Can blacks marry whites?

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To end this shit:

We are too fucked up anyways... racial matters are simple unnatural! We are doing the unnatural by WORRYING about it and TRYING to find differences between ourselves. Get over it!

We are fucked up... why not fuck it up a little more? If we inter-marry, then it IS a part of the evolutionary path that WE create. What we do determines how we evolve.

A caveman thousands of years ago didnt start fishing because he felt it was on our evolutionary path, he did it because he felt like it. (Just and example). So, if we feel like interracial marriage is ok, then so be it.

You people sicken me, not because you are racist or anything, but because you are so fucking ignorant that you decide to even worry about it in the first place.

My exact words:
"Who the fuck cares?"
Most evolutionary divergence happened with geographical isolation like an island or lake or mountain range. I don't think any kind of isolation is now possible (or even desirable) that would encourage humanity diverging into seperate species. There is religious isolation, but that isn't total. The problem with this newfound mobility is that we might be wiped out by a plague.

Actually, I thought of another reason why your reason #1 is invalid. Species don't just diverge, parallel lines sometimes rejoin. What seem to be branches on the tree of life are made up of multiple interlacing lines of descent.

I think if you put a group of white scandinavians in africa and isolated them for a thousand years, they would become black. Black skin is just an adaptation to the sun, like white skin is an adaptation to the lack of sun in northern regions.
SpyMoose said:
Completely baseless. Do you believe that modern Africans are a different species?


§outh§tar said:
Athelwulf, you must be an imbecilic racist. Your disclaimer hoodwinks no man.

I must be a racist? Prove it. With the scientific method. :p

§outh§tar said:
Know what you speak of before attempting to spread your rot.


caffeine_fubar said:
To end this shit:

We are too fucked up anyways... racial matters are simple unnatural! We are doing the unnatural by WORRYING about it and TRYING to find differences between ourselves. Get over it!

We are fucked up... why not fuck it up a little more? If we inter-marry, then it IS a part of the evolutionary path that WE create. What we do determines how we evolve.

A caveman thousands of years ago didnt start fishing because he felt it was on our evolutionary path, he did it because he felt like it. (Just and example). So, if we feel like interracial marriage is ok, then so be it.

I agree.

caffeine_fubar said:
You people sicken me, not because you are racist or anything, but because you are so fucking ignorant that you decide to even worry about it in the first place.

Was that directed at me?

caffeine_fubar said:
My exact words:
"Who the fuck cares?"


Hmm . . . The discussion is starting to get ugly. I didn't expect it to happen so fast. Maybe I should reveal my hand tomorrow.
Athelwulf said:
If we allowed members of different races to intermarry, we'd be disrupting the evolutionary process. This is unnatural. Therefore, one can conclude that interracial marriage is immoral.
Why does one have to regard this separation as a LAW not to be broken? Is it unnatural to travel?

Athelwulf said:
Reason 2: A child produced by an interracial marriage cannot develop a racial identity
I'll use psychology for this next reason.
Not at all true. It merely depends upon the environment in which one is raised.

Athelwulf said:
Reason 3: God separated them for a reason
Certainly He does everything for a reason, but he doesn't separate people on the basis of letting them never marry each other. He probably just didn't want them all to occupy the same area.

Athelwulf said:
Thus ends my argument.
Or what weak propositions there existed in the place of your argument.

Whether or not you are actually being a devil's advocate, what it comes down to is that it is a personal choice. If you believe these reasons, then don't marry a person of a different race.

I don't believe these are valid reasons at all. You take accepted premises (e.g. "breaking evolutionary process is unnatural", and "God does everything for a reason"), and you use those to extrapolate things that are simply bogus (e.g. "interracial marriage is unnatural", and "God does not want the races to mix").

But it is a personal choice.
Rubiks, good of ya to come around.

Why does one have to regard this separation as a LAW not to be broken?

In actuality, one doesn't.

Is it unnatural to travel?

I don't think so, but one could take the argument to the extreme . . .

Not at all true. It merely depends upon the environment in which one is raised.

Well, the environment in which a biracial child is raised can be shown to be different from that of a uniracial child.

Certainly He does everything for a reason, but he doesn't separate people on the basis of letting them never marry each other.

Can you know for sure?

He probably just didn't want them all to occupy the same area.

. . . I guess ya can't.

Or what weak propositions there existed in the place of your argument.

Wow . . . I never thought I'd ever agree to such a statement coming from you. :D

Whether or not you are actually being a devil's advocate, what it comes down to is that it is a personal choice. If you believe these reasons, then don't marry a person of a different race.

I agree again.

I don't believe these are valid reasons at all. You take accepted premises (e.g. "breaking evolutionary process is unnatural", and "God does everything for a reason"), and you use those to extrapolate things that are simply bogus (e.g. "interracial marriage is unnatural", and "God does not want the races to mix").

I agree. And thank you for giving me a launching pad.
Athelwulf said:
Well, the environment in which a biracial child is raised can be shown to be different from that of a uniracial child.
So? Does it make it a wrong environment? Environments such as these are what give people uniqueness.

Athelwulf said:
I don't think so, but one could take the argument to the extreme . . .
Yes. My point is that in this topic, when taken to this extreme, all rationality is lost.

Athelwulf said:
Can you know for sure?
No. But neither can you. I have read enough of the Bible to know that He is a loving God, not wanting to separate people on the basis of race. And I think one part even says that the people shall mix.

Athelwulf said:
Wow . . . I never thought I'd ever agree to such a statement coming from you.
You are finally coming to realize that I am usually right! YESSSS!
No. But neither can you. I have read enough of the Bible to know that He is a loving God, not wanting to separate people on the basis of race. And I think one part even says that the people shall mix.

Nehemiah 13:23-27 (NIV): Moreover, in those days I saw men of Judah who had married women from Ashdod, Ammon and Moab ... I rebuked them and called curses down on them ... I made them take an oath in God's name and said: "You are not to give your daughters in marriage to their sons, nor are you to take their daughters in marriage for your sons or for yourselves. Was it not because of marriages like these that Solomon king of Israel sinned? Among the many nations there was no king like him. He was loved by his God, and God made him king over all Israel, but even he was led into sin by foreign women. Must we hear now that you too are doing all this terrible wickedness and are being unfaithful to our God by marrying foreign women?"

Genesis 24:1-4 (NIV): Abraham was now old and well advanced in years, and the LORD had blessed him in every way. He said to the chief servant in his household, the one in charge of all that he had, "Put your hand under my thigh. I want you to swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I am living, but will go to my country and my own relatives and get a wife for my son Isaac."

Try substituting 'Cananites' for 'blacks'.

More fun for you RubiksMaster. Feel free to defend.
Originally Posted by Xerxes
"The ONLY problem I see with mixing races is the hit to blood banks that these hybrid blood combinations will produce in the future.


Do you know ANYTHING about biology, or are you just writing about whatever fits your moral dogma? Those who do (take spuriousmonkey for example) see right through your argument.

So what is it you're trying to say? That your liberal christian parents are trying to rationalize keeping you away from the black girls?
RubiksMaster said:
So? Does it make it a wrong environment? Environments such as these are what give people uniqueness.

Take a quick look at Big D's first link. I think it relates to the topic.

RubiksMaster said:
No. But neither can you. I have read enough of the Bible to know that He is a loving God, not wanting to separate people on the basis of race. And I think one part even says that the people shall mix.

May I inquire as to what part that is?

RubiksMaster said:
You are finally coming to realize that I am usually right! YESSSS!

Don't get too excited. Ye'r setting yerself up for a letdown.

Xerxes said:
Do you know ANYTHING about biology, or are you just writing about whatever fits your moral dogma?

Thanks for elaborating<Sub>&iexcl;</Sub> I see now what ye'r talking about<Sub>&iexcl;</Sub>

By the way . . . REALLY learn how to read. Or maybe you need to work on reading comprehension next. Yeah, that's it. Learn how to comprehend what you read.

Xerxes said:
Those who do (take spuriousmonkey for example) see right through your argument.

I don't care. I actually wanted that.

Xerxes said:
So what is it you're trying to say? That your liberal christian parents are trying to rationalize keeping you away from the black girls?

Prove that my parents are liberal Christians.

Prove that they are even talking to me about the black girls, let alone telling me to stay away from them.

Don't go off accusing me of being a racist when I have overtly said that I don't really hold this opinion.

Now please elaborate on how the blood supply will take a hit from the hybrid blood. Unless, o' course, ya'd rather attack me senseless again.
I honestly don't know what all of this uproar over Athel's argument is all about. What bothers all of you, especially you, RubiksMaster, about anything he's said here?

Isn't this the level of political discourse that we as a nation (At least in the United States) accept as the status quo and tolerate (despite the objections of some few whiny activists who call it absurd)?

If you ask me, Athel ought to be commended for his political awareness and astute grasp of the policies and rhetoric alive and well in the political theaters all across America. Pat him on the head, he's a bright lad, and I couldn't agree more with what he's got to say.

If I may be so bold as to crib some lyrics from Roger Waters, we've got to find "The final solution to strengthen the strain!" and end the eminent threat posed by these attacks on traditional race-identity.

To those detractors who have had some harsh words for Athel in this thread I'd advise that you take out your dictionaries and look up the words "allegory" and "sarcasm". Though I'm fairly certain that you're all already familiar with the meaning of these terms, it may help your critical thinking processes enough to understand what you're actually reading here.

RubiksMaster said:
Or what weak propositions there existed in the place of your argument.

Whether or not you are actually being a devil's advocate, what it comes down to is that it is a personal choice. If you believe these reasons, then don't marry a person of a different race.

I don't believe these are valid reasons at all. You take accepted premises (e.g. "breaking evolutionary process is unnatural", and "God does everything for a reason"), and you use those to extrapolate things that are simply bogus (e.g. "interracial marriage is unnatural", and "God does not want the races to mix").

But it is a personal choice.

What a lovely tune Athel has inspired you to sing, RubiksMaster-and even after you said that you couln't! See, just beleive in yourself and you can achieve anything.

In the end, though, I think that Big D is the only one we've got to give a cockeyed glance at and wonder what exactly went wrong in his childhood. That is, of course, assuming that he's not simply a troll as SpyMoose suggested, which I think may be rather likely.

Oh, and for the record, though I'm gay, and a white man, even I have to admit that I might get with a black-chick if the opportunity arose. . . they've just got it goin' on in so many ways that most other girls don't, you know? haha.
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pretty interesting thread here........

I must say whether blacks marry whites or say whites marry blacks doesn't really matter its been going on for decades, I am white and I have a black uncle which is one of the nicest relatives I have.

I myself would not hold the color of a girls skin against a girl if I liked her and wanted to date her or marry her but thats just me
Mystech said:
I honestly don't know what all of this uproar over Athel's argument is all about. What bothers all of you, especially you, RubiksMaster, about anything he's said here?

My problem is mainly the ignorance that is displayed.
Whats this 'launching pad' you're preparing athelwolf? I think this is the right time to abase the few racist that your little plan has spurred.

Or then you're a self-loathing racist.
So goddamn cunning.

The only 'problem' in interracial marriages is the offspring. Don't reproduce and it's all fine. I rather like the fact that there are differences in the masses.
+ What the fuck would benetton do in a world of grey mush?
spuriousmonkey said:
My problem is mainly the ignorance that is displayed.

I would take issue with that as well, but only because so many people seem to be taking this thread entirely the wrong way. I suppose the context just isn't reaching most of the posters here. I suppose most of the reactions are predictable and commendable in their own way, but it is a bit saddening that we're on the second page already and there seems to be a lack of discussion about what I thought was the very obvious point of Athel's initial post.

At any rate, the longer we all go on like this, and the more people post seriously as the meaning zooms right over their heads, the stronger Athel's intended point becomes.
I know alth's hidden point that he wants to use all this as a launchpad for and don’t think dragging this on is going to make it any more powerful. The people who he wants to barb with it already have enough cognitive dissonance going on, and they've already heard this argument and rationalized it. The only thing this thread is doing is showing off peoples stupidity when they say things like
Perkele said:
The only 'problem' in interracial marriages is the offspring. Don't reproduce and it's all fine.
The core problem here is that the allegory is not going to work in any way shape or form, because the sorts of minds we are dealing with here aren’t capable of understanding it. This quoted phrase illustrates the sort of idiocy we are dealing with.

The simple, and as yet un-stated analogy that can be drawn between this topic and the other one that athel has hinted at is only as poewrful as his opponents willingness to see the relationship. They don't want to see it, we already know that from much prodding in other threads.
spuriousmonkey said:
My problem is mainly the ignorance that is displayed.

In a way, it's supposed to be ignorant. But it's supposed to be thought-out ignorance. Does that make sense? If it doesn't, it will soon.

Perkele said:
Whats this 'launching pad' you're preparing athelwolf?

It's Athelwulf.

Perkele said:
I think this is the right time to abase the few racist that your little plan has spurred.

Or then you're a self-loathing racist.
So goddamn cunning.

What are ya going on about?

Perkele said:
The only 'problem' in interracial marriages is the offspring. Don't reproduce and it's all fine. I rather like the fact that there are differences in the masses.

That reason alone is reason enough to ban interracial marriage? Sorry, but I disagree with it.

Perkele said:
+ What the fuck would benetton do in a world of grey mush?

I don't know &mdash; What the fuck would benetton do? . . . Who- or whatever the fuck benetton is . . .

And the world wouldn't be gray mush. It would be a hazely mix. Light brown (white) and dark brown (black) don't make gray, but a medium shade of brown.

SpyMoose said:
I know alth's hidden point that he wants to use all this as a launchpad for and don’t think dragging this on is going to make it any more powerful.

I suppose that's mostly true, save for the fact that I have more material from people to make a launching pad.

SpyMoose said:
The people who he wants to barb with it already have enough cognitive dissonance going on, and they've already heard this argument and rationalized it.

True. So ultimately, I'm dragging it on kuz I feel like it.

SpyMoose said:
The only thing this thread is doing is showing off peoples stupidity when they say things like
Perkele said:
The only 'problem' in interracial marriages is the offspring. Don't reproduce and it's all fine.

And it's mildly entertaining. :D

SpyMoose said:
The core problem here is that the allegory is not going to work in any way shape or form, because the sorts of minds we are dealing with here aren’t capable of understanding it. This quoted phrase illustrates the sort of idiocy we are dealing with.

True, though it doesn't hurt to try, for the sake of people that are capable of understanding it.

SpyMoose said:
The simple, and as yet un-stated analogy that can be drawn between this topic and the other one that athel has hinted at is only as poewrful as his opponents willingness to see the relationship. They don't want to see it, we already know that from much prodding in other threads.

I suppose ye'r right, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to try this either.
Originally Posted by Perkele
The only 'problem' in interracial marriages is the offspring. Don't reproduce and it's all fine. ”

WHAT THE F#CK!!!!!!!

I have a problem with that I have a few close cousins that are from one white parent and one black parent and they are some of the best relatives I have
umm, yeah, this racist stuff is old-world, wake up and smell the new century.

I go to a school that's half black, and any differences are those we assign ourselves. blacks lean toward their fashion and music, we whitties ours, and hispanics, asians, everyone to their respective trends. genetics, skin color, why the hell would that matter anymore? ok ok , i'll give the asians credit, i believe asians are superior in that asian women are simply GORGEOUS. but yeah, we all get along, we celebrate differences, and mixing is totally normal. I dont understand how you think you can analyze the hell out of this like some broken-down history teacher bickering with the english teach on small-town wyoming where white majority is everywhere (i believe). Please, let me know if that's at least almost the case so i can have a hardy laugh. peace out, love your black/white/tan/radioactive-green neighbors.
weed_eater_guy said:
peace out, love your black/white/tan/radioactive-green neighbors.

I hate those radioactive green types. A whole bunch of them just moved into my know how they are. They ride past you in their cars blairing their music that just sounds like a bunch of clicks and whistles to me. I would go so far as to accuse them of lax morals, and low aptitudes!
Speaking for NZ, the Maoris marry out of their race at historically very high levels--there are whites here who don't like that because they're pissed off about Maoris marrying whites. Now, there are Maoris who are also pissed off about it, but for a more subtle and long-term reason; they realise that the Maori race is being gradually attenuated and submerged genetically by a tide of intermarriage. In truth, the greatest levels of intermarriage in NZ began right from the start of contact in the early 1800's, when the whalers and sealers and loggers were here. White women were as rare as hens teeth, but there were always plenty of Maori women available. It was the practice to adopt a white man into the tribe and make him ''our trader" so that he would give the local people an advantage in any moneymaking to be done.

When European women started arriving in New Zealand in the 1840's, the Maori/European intermarriage rate dropped right away, and stayed at fairly low levels for quite a long time. Then ater WW2, when the Maoris started coming into the towns to find work, the intermarriage rate started rising again, and has remained high to the present day.

The Maori objection to intermarriage is that eventually their race will be so diluted that they'll end up being absorbed. Well, that may happen in the physical sense, given enough time; but cultural absorbtion is a much longer process--taking centuries.
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