Canned Hunting


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Canned hunting facilities, also known as hunting ranches or trophy ranches, are acreages enclosed by high, game-proof fences. For a fee, “hunters” can kill the animals held captive there. The facilities range in size from ten acres to several hundred acres. It is estimated that there are currently over 4,000 hunting ranches in the United States.

Many of these facilities offer a “no-kill, no-fee” policy. Animals in these facilities range from domestic species of game birds, deer and elk, to exotic species such as Russian boar, wildebeest, and zebra. Hunters of all skill levels are welcome and offered a choice of weapons; guns, bow and arrow, and in some cases, spears.

Some facilities offer guides who will go out on ATVs, find the quarry, and drive the animals into the line-of-sight of the hunters. In other cases, tree stands or blinds are set up near feeding stations-you simply wait for the species of your choice to walk by. In some facilities, the animals are drugged.

People are sick

Hunting club:

American Humane Society article
Iraq? Already did that I think.

Thats not a solution.

What is the mentality of such people, I wonder?
well...if they kill animals but not people...its for the better. Otherwise they could have killed normal people like us instead of some antilope. Choosing lesser evil over the other evil.
It always amazes me that people pay thousands of dollars to go shoot animals for sport, when they could use that money for something to make the world a better place.
I always think of that scene in Crocodile Dundee where he has the wallaby shooting at the poachers, when this subject comes up.
It always amazes me that people pay thousands of dollars to go shoot animals, when they could use that money for something to make the world a better place.

its not about money...its about the feeling and emotions in chaos or synchrony within people
well...if they kill animals but not people...its for the better. Otherwise they could have killed normal people like us instead of some antilope. Choosing lesser evil over the other evil.

WTF ! :bugeye:
I always think of that scene in Crocodile Dundee where he has the wallaby shooting at the poachers, when this subject comes up.

If it were up to me, all poachers would be dropped in the middle of the jungle without any defense
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WTF ! :bugeye:

Enmos...not all humans are in synchrony with themselves. In order to get rid of that tension they need this sort of thing...and it is a lesser evil that if people were killed.

As a representative of a human species I have an obligation to strive for human survival and to improve it.
Enmos...not all humans are in synchrony with themselves. In order to get rid of that tension they need this sort of thing...and it is a lesser evil that if people were killed.

As a representative of a human species I have an obligation to strive for human survival and to improve it.

I'd rather see those people killed than the animals.
Draqon, do you cheer on bullfighters ? Or do you silently hope the bull will kill the bullfighter ?
For me, definitely the latter..
Nothing is more despicable than killing animals for the pure fun of it.
I wouldn't have the slightest problem with capital punishment for people that have done gross injustice to animals. Like for instance in the Netherlands some years ago there was someone killing and seriously wounding animals (like ponies, horses and goats and whatnot) that were in "little zoo's". There isn't a word for it in English I think, I will post pictures.. The animals were stabbed at night, often in their genitals, and were found the next morning either dead or dying.
Anyway, they can hang that person for all I care.. :mad:
Examples of 'dierenweides' (literally translated: Animalmeadow... pasture is something else.) as we call them:


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well...if they kill animals but not people...its for the better. Otherwise they could have killed normal people like us instead of some antilope. Choosing lesser evil over the other evil.

The worrying thought is that there are people out there that get their kicks from making animals suffer. At least if these people were trying to kill other humans then there are laws in place to punish/imprison them, animals have no such protection it seems.
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