Can Scientists & Mystics Work Together?

The FACT that one "side" has evidence to support its views while the other has nothing more than supposition and wishful thinking doesn't help much either.
I certainty agree with that.
Yet you persist in siding with the supposition and wishful thinking.
Yet you persist in siding with the supposition and wishful thinking.
Oh... I thought you were talking about scientists. :cool:
And here I thought scientists and creationist were going to work together. Actually some scientists do now, it is just amatter of time before the rest do also.
Oh... I thought you were talking about scientists. :cool:
No you didn't (unless you're far more obtuse than I even suspected you to be).

And here I thought scientists and creationist were going to work together.
That would be because you don't genuinely think and you don't read anythingthat disgarees with your narrow view point. Science and creationism are incompatible.

Actually some scientists do now, it is just amatter of time before the rest do also.
Also incorrect.
In the broadest sense, I'm a marine biologist - although broader still I suppose I'm just a behavioural ecologist who just happens to focus on marine organisms
Actually that sound like very interesting stuff. So are you doing the kind of work that is trying to understand the 'evolutionary' causes of variety in the behavior among populations and 'species'. As you probably already know I don't think that evolution is really any part of the life we see. And the changes we do see can be explained with adapting and reproduction , comparing that to dogs for instance. There are a lot of variety of dogs, but they are still dogs.
I was wondering what you think?
Actually that sound like very interesting stuff. So are you doing the kind of work that is trying to understand the 'evolutionary' causes of variety in the behavior among populations and 'species'. As you probably already know I don't think that evolution is really any part of the life we see. And the changes we do see can be explained with adapting and reproduction , comparing that to dogs for instance. There are a lot of variety of dogs, but they are still dogs.
I was wondering what you think?

In less than a century, human selection has turned wolves into chihuahuas. When that sort of change happens over millions of years, one species turns into another. You have your own personal definition of what it means to be a dog, like you have your own personal definition of what it means to be a bird. And yet birds are just a form of dinosaur. The dinosaurs they evolved from are dead, so the transition between reptile and bird seems like a big jump, but actually it happened gradually.
Which is why you should read more pages before posting. No they can't (except on things related to neither science nor mysticism).

I disagree. Guess opinions vary ;).


Same as above - only this time your saying they never work together when I know they have in the past, present and tommorrow!

Which isn't quite the same.

Sure it is. 'It's whatever makes you see, what makes you believe.' If scientists can hold strong spiritual beliefs while figuring out the physical evidence they find, then they are doing it on a regular basis. Logic and creativity combined is all science and mystics working together is.

A perfect example of why they can't work together. Scientists don't work that way at all: they observe the evidence FIRST and then try to work out what it means.

I disagree. The most brilliant scientists don't wait for evidence, they go and find it. Where they look comes from their beliefs in what they will find. It starts out as an absurd possibility. Take Einsteins words for it ;).
Actually that sound like very interesting stuff. So are you doing the kind of work that is trying to understand the 'evolutionary' causes of variety in the behavior among populations and 'species'

Certainly that is a part of ethology (the study of animal behaviour) but its a broad field of study and not something that I or the department I work in spends much time on right now - we are much more interested in what's happening right now now and its implications on the future - so we are looking at how different organisms respond to different environmental stresses like climate change - pollution - physical disturbance, changes in ocean chemistry and circulation etc

. As you probably already know I don't think that evolution is really any part of the life we see. And the changes we do see can be explained with adapting and reproduction , comparing that to dogs for instance. There are a lot of variety of dogs, but they are still dogs.
I was wondering what you think?

well adaptation and reproduction are cornerstones of evolutionary theory - so you do accept it even if you think you dont - you've just (more than likely) been told that you arent allowed to accept it by the dangerous religious fanatics that have sequestered your mind and your free will.
So take heart - by pointing out that changes in species are caused by variation and reproduction you're part of the way there - and you're smarter than you realised.
I disagree. The most brilliant scientists don't wait for evidence, they go and find it. Where they look comes from their beliefs in what they will find. It starts out as an absurd possibility. Take Einsteins words for it ;).
It doesn't matter whether you agree or not.
Scientists even, or especially, the "brilliant" ones work from available evidence.
They do their absolute best to not let their beliefs colour their search for the actuality of things. That is why, having coming up with a theory they spend so much time trying to disprove it.
It doesn't matter whether you agree or not.
Scientists even, or especially, the "brilliant" ones work from available evidence.
I would say Einstein worked more with math and images. In fact it took quite a while to even have a way to test some of his ideas - they did well. He certainly didn't test his way to his most famous ideas.

They do their absolute best to not let their beliefs colour their search for the actuality of things. That is why, having coming up with a theory they spend so much time trying to disprove it.
This seems a little ideal in conception. Even honorable scientists might move on to other studies and leave disproofs to others.
I would say Einstein worked more with math and images. In fact it took quite a while to even have a way to test some of his ideas - they did well. He certainly didn't test his way to his most famous ideas.
Agreed: but he didn't go haring off trying find evidence for his "absurd possibility" - he worked up to it from KNOWN information.

This seems a little ideal in conception. Even honorable scientists might move on to other studies and leave disproofs to others.
Initially (before publication, for one thing) they'll look for evidence against. Wouldn't want to publish and then have a first-year student turn round and say "But wouldn't that be wrong due to X?" ;)
In less than a century, human selection has turned wolves into chihuahuas. When that sort of change happens over millions of years, one species turns into another. You have your own personal definition of what it means to be a dog, like you have your own personal definition of what it means to be a bird. And yet birds are just a form of dinosaur. The dinosaurs they evolved from are dead, so the transition between reptile and bird seems like a big jump, but actually it happened gradually.
First of all you are assuming that domestic and wild are the same, or came from one another that may not be true. Some might have, but others could have been created, at least creation account say that. But what you just said took intelligence and planning to do. The word species is not conclusive with science , there are many definitions of what a species is. ( where is the line?) So it is not that easy to say. Even with the creation accounts the word kind is used. That also does not give a definition exactly where the line is.
The dinosaurs, have gone extinct but so have many animals in the last 150 years. The jump between reptile and birds is a huge jump. more like a leap of faith that, that could happen or did.
First of all reptiles are cold-blooded animals, meaning that their internal temperature will either increase or decrease depending upon the outside temperature. Birds, on the other hand, are warm-blooded; their bodies maintain a relatively constant internal temperature regardless of the temperature outside. To solve the puzzle of how warm-blooded birds came from cold-blooded reptiles, some evolutionists now say that some of the dinosaurs (which were reptiles) were warm-blooded. But the general view is still as Robert Jastrow observes: “Dinosaurs, like all reptiles, were cold-blooded animals.
Lecomte du Noüy, the French evolutionist, said concerning the belief that warm-blooded birds came from cold-blooded reptiles: “This stands out today as one of the greatest puzzles of evolution.” He also made the admission that birds have “all the unsatisfactory characteristics of absolute creation” but that is only to the theory of evolution.
This shows how evolutionists will say almost anything to try and prove evolution. But this is just the start what about scales to feathers. The real problem here is that the transitional animals are not found that show that any of this did happen.
There is also the gulf between Amphibian and Reptile. Then you have the gulf between Reptile and Mammal.
Physically, man fits the general definition of a mammal. However, even some evolutionists says that there can be more of tragic mistake could be made than to consider man ‘merely an animal.’ Man is unique; he differs from all other animals in many properties, such as speech, tradition, culture, and an enormously extended period of growth and parental care, also man is able to do mathematics, art, music, and creative talents, and able to build complex machines.
The real evidence is over whelming. We should be seeing Planet of the Apes types of animals today, in various stages of evolution, but there are none.
There really is no excuse for scientist that say evolution is correct. The evidence is just over whelmming.
First of all you are assuming that domestic and wild are the same, or came from one another that may not be true.
But it has been shown to be.

Some might have, but others could have been created

The word species is not conclusive with science , there are many definitions of what a species is.
Really? It's a scientific word, therefore science defines it. What other definitions do you have?

Even with the creation accounts the word kind is used.
Yep "kind" not "species".

The jump between reptile and birds is a huge jump. more like a leap of faith
Wrong again.

This shows how evolutionists will say almost anything to try and prove evolution
The real problem here is that the transitional animals are not found
You're trolling again and repeating things already shown to be wrong.

However, even some evolutionists says that there can be more of tragic mistake could be made than to consider man ‘merely an animal.’
Source? And look at the context.

The real evidence is over whelming. We should be seeing Planet of the Apes types of animals today, in various stages of evolution, but there are none.
There really is no excuse for scientist that say evolution is correct. The evidence is just over whelmming.
More trolling.
Stop it.
There are many definitions of what kind of unit a species is (or should be). A common definition is that of a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring of both genders, and separated from other such groups with which interbreeding does not (normally) happen. Other definitions may focus on similarity of DNA or morphology. Some species are further subdivided into subspecies, and here also there is no close agreement on the criteria to be used.
This is not my idea, this is known, or do you not know what science says?
Source? And look at the context.
This was something I found a few years ago, all I did was copy down the quote.
You don't have to accept it. But any rational person would come to that conclusion. There is a huge jump from anything else and man.
I asked what the other definitions were. That article implies that all of the definitions (in use) are scientific definitions, which invalidates your argument..

This was something I found a few years ago, all I did was copy down the quote.
In other words you copied down a "quote" and ignored the context. Thus rendering it entirely meaningless.

You don't have to accept it. But any rational person would come to that conclusion. There is a huge jump from anything else and man.
Initially (before publication, for one thing) they'll look for evidence against. Wouldn't want to publish and then have a first-year student turn round and say "But wouldn't that be wrong due to X?" ;)
Now you're talking. That has enlightened self-interest written all over it. But once it's out there, I would guess many try to extend rather then disprove their own work. Or find some other coup or grant/award worthy research to engage in.
Um, there's many a slip twixt cup and lip ;)
Yeah I'd imagine there are - "I've done this, it's up to you guys to disprove it. I have better things to do".
I'm not really against science making mistakes, or even coming to wrong conclusions. The real problem, is concluding something and calling it a fact with out all the ducks lined up. Science can have the theory, but there is nothing science has that says creation is not possible. If science was to be honest, they should not takes sides until they know for sure. That means in their papers, their programs and teaching in schools.
The problem now is that scientists have stuck their neck out, claiming it is a fact, and pushing it for over 100 years, I think they have to try and prove evolution no matter what now. That is why they are saying it is a fact.
I'm not really against science making mistakes, or even coming to wrong conclusions.
Unfortunately you're assuming that (in this case especially) science HAS come to the wrong conclusion. With no evidence whatsoever to support your opinion.

The real problem, is concluding something and calling it a fact with out all the ducks lined up.
No the real problem is that you're so wedded to the ridiculous notion of creation that you don't understand what evidence and fact means.

Science can have the theory, but there is nothing science has that says creation is not possible.
Already shown to be wrong. Trolling again.

If science was to be honest, they should not takes sides until they know for sure.
We do know.

The problem now is that scientists have stuck their neck out, claiming it is a fact, and pushing it for over 100 years, I think they have to try and prove evolution no matter what now. That is why they are saying it is a fact.
Trolling, again.
Reported, again.