Can the soul feel pain after death !!!

According to many religions your immortal soul will go either to hell or paradise (heaven) after your mortal coil (body) has died and desintegrates ......
The soul will then no longer be attached to your body - and no longer will it be attached to your pain sensory cells, nerves that lead the pain impulse and the brain that interprets the pain impulse as pain ......

If the soul cannot sense pain, heat, cold, vibration, touch, hunger, thirst, vision, smell, hearing, taste and so on , then I guess spending your time burning in hell won´t be bad - just a little different !!

Are all sinners homefree ?
Should we stop being afraid of hell ?
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Your "soul" is the action of your body, and has no independent existence, so without the body there is nothing, just like before you were born.
Hi PS,

Welcome to sciforums.

Nice observation, however, deeper debates here about what is meant by hell have raised the bible statements that indicate that hell simply means the grave, or effective cessation of existence. I.e. if you are judged and go to hell it means your soul is terminated. The difference between heaven and hell is eternal life or nothing.

So the issue of sensory experiences become moot.

The bible also implies that heaven is not some ethereal place where we have no bodies but instead it is the earth where those who are judged worthy will be resurrected back into perfect bodies and can live happily ever after.

It is difficult to find biblical support for the conventional and layman perceptions of heaven and hell.
In LDS belief, the spirit is made out of matter, only more refined and purer than the physical body. I believe that the spirit can feel pain and all of the senses--how would God punish Satan and his devils if they were immune from suffering?

Put me down as disagreeing with Cris--all people, good and evil, will be resurrected in bodily form, and we go on forever. Quite an incentive to repent, facing an eternity of suffering versus an eternity of pleasure and bliss.

The good news is, repentance will wash away our sins and we won't have to suffer eternally. Jesus takes on our punishment for us when we repent and agree to keep His commandments. The only ones without hope are the devil and his angels--they will suffer forever, tormented day and night. The rest of us have hope.
In LDS belief, the spirit is made out of matter, only more refined and purer than the physical body

How can you have matter that's purer than that of the physical body? What does that even mean?

Our physical bodies consist largely of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon, plus smaller amounts of a great deal of other elements. Do you mean to say that the spirit consists of a less heterogeneous set of elements? I truly do not understand what you are saying Marlin.
Laika said:
How can you have matter that's purer than that of the physical body? What does that even mean?

Our physical bodies consist largely of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon, plus smaller amounts of a great deal of other elements. Do you mean to say that the spirit consists of a less heterogeneous set of elements? I truly do not understand what you are saying Marlin.

What I mean is, it's a kind of matter that we cannot as yet perceive, either directly or indirectly. It's invisible and outside our abilities to sense. Admittedly, we don't know much about it other than that.
(Disclaimer--these are my interpretations of scripture--not to be taken to scientific extremes! i.e religious. philisophical.)

I would imagine that the sensation of physical suffering isn't as poignant while disembodied....since there are no nueral receptors to register the different kinds of pain or damage done to the body / the brain to interpret / etc--But like Marlin said, our spiritual image should also reflect our physical image and have a similar ability to interact all classes of matter. Both physical and spiritual...

Spiritual can be recognizes as that which acts for itself (intelligent matter, spirits of people creatures etc..) and physical is matter acted upon by intelligent forces, i.e. follows the dictates of spirit.

But emotional... suffering like sadness, disappointment etc-- should still remain intact pretty much, since they are based on state of mind.
What I mean is, it's a kind of matter that we cannot as yet perceive, either directly or indirectly.

And yet, without being able to perceive in any way, you've still come to the conclusion it exists?

It's invisible and outside our abilities to sense.

Then, how the hell do you know it exists if you're unable to sense it???
(Q) said:
Then, how the hell do you know it exists if you're unable to sense it???

Largely based on faith. And hope that one exists independantly as an intelligence--that cannot be destroyed. Doesn't perish. Continues on after the mortal shell is laid aside.

Is the accumulation of experience, knowledge, like a registry of all decisions, a record of all light/energy absorbed through the eyes (the windows to the 'soul').

Also a way in appreciating self worth :D
Largely based on faith.

In other words, indistinguishable from wishful thinking or fantasy.
Faith that what the scriptures and prophets say is true, Nisus said it. We currently have no way of scientifically verifying that the spirit exists other than faith.

Largely based on faith.
Largely? Come on be honest - it's totally based on faith. Hmm - perhaps even that goes too far - this is total creative imagination. But then we are talking about the soul concept so we should expect that.

We currently have no way of scientifically verifying that the spirit exists other than faith.
Faith doesn't verify it either.
(Q) said:
In other words, indistinguishable from wishful thinking or fantasy.

Well according to Athiesm, all thinking is wishful, =p since none of it goes anywhere in the end anyways.

Brought up just to be laid back down into the earth, regardless of it's accuracy and harmony with anything else. Disassembled (oh yea fear it, like on short circuit!!).

It does for me. Faith is the evidence of things not seen, but which are believed to be true.
We were talking about verification not personal fantasies.
Cris said:

We were talking about verification not personal fantasies.

Cris, as I've said to you before, the natural man cannot understand the things of God [including verification of truth within one's heart] until he puts off the natural man and becomes spiritually reborn. To the natural man, God's truths are foolishness.
puts off the natural man and becomes spiritually reborn

Then tell me, for I really need to know, how does one become 'spiritually reborn', exactly?
Cris said:

Largely? Come on be honest - it's totally based on faith. Hmm - perhaps even that goes too far - this is total creative imagination. But then we are talking about the soul concept so we should expect that.

Well since believer or non-believer we are all free to think and interpret for ourselves. What is evident to me, might not be considered or interpreted as evident to you. (I see all things as evidence of God)

Faith is a lot like government, and law--. It's administered by people, and upheld by people.

Nature doesn't punish people, people punish people. Nature's environment is survival of the fittest. And there-- amongst humans, faith, law, goverment, and what we believe is truth-- is what stands.

Get some followers, start a tribe, massacre people, and if you can out fight your opponents, then you can be the one to record the history of who was right, and who was wrong. Establish government. Principles. Regulations. Laws. At least this is what has been attested from history.

...For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers...