Can blacks marry whites?

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775997 - remove "dipshit"​

Topic + 79 replies = 80 posts

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(14 mod edits) / (87 posts) = 0.1609195 = 16% posts in topic require moderation.

Topic period: Feb. 22 - Mar. 1, 2005 (1 week).

• • •​

This update is brought to you "FYI". Or maybe as "FFT". At any rate, please resume the regularly-scheduled discussion.
The Doctor:
Actually - please pay attention.

I was in a great relationship for eight years with a tall blonde who liked me because of me

Now here's a novel thought for you: there are some white women who prefer black guys

It is not absurd to assume that you mention your ex girlfriend because she would be such a "white woman"
Or perhaps you mention her as a sort of bragging.
"I had a girlfriend!! On the internet!!!!"

Hence Mr. Coffee's supposition is not "twisted". Please familiarize yourself with your own works, 'kay?

By the way:
" because white guys treat them like crap and it's only a rascist sterotype that all black men beat and intimidate their"

This is quite amusing.
It is racist, apparently, to say that black men treat black women badly, but apparently quite alright to state that Aryan men treat Aryan women badly.
Not racist at all.

Further, it would seem that your argument is not backed by statistic data:
xev: "Is that Finnish? There's a Finnish death metal band called Impaled Nazarene with a song of that title."

Yeah, Finnish. I think every other Finnish metal band has a song of that title, and there are four metal bands in each block here. Perkele is actually a god of a sort in Finnish mythos, but today it's mostly a curse word used by people who dig knife fighting. When someone cuts off your leg and breakes seven of your ribs you might yell perkele.

to Athelvolva.

Using nature to argue against homosexual marriage is actually quite logical, since it's the marriage and not the sexual fixation under emphasis. Marriage is a medium of producing offspring. And if society evolves in an equivalent rate with nature (as you said) it will be a long way before our species are evolved enough for two males to have children together- purely biological reasons. Using that logic fags may never marry for the right reasons, right reasons being those which the church has set. Marriage is after all a completely religious predicament.

And then your psychological argument strolls in and tries to find equal grounds in gay and interracial marriages. The thing is, though, that the same sex can not produce offspring. Therefor the child's psychological development nor the child's identity can never be measured from the fact that feminine-daddy and moustache-daddy are the parents. There is more in the mix than just the sexual fixation of the parents.

Child (with a cute lisp) : Daddy-O! Whose womb was it that perfected me?

And as you might figure, black daddy and a white mommy will most likely not go trough that kind of questioning. They might make a mush out of the child's identity, but at least that child wont be sitting in a tower holding a sniper rifle unlike the pampered fuck who lives the life of the white value.
He might end up being a gangsta fool, but at least he can tell himself he 'gots' the street identity going for him.

volva: " And hopefully, you all see now why I was being a devil's advocate."
Yeah, sure did!

I want to try it also.

What if we slaughtered all the niggers and used their skins for millions of über cool black leather pants? ( MIND YOU IM DEVIL'S ADVOCATE HERE GUYS ). Now for the question; Would that reduce crime rate ( IM NOT SAYIN', JUST PLAYIN' ).
Perkele said:
xev: Using nature to argue against homosexual marriage is actually quite logical, since it's the marriage and not the sexual fixation under emphasis. Marriage is a medium of producing offspring.

Using that logic fags may never marry for the right reasons, right reasons being those which the church has set. Marriage is after all a completely religious predicament.

That's a nice bit of rhetoric, and frankly I suppose I'd have to agree with you if any of it were actually true.

Marriage is not simply an institution for producing children (at least that is not how it is treated in much of the western world, and specifically America, which is generally the main region I'm talking about when I get onto the subject of Gay Rights). Were this the case, then couples who are incapable of producing children, barren women, and sterile men, would be barred from marriage as well. Also there exists no law in the United States, or in any western world nation of which I am aware that requires married couples to produce children lest the marriage become void.

Also, your assertion that marriage is a purely religious institution is simply flat out incorrect. Many religions recognize the institution of marriage, this is true, however it is also a civil institution and recognized and written into law by secular governing bodies specifically for purposes of setting a foundation for certain legal matters. Also if you take a look at archeology and anthropology you'll realize that in most cultures religion has been a civil institution (a financial arrangement or a legal contract) far longer than religion really had anything to do with it. In other words religion (and Christianity specifically) really hasn't got a leg to stand on in trying to dictate who can and can not marry (aside from their right to deny to perform a religious ceremony for people they deem unworthy, that’s certainly within their rights, and no one is fighting to take that from them).
to mystech

Fact is- especially in the states marriage is tightly associated with religion. Therefore all the religious puts’ get their panties in a twist when abominations like gays try to fit in the 'good-values-good-morals-white-house-two-cars-two-kids-and-a-dog' model or mentality and want to get married. Barren women and sterile men differ from gays for they are not considered sinners (I would think). From the eyes of your basic Christian moralist, barren women and sterile men are victims of an enormous tragedy. So in the eyes of the public marriage will not be anything but a nest of values, a medium for producing children and imposing virtuous morales. Of course it has many sides, but when the point is whether or not they let more people in this ‘club’- it’s all about image. And the image of marriage reflects itself more from values and such, rather than written contracts and easier taxation.

And you’re right, marriage bonds two persons together in the face of law, civil institution. Homo’s should realize this, and stop trying to get married per se. They should take the idea of marriage and view it as something more practical in the eyes of the public, view it as something else than an agreement before the eyes of god. Homo's want the same advantages and services as any normal married couple. So just change the pursued ‘marriage’ into, for example, ‘union of two’.
And not like: “ we want to marry before the eyes of god, who thinks we are unnatural + the Christian movement who decide most votes hate this shit”

In the end, least in the states, religion/religious types decide the faith of gay marriage.
The Doctor said:
Now here's a novel thought for you: there are some white women who prefer black guys because white guys treat them like crap and it's only a rascist sterotype that all black men beat and intimidate their [white] wives. With a 62 per cent divorce rate, you have to ask what are all of those white men doing to their white wives that make them so unhappy and ready to jump from guy to guy to guy, hmm?
The Doctor

While the divorce rate for blacks and whites was equal in 1940, by 1964 the non-white divorce rate was 40% higher.
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"Someone explain why interracial marriage is not immoral."

You like any other person is human trying to define a purpose which may in fact not exist. You live trying to define this "purpose" as well as deal with the other issues humanity has created for itself within distraction wihich is ultimately, an integral part of the struggle to define "purpose" and accept death as an inevitability. Its very sad. Especially when pointless arguments arise such as this one which prevents humanity from further proceeding and raising its chances of survival. Arguments such as yours are a pointless (especially since it is an ancient issue which (1) should have never arose and (2) since it did arise, should have been done and over with ages ago) distraction that prevent humanity from further ensuring its survival ( I know I said this earlier but I'm just reinstating the facts).....Its all perception and illusion anyway.....sad, quite sad.
Marriage is as much an institution for producing children as it is raising them.
We're pretty much useless for our first 18 years.
Perkele said:
And not like: “ we want to marry before the eyes of god, who thinks we are unnatural + the Christian movement who decide most votes hate this shit”

But they don't think that God thinks they're unnatural... they either don't believe in God or believe that God isn't homophobic. Otherwise they wouldn't be fighting for the right to marry.
Mod Hat - Closure

The score at the closing gun:

776358 - deleted post, extraneous content
776359 - deleted post, extraneous content
776593 - removed extraneous content
776604 - deleted post, extraneous content
776607 - removed extraneous content
776652 - deleted post, extraneous content
776708 - deleted post, extraneous content
776716 - deleted post, extraneous content
776718 - deleted post, extraneous content
776731 - deleted post, extraneous content
776737 - deleted post, extraneous content​

Some of this extraneity I am sympathetic to, especially in the face of devil's advocacy mocked to the point of hell-flaming racism. However, this is ridiculous, and therefore this topic is closed.
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