?
No, it's sickening.

4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?
I'll understand but I won't support it.

5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?
Yes, because I am normal.

6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?
I think so. As far as Neanderthals era, as close as World War II or any famine era (I assume). Can't post link yet but this is from Wikipedia:

Cannibalism has been occasionally practiced as a last resort by people suffering from famine. In the US, the group of settlers known as the Donner party resorted to cannibalism while snowbound in the mountains for the winter. The last survivors of Sir John Franklin's Expedition were found to have resorted to cannibalism in their final push across King William Island towards the Back River.[28] There are disputed claims that cannibalism was widespread during the famine of Ukraine in the 1930s, during the Siege of Leningrad in World War II,[29][30] and during the Chinese Civil War and the Great Leap Forward in the People's Republic of China.[31] There were also rumors of several cannibalism outbreaks during World War II in the Nazi concentration camps where the prisoners were malnourished.[32] Cannibalism was also practiced by Japanese troops as recently as World War II in the Pacific theater.[33] A more recent example is of leaked stories from North Korean refugees of cannibalism practiced during and after a famine that occurred sometime between 1995 and 1997.[34]

7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?
I would feel disgusted and wouldn't want to have lunch at the same place again.

8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?
Eating has ritual meaning? :confused: I eat just to have some energy and nutrition nutrient balance...

9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?
No, I hope not and never will.
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1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?
- Hannibal Lecter
2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?
- It's possible
3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?
- No...
4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?
- That's just... wrong on so many levels
5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?
- Yes and No...
6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?
- There always that chance...
7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?
- Nothing, we eat lots of gross things in our food without noticing it
8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?
- To survive? :shrug:
9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?
- Yes, yes I have... it was interesting...
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1. What are your first associations with the word "cannibal"?
70's Horror films with dodgy porn soundtracks.

2. Could you have a friend that's a cannibal?
It would be ok till teatime.

3. Can you accept cannibalism as a part of a religious practice?
I couldn't accept it as my religious practice, but as long as they were not murdering them first then its down to them.

4. Would you be willing to understand those people who eat their dead family members as a part of their burial ceremony rites?
Better in the warm belly of a friend,
Than in the cold lonely ground.....think that was from 'Cannibal ferox' 70's flic.

5. Do you think there is any difference between eating a human animal and an animal of any other species, why?
Socialy yes.

6. Have your ethnic ancestors been cannibals, how long ago?
Everybody's has.

7. What would you feel if you learned that you ate human flesh last lunch, why?
Like a brandy and a cigar...because its nice after a meal

8. What do you think is the ritual meaning(s) of eating [anything]?
There is such a diverse of different cultural meanings associated with food..the preparation..the etiquette of serving..the ceremony of plonking yourself down in front of your favourite tv show with your dinner I dont have the time to awnser this properly.

9. Have you ever dreamed that you or someone you know is a cannibal?
It's interesting. I didn't expect anything, I was just curious for the results.
I still haven't bought the books I wanted about cannibalism, because I'm currently short of funds and there are more important things to get done.

I promise to put here more relevant info about cannibalism, when I get the chance to learn about it more.
Bollocks. Where's your basis for that?

Apparently you're not thinking back very far. Neanderthanls ate each other, and I would bet my life that early Homosapians did as well. Learn to make better hunting tools and domesticate animals, you no longer need to eat your enemies or your dead loved ones.
Neanderthals weren't the ancestors of any living homo sapiens. It's genetically proven.
I know. Neanderthals ate eachother and so did Homosapians. I didn't mean to imply one evolved from the other.