Can the soul feel pain after death !!!

My testimony comes from God, not "Joe." Joseph was an instrument in God's hands, and God vouches for his veracity.
Here, let me post the future of this thread, the way it's going:

Marlin: No, it's really from God.
Cris: No, it's not.
Marlin: Yes it is.
Cris: No, you're wrong.
Marlin: No, I'm right.
Cris: Nope.
Marlin: Yep.

There. I've anticipated all possible responses, LOL.
Marlin just be glad you aren't debating with Trilarian. LOL
And at least he just disagrees and doesn't spam you with 23948739 anti links.
Nisus said:
And at least he just disagrees and doesn't spam you with 23948739 anti links.

That would be WildBlueYonder, right? The Book of Mormon "expert" who has never read the Book of Mormon and refuses to do so? We've got some real characters on this board!

Here, let me post the future of this thread, the way it's going:

Marlin: No, it's really from God.
Cris: No, it's not.
Marlin: Yes it is.
Cris: No, you're wrong.
Marlin: No, I'm right.
Cris: Nope.
Marlin: Yep.

There. I've anticipated all possible responses, LOL.
Nope, I disagree. ;)
3 men testified of seeing the golden plates...I don't know of a surety, through my own witness, of them. Not having witnessed the events myself. But seldom do 3 men testify of a book, in the united states of america... and start a Religion. That instantly captures persecution, and attention. And is so heavily opposed, just from a man saying he Saw God. I don't know of any man upon the american continent that claims to have seen God, and was so heavily loved... and also. But hated so despicably that they assasinated him.

Hebrews that wrote the bible claimed that prophets were slain among them. There is only one man, that has openly claimed to be a prophet of God, and then was killed here that I know of. So less than 200 years ago a mob killed a man that claimed to be a prophet of God.
Some think of it as no consequence. I thought of it worthy of investigation.
Looks like the same farce has been repeating itself throughout history. At least we know Joe Smith actually existed.
Yep you can read all kinds of good and bad about him. And he said his name should be had for good and evil among all nations. Now...this I know is true. That people do persecute him, even after his death.

Few men leave such a strong memory in the minds of the people. That they extoll him, and hate him. Like this man Joseph Smith. So I thought his own words would be worthy of investigation also. Turns out he's not just an ordinary man. But he claims to have done some amazing things. That other people even testified of.
Take a look at L Ron Hubbard as well. Another con man who invented a religion, but he was successful in his own right as a good Sci-fi author.
Yup - even joined the Church of Scientology and took a course. I've since been expelled of course and can't go back. Interesting experience though.

Ahh - which books do you mean? Can't say I've read his sci-fi stuff.
What's not Evidence? Simply to be is evidence to me...

Ah, so your line of reasoning is that since you exist, an imaginary being created you? How does one leap to that conclusion when no evidence of such an imaginary being exists?

And of course, you've studied evolution and cosmology to the point of confidently dispelling it as complete nonsense, regardless of all the mountains of evidence in its favor?

That's called living in denial and fantasy.

Teach me about why we are here my friend. Impart. Reveal. Testify.

That is one of the reasons why you are religious, you need to feel that there is a reason, a purpose for your existence, when in fact, no reason or purpose are at all necessary. Once you understand that you don't need a reason to exist, you'll find little need for imaginary beings to prop up a fragile ego.