Can the soul feel pain after death !!!

Keep trying, (Q), don't give up so easily. I challenge you to receive the missionary discussions, as a message board is not really the ideal place to be taught.
Is it true Joseph Smith found gold tablets?
Is it true they think Jesus came to the South American Natives before Europeans came?
Is it true they have after-death marriage ceremonies and post-mortem conversions of Jews?

I think the most sensible character in Mormon mythology is Korihor.
I challenge you to receive the missionary discussions

What, you think I fell off the turnip truck yesterday? Don't you think I've talked the shirt off of a few LDS and JW's? Like Cris, I welcome getting into discussions with them, watching them foaming at the mouth while I pummel them with rationale and reason is righteous entertainment. Those guys are a pushover, they lack any ability to synthesize and get completely flustered and frustrated when they can't find an answer to simple questions.
spidergoat said:
Is it true Joseph Smith found gold tablets?


Is it true they think Jesus came to the South American Natives before Europeans came?

Not necessarily South American, but definitely somewhere on the American continents.

Is it true they have after-death marriage ceremonies and post-mortem conversions of Jews?

I'm not a "temple Mormon"--I've never been in a temple except to do baptisms for the dead as a teenager--so I'm not sure if they do "after-death marriage ceremonies" or not.

But no, they may baptize a dead person by proxy, but that dead person doesn't need to accept the baptism in the next life. The baptism for the dead just gives the deceased the choice whether to receive the baptism or not.

I think the most sensible character in Mormon mythology is Korihor.

Been reading the Book of Mormon, eh?
(Q) said:
I challenge you to receive the missionary discussions

What, you think I fell off the turnip truck yesterday? Don't you think I've talked the shirt off of a few LDS and JW's? Like Cris, I welcome getting into discussions with them, watching them foaming at the mouth while I pummel them with rationale and reason is righteous entertainment. Those guys are a pushover, they lack any ability to synthesize and get completely flustered and frustrated when they can't find an answer to simple questions.

Sorreee! I mistook you for someone who wanted to know the truth. Good grief.
I mistook you for someone who wanted to know the truth.

I do, but you've not presented it, neither have those I've discussed with. That is exactly the problem, you can't show anything beyond what comes from your imagination and a handful of pointless rituals.

If that is the extent of your faith, then it rests on very thin ice. You must be in debt up to your ears from all the snake-oil salesmen who knock on your door.
Marlin said:
Been reading the Book of Mormon, eh?
Yes, I got one from some nicely dressed people that came to visit, and I went to their temple in DC once, where they showed me some literally unbelievable movies in the visitor center.

I have to give them credit, they aren't stuck in history like ordinary Christians, they are willing to consider relatively new gospels and rather unorthodox teachings.
Well, that's kind of offensive.

Asking someone to believe in that which does not exist is also offensive, to their intelligence.

I guess that makes us even.
(Q) said:
Well, that's kind of offensive.

Asking someone to believe in that which does not exist is also offensive, to their intelligence.

I guess that makes us even.

The difference of course being, that I did not intend to be offensive, but rather wanted to share something important with you that would make you happy. While you intended to offend me, perhaps all along in this thread.
Marlin said:
The difference of course being, that I did not intend to be offensive, but rather wanted to share something important with you that would make you happy. While you intended to offend me, perhaps all along in this thread.

Challenging peoples most cherished beliefs is a right and a freedom.
I did not intend to be offensive

Hiding behind ignorance is no excuse.

Anyone can plainly see that you've been taken by a charlatan and a fraud, and then you expect me to believe that sharing your gullibility will somehow make me happy?

I asked how it was to become spiritually reborn and all you offered was the same snake-oil charms in which you fell prey.

You did so like a parent talking to their children about Santa Claus.

Yes, it was offensive. And it doesn't surprise me that I had to explain that to you as well.
Cris said:
Understood. Which means you are effectively closed minded to other ideas and will always have trouble seeing alternate views (“God did it” is your only perspective). I don’t rule out the concepts of gods and I can imagine how they could exist, but I’m not prepared to rule out the many other possibilities which seem more likely as explanations for the universe and everything associated with it.

I'm close minded to alot of ideas yes...most of the world's ideas and it's opinions are rubbish. Most people only talk because they have a mouth. I'd rather listen to the still silence than anything I see on TV, news, or hear on the radio.

Most peoples daily lives are contaminated with 99.9999% BS.(imo, posessions, habits, McDonald's, MTV, Drugs, CSI etc.) Sometimes I think to myself I would have much rather been born into an indigenous tribe and not have known anything at all, then I would find more wonder in staring at the stars and venturing the land. Just living in a jungle and hunting for my own survival.

But seeing evidence of God in the world, doesn't restrain me from anything. And it doesn't mold my mind and sear it closed to knowledge. (Did that happen to you when you were religious? or ?) I actually find peace, appreciation and wonder.

I do look forward to the day that someone can teach me something new/interesting ...if you had some intelligence to impart, I would sincerely and gratefully receive it. I've search out Truth wherever it can be found.

Finding it is the hard part ;)
But seeing evidence of God in the world

What evidence?

if you had some intelligence to impart, I would sincerely and gratefully receive it.

No, you haven't so far, and don't expect to anytime soon.
(Q) said:
What evidence?
What's not Evidence? Simply to be is evidence to me...

(Q) said:
No, you haven't so far, and don't expect to anytime soon.

.. ok .. :bugeye: Teach me about why we are here my friend. Impart. Reveal. Testify.
Marlin, spidergoat,

“ Originally Posted by spidergoat
Is it true Joseph Smith found gold tablets? ”
From Marlin -

Not so fast.

Good ole Joe claimed he had the tablets but they "magically dissapeared" before anyone else saw them. Hmm - to any normal person that would be very suspicious but Joe was a brillinat salesman (i.e. con man) and convinced all the local gullible victims that his story was true.

Absolutely amazing, and victims like Marlin are still buying the story.
Cris said:
Marlin, spidergoat,

Not so fast.

Good ole Joe claimed he had the tablets but they "magically dissapeared" before anyone else saw them. Hmm - to any normal person that would be very suspicious but Joe was a brillinat salesman (i.e. con man) and convinced all the local gullible victims that his story was true.

Absolutely amazing, and victims like Marlin are still buying the story.

Cris, you don't know your LDS history nearly as well as you think you do. There were Three Witnesses who saw the plates, and then Eight Witnesses saw and touched them. Their testimonies are still in the front pages of every Book of Mormon. Although most of these witnesses left the Church subsequently, none of them ever denied their testimony that they had seen the plates. In a court of law, this would easily be enough evidence to satisfy any jury that the plates were real.

The angel Moroni did take the plates with him after the Book of Mormon had been translated. As far as we know, he still has them. They didn't "magically disappear" but rather, were reserved to come forth at a later time for more of the book to be translated.
Oh Marlin - every good con has some "credible" paid assistants - didn't you ever see the movie "The Sting"?

And angels taking the tablets - LOL, yup they dissapeared.

Good ole Joe scripted the plan and you are the mark.

Now had the tablets been on show for thousands to see for a few days, and then they were seen being whisked away by an angel - then you'd have a chnace at something believable.