Can Robots Make Ethical Decisions?

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*yawn* I'm getting tired of this...

Its not uncommon that people dont want to analyze ther personal beleifs... but sinse its because of you'r personal beleifs that you dont thank a computer coud duplicate human "consciousness"... ive jus been tryin to get you to esplane you'r positon which involves discussin you'r beleifs.!!!

Science invites questons an that makes it self-correctin which leads to knowledge... beleifs are set in stone an leads to stagnaton :(
Its not uncommon that people dont want to analyze ther personal beleifs... but sinse its because of you'r personal beleifs that you dont thank a computer coud duplicate human "consciousness"... ive jus been tryin to get you to esplane you'r positon which involves discussin you'r beleifs.!!!

Science invites questons an that makes it self-correctin which leads to knowledge... beleifs are set in stone an leads to stagnaton :(

But there are questions that even science cannot answer and probably will never be able to do so. Its up to you to choose what you wanna believe in. Everybody has their opinions I won't force mine on you and you must do the same. What I told you b4 was mine opinion you are welcomed to agree or disagree with it. A machine will remain a machine no matter how good the programming is it cannot become a human because no one knows what is special about being one let alone program a machine to do so.
Beliefs do not always have to lead to stagnation either

It is not because I do not want to explain my line of thinking its just I'm sure nothing will come out my effort to do so. Its become clear to me that you and I differ on fundamentals so its pointless to debate further on...
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A machine will remain a machine no matter how good the programming is it cannot become a human because no one knows what is special about being one let alone program a machine to do so.

It is tautologically true that a computer, no matter how well programmed can never be a human, but I see no reason to believe that human consciousness is anything deeper than intricate biomolectular architecture and the electro-chemical programming stored within it.

"Machines" don't need to be made of metal. Humans are just complicated organic machines.
It is tautologically true that a computer, no matter how well programmed can never be a human, but I see no reason to believe that human consciousness is anything deeper than intricate biomolectular architecture and the electro-chemical programming stored within it.
I do.
But there are questions that even science cannot answer...

Science dont clame to know it all... havin all the answrs is mor in the relm of religion.!!!

Personaly... i dont have a strong enuff need to know all the answrs that i will beleive... try to beleive or act like i beleive perty much anythang that will fill in the blanks of what science hasnt figered out yet.!!!

Its up to you to choose what you wanna believe in.

Yes... an thats why unevidenced "personal-beleifs" are wortless as far as understandin the world we live in.!!!

A machine will remain a machine no matter how good the programming is it cannot become a human because no one knows what is special about being one...

Wit-out science very little woud be understood... an insted of communicatin on the internet we woud still be usin smoke signals... lol.!!!

Beliefs do not always have to lead to stagnation either

Well surly not total stagnation... new thangs can also be learned by "accident/dum-luck".!!!

It is not because I do not want to explain my line of thinking its just I'm sure nothing will come out my effort to do so.

"nuthin"???... im learnin mor an mor about you'r personal beleifs which will help me to understan why you dont thank human "consciousness" coud be duplicated in a robot.. for instence:::

Our consciousness is the "sole" that God puts into humans... the sole ant influenced by genes or enviroment... the sole influences what the body does.!!!

But are the soles "God" puts in humans all equal... or do som humans get beter soles than others... in other words... why are som people bad an som people good.???
Yes... an thats why unevidenced "personal-beleifs" are wortless as far as understandin the world we live in.!!!
What? Where did I say that personal beliefs be used in place of scientific approach?

Wit-out science very little woud be understood... an insted of communicatin on the internet we woud still be usin smoke signals... lol.!!!
Without beliefs you won't be sitting in your comfy chair typing these words because you would have been obliterated by some weapon of mass destruction created by science.

Well surly not total stagnation... new thangs can also be learned by "accident/dum-luck".!!!
Or tapping into your intuition.

"nuthin"???... im learnin mor an mor about you'r personal beleifs which will help me to understan why you dont thank human "consciousness" coud be duplicated in a robot.. for instence:::
I really get tired of these pointless discussions very easily. You must search for these answers by yourself. I can't help you decide.

Our consciousness is the "sole" that God puts into humans... the sole ant influenced by genes or enviroment... the sole influences what the body does.!!!

But are the soles "God" puts in humans all equal... or do som humans get beter soles than others... in other words... why are som people bad an som people good.???
Souls of all humans are equal. And the soul of an insect and a human is not different either.
But I won't say any more on this.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
...are the soles "God" puts in humans all equal... or do som humans get beter soles than others... in other words... why are som people bad an som people good.???

Souls of all humans are equal. And the soul of an insect and a human is not different either.

oK... all soles are equal... but what makes som people behave good an som people behave bad.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
...are the soles "God" puts in humans all equal... or do som humans get beter soles than others... in other words... why are som people bad an som people good.???

oK... all soles are equal... but what makes som people behave good an som people behave bad.???

Its not my place to answer that. I am merely one person I can't know about the working of others mind only my own.
And the terms you use "good" and "bad" are not absolute but dependent on the person observing.
I and you are no one to judge a "bad" from "good" person either. We can only judge ourselves.
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oK... in you'r jugment... what is it that causes you'r morals to be of a lower quality at times.!!!

The short,sweet and vague answer to it is when my will power is weak I am capable of performing despicable acts. And no one is to blame except for myself in that case.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
oK... in you'r jugment... what is it that causes you'r morals to be of a lower quality at times.!!!

...I am capable of performing despicable acts. And no one is to blame except for myself in that case.

What do you mean by "myself"... the sole that God put into you.???
It is tautologically true that a computer, no matter how well programmed can never be a human, but I see no reason to believe that human consciousness is anything deeper than intricate biomolectular architecture and the electro-chemical programming stored within it.

"Machines" don't need to be made of metal. Humans are just complicated organic machines.

a metal machine though doesn't evolve

a metal machine can't take it upon its self to change its form

organics in any form can change its form and does
a metal machine though doesn't evolve

Machines are evolvin at a much faster pace than humans.!!!

a metal machine can't take it upon its self to change its form

Nether coud earlly humans... Machines are in ther infentsy.!!!

organics in any form can change its form and does

organics in any form do change... but only humans have evolved to a pont whare som changes can be considered "self-directed".!!!
An AI can be programed to feel exactly like a,lies,hate,sadness,and all complicated feelings/moods etc. with the full meaning of the words.
An AI can be programed to feel exactly like a,lies,hate,sadness,and all complicated feelings/moods etc. with the full meaning of the words.

I thank the ability to duplicate such thangs is in our future but i emagine those "feelins" you mentoned will be improved upon.!!!
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