Can the soul feel pain after death !!!

(Q) said:
Then tell me, for I really need to know, how does one become 'spiritually reborn', exactly?

To be spiritually born you have to follow a spiritual law.

If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. (John 7: 17 )

I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith. (Ether 12: 6 )

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. (Rom. 8: 6)

Remember, to be carnally-minded is death, and to be spiritually-minded is life eternal.(2 Ne. 9: 39 )
Ok Marlin, I read Alma. It was little more than what I've heard from evangelists on soap-boxes. One already has to completely believe in the supernatural in order to follow. It does not explain how to become spiritually reborn.

So, rather than giving me more of that nonsense to read, please explain yourself how to become spiritually reborn. You must have had the experience yourself, right?
To be spiritually born you have to follow a spiritual law.

That explains nothing.
Yes there is a matter we can't see that forms my soul and keeps a direct line to God and makes me filled with the holy spirit, and all the kings horses and all the kings men lived happily ever after.

Nisus, Marlin - You are so niave and cute. You should use your faith to imagine a great big teddy bear to keep your insecure 'soul' company at night :D
If you really wanna be spiritually born you gotta talk to God man. And have faith or hope that there is one to begin with.

Do you acknowledge the possibility?
(Q) said:
Ok Marlin, I read Alma. It was little more than what I've heard from evangelists on soap-boxes. One already has to completely believe in the supernatural in order to follow. It does not explain how to become spiritually reborn.

So, rather than giving me more of that nonsense to read, please explain yourself how to become spiritually reborn. You must have had the experience yourself, right?

Okay, here is the short version:

1. Take the desire to know God and believe in Him, no matter how small that seed may be.
2. Ask God, "If there is a God, and you are God, will you forgive me my sins and change my heart from unbelief to belief?"
3. Repent of your sins, confessing them to God.
4. Take the missionary discussions as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The missionaries are in the phone book.
5. Make the commitment to take Christ's name upon you.
6. Get baptized into the LDS Church.
7. Endure to the end.
KennyJC said:
Yes there is a matter we can't see that forms my soul and keeps a direct line to God and makes me filled with the holy spirit, and all the kings horses and all the kings men lived happily ever after.

Nisus, Marlin - You are so niave and cute. You should use your faith to imagine a great big teddy bear to keep your insecure 'soul' company at night :D

lol fo sho
spidergoat said:
Buddhists get spiritually reborn without much of that.

Sure they do. In fact, most religions if not all of them have a "born-again" experience wherein the believer has a spiritual change of heart. Other religions besides Christianity also have truth to them, so it's perfectly understandable to me that they can convey spiritual truths as well. Christianity (LDS) just has more truth than any other religion, as well as exclusive authority to act in God's name on earth (the priesthood).

Cris, as I've said to you before, the natural man cannot understand the things of God [including verification of truth within one's heart] until he puts off the natural man and becomes spiritually reborn. To the natural man, God's truths are foolishness.
The key property of a fantasy is that it has no verifiable basis. What you have done here is introduce an unverifiable fantasy to justify another unverifiable fantasy. But then like your founder, one of the world’s most famous snake-oil salesmen, we should expect nothing less from you.

What you can’t do of course is show that any of your claims are any different from creative fiction, right? Why then should we believe anything you say when it is well known that your entire religion is based on a con-trick.

Well since believer or non-believer we are all free to think and interpret for ourselves.
Agreed, but religionists rarely do that – their perspective is primarily the doctrine of their religion, and they inevitably have to jump through hoops to justify incredulous claims. Once I took a step back and looked at myself as a Christian I discovered that was exactly what I was doing. Once I ditched the illogical doctrines of Christianity I found an incredible richness of thought finally free of chokingly restricted religious constraints.

What is evident to me, might not be considered or interpreted as evident to you. (I see all things as evidence of God)
Understood. Which means you are effectively closed minded to other ideas and will always have trouble seeing alternate views (“God did it” is your only perspective). I don’t rule out the concepts of gods and I can imagine how they could exist, but I’m not prepared to rule out the many other possibilities which seem more likely as explanations for the universe and everything associated with it.

So take the missionary discussions and see if they make sense.
I had two Elders visit my home for 10 consecutive weeks at about 4 hours each visit. It was a wonderful debate. I sincerely hope I planted some serious seeds of doubt in their minds, but their efforts certainly convinced me of the idiocy of LDS. That was about 22 years ago in the UK. Since then I have attended LDS services since one of my distant relations became an LDS minister. And I have had Elders visit me again here in the USA several years ago - I could not convince them this time to visit me more than once. I think they recognized they were outclassed - I appear to have grown in knowledge and arguments in the past 22 years. I now live in a secure community where door-to-door callers cannot gain easy access, so I am now unfortunately shielded from the LDS and JW callers – but I do have you to taunt.
Cris said:
I now live in a secure community where door-to-door callers cannot gain easy access, so I am now unfortunately shielded from the LDS and JW callers – but I do have you to taunt.

LOL, taunt away! Hey, it's your decision what to believe and what not to believe. No one can take that away from you.

1. Take the desire to know God and believe in Him, no matter how small that seed may be.

But, you're asking me to believe in something that has never been shown to exist. I can imagine a god as easily as a dragon, or anything else that can be conjured. The desire to know god is one of tangibility, not fantasy.

Ask God, "If there is a God, and you are God, will you forgive me my sins and change my heart from unbelief to belief?"

Nope, no answers there.

Repent of your sins, confessing them to God.

I've done nothing to harm anyone, there is nothing to confess.

Take the missionary discussions as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The missionaries are in the phone book.

That has been found to be useless. All that I get is their perceptions, which are different from each other.

Make the commitment to take Christ's name upon you

Ok, done.

Get baptized into the LDS Church.

Also useless, that is little more than a petty ritual.

Endure to the end.

Well, that was a complete waste of time.

You've done little more than establish an imaginary scenario, tossed in with silly rituals with a final word of, "Sit tight, it'll all be over in a while."