Can blacks marry whites?

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To spymoose and athelw0lf.

You dont get it, you little racists
Basicly what i was saying was - i love your colour so much i want to preserve it. Yet you turned it to be as if im a weakling who wants to maintain a fucking feud between colours. You are the ones who need to mix ethnicities before you can accept them. You act like we should be tolerant and come together, but only when it follows your lead which is to jumble together every little individual trait different people posses.

weed eater guy: "we celebrate differences, and mixing is totally normal"

It is normal, and should be, and when mixing comes something beyond normal, we stop celebrating differences- for there are non. Which was kind of my point.

"i believe asians are superior in that asian women are simply GORGEOUS."

Yeah, finally an ethnicity that can 'celebrate' the size of your below avarage endownment.
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Xylene said:
The Maori objection to intermarriage is that eventually their race will be so diluted that they'll end up being absorbed. Well, that may happen in the physical sense, given enough time; but cultural absorbtion is a much longer process--taking centuries.
And surely what you will end up with is a rather nice blend, culturally, socially, biologically, linguistically, historically of the best of the two 'races'. Much as has been happening repeatedly around the planet for several tens of thousands of years. It's one of the reasons humans show much less genetic diversity than almost any other species. [That and almost going extinct 80k years ago] Race is a chimera.
Athelwulf said:
Was that directed at me?
No. Definetely not, i like the way you think on many subjects i've read. Its directed as society and people in general that add restrictions and unnatural rules to idiotic things, then expect people to conform to them, and try to force them to with lack of common sense or logic. Basically anyways...

To spymoose and athelw0lf.

Who's Athelw0lf?

You dont get it, you little racists

No, you don't get it. You don't get why this thread is even here. And ye'r not even trying to figure it out, or giving me the benefit of the doubt.

Just kuz it's getting really annoying, I'll repost it for the last time:

(In case there's any confusion, I don't actually believe interracial marriage is immoral. Like I said earlier, I'm just being a little devil's advocate here.)

So . . . If ya don't know what ye'r talking about, then don't say anything.

Basicly what i was saying was - i love your colour so much i want to preserve it.

If ye'r telling the truth, then I can at least say for you that ya mean well.

Yet you turned it to be as if im a weakling who wants to maintain a fucking feud between colours.

No I didn't.

You are the ones who need to mix ethnicities before you can accept them. You act like we should be tolerant and come together, but only when it follows your lead which is to jumble together every little individual trait different people posses.

That's not it at all.

It's illogical to assume that race will cease to exist if interracial marriage is allowed. There will still be a large number of people that will wish only to marry someone of the same race.

Besides, people with different eye colors intermarry all the time, and there are still defined populations of brown-eyes, blue-eyes, and green-eyes.

It is normal, and should be, and when mixing comes something beyond normal, we stop celebrating differences- for there are non. Which was kind of my point.

People won't mix to the point where there are no races. Seriously, think logically.
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Next time you play Devil's Adovacte, try and play it past your first post. What you said here was "I'm not a rascist, but pretend I am."
So people did, and then you shout "I'M NOT A RASCIST, DUMMY!"

You aren't playing devil's anything.
There is a trend in the United States and most of the world towards an absorption and mediation of different cultures this is not a bad thing. The world culture is absorbing what works for large groups and dropping what does not this is producing a super culture that emphasizes centrist positions and smoothes out rough areas of disagreement. It is not about eliminating differences it is about eliminating differences which cause discord. How many wars would be eliminated if every one spoke the same language and were the same race? This will not happen in our lifetimes but it is on the way. Every family and town has its own culture that merges with the common culture of the state and country. There will always be small differences (what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?). The unification of culture and race that is occurring is frightening but probably a good thing.
That's great. Let's just sit around agreeing with everyone else, never doing anything constructive or creative, and generally decaying.
You could sit around and play video games, Xev.
I played one last night where you strangle a man with a plastic bag and punch him in the face while a man moans in your ear about "good snuff."
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is not bad.
But that just illustrates my point. You end up with some washed-out, boring fag superculture with no spiritual relevence or racial identity. And then you buy video games. Stupid.

"Yeah, finally an ethnicity that can 'celebrate' the size of your below avarage endownment."

Perkele rules.
Is that Finnish? There's a Finnish death metal band called Impaled Nazarene with a song of that title.
spuriousmonkey said:
So you are not a racist. You are just trying to fuel racial hatred.

No, not really. You'll get it when I reveal my hand.

Roman said:
Next time you play Devil's Adovacte, try and play it past your first post. What you said here was "I'm not a rascist, but pretend I am."

Not really. What I said was "Argue away these points". I didn't say "Pretend I'm a racist". Reread the post.

Roman said:
So people did, and then you shout "I'M NOT A RASCIST, DUMMY!"

Um . . . I did that kuz people were accusing me of being a racist. I put up those points for people to explain away. I didn't say "I'm a racist". In fact, I said just the opposite.

Roman said:
You aren't playing devil's anything.

And you aren't reading my post for what it is. Trust me. You aren't. But for now, that's okay, kuz you too will get it when I reveal my hand.
But that just illustrates my point.
I know it does. I was just hoping you'd say this:
You end up with some washed-out, boring fag superculture with no spiritual relevence or racial identity. And then you buy video games. Stupid.
And I say, who gives a damn? Seriously, try and make anyone care. I mean, why should we? Safety seems like a much better option than amazon women burning down churches. With safety, we all get to pretend to be what we're not, rather than dying at 20.
Maybe you should die?
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Perkele said:
To spymoose and athelw0lf.
Fuck you if you cant handle life as it is.

I'll just leave this quote here and let others decide who isn't quite clear on how life is.

Big D said:
I believe many white women marry blacks because white women are very compassionate and in many ways feel guilty and sorry for blacks. Alot of black males harrass and scare white women with their aggressive behaviour and tell white women that they are "racist" if they won't "hook up" with blacks.

I think white males don't want black women because black women on the average are annoying, ignorant and just plain ugly.
Roman said:
Is it because you're having an argument with someone and need ammo? Or something similar?

It's not that I need ammo. Although the responses in this thread have been useful. And it's not that I'm having an argument with one person, but with a general group of people.

So to answer yer question . . . It's something similar.
Athelwulf said:
So to answer yer question . . . It's something similar.
Oh just spill the beans Athel! The mental invalids are not going to figure out your allegory on their own. I can do it for you if you like!
With safety, we all get to pretend to be what we're not, rather than dying at 20.
I want people dying at 20, and younger. I want sweet little fanny to go missing when she goes to pick wild flowers in the meadow. Only for her severed head to later be found impaled on a spike outside of the village.
Then I want the villagers to get their pitch forks and burning torches and hunt down the local sweet natured elephant man, cooking him alive because his gruesome appearance makes him seem like the most likely suspect.
All the while the real culprit was a travelling band of dirty gypsies.

I probably can't make anyone care, they're not supposed to, they're simple animals surviving in their little habitats. I would like to place them in the wild against their will.
Ofcourse they'd rather sit inside safely playing manhunt contracts and digging meat hooks into mental patients.
But if I had it my way everyone would be out living life in all it's literararily(sic) significant glory.
I'd be out there against my will. Maybe dying at 20, tough shit for me.
I don't consider my boring and predictable aversion to un-safety to be a higher priority than the aesthetics of the planet.

I don't see how xev dieing would address the problems she's talking about. How is that going to help?
You can't seem to escape this individual-centric perspective. Look at the bigger picture. Imagine you don't exist, or you're looking down at the earth like it's a reality tv show, wouldn't the modern world be the most boring, ugly and stupid show compared to what it could be?
Consider how majestically glorious it could be, then think about how the thing stopping that is people wanting to be safe and play video games. It's frustratingly retarded. How can keeping people safe and well stocked with various video games be considered a more significant and admirable venture for humanity to embark on then making the world a brilliantly inspiring story?
You made a good point in that art thread against po-mo gay art compared to cave paintings. This is in a similar vein.
The planet is now like those andy warhol pieces of shit, when it could be like cave paintings, or 14th century european oil paintings.
Just not weird patterns and colours where some beret wearing douche has to explain all the bullshit social commentaries in his "piece"(of shit eyesore), please.
There's NOTHING pretty about multiculturalism, tolerance, caution signs, etc. Notice the trend in children's playgrounds? Ugh, my god, it's all so depressing.

It would be worth giving up my safety to get the planet aesthetically pleasing again.
It's not just that I want to go around killing people, or "live life on the edge".
I want the world to be beautifull, which would happen to be at odds with my safety and the existence of x-boxes, but I struggle to put any significant value in the safety of people and the presence of x-boxes in light of the magnitude of what the various cultures on earth could be. Humans are the worst animal when they could be the best, they seem to be designed to be the best. A summary of earth's diversity, but no, we're the mockery.
All because we fear pain and death. Every animal does that, we're not exhibitting anything that is worth showing off when we go to great lengths to avoid pain and death.

It's not even like I realistically think we could go back, but it should be noted that our modern mish mash of cultures and the values that mish mash has - being nice and tolerant and keeping every human happy and alive for as long as possible, expending every resource available to obtain these "goals"(?), all that, is hideous, meaningless, embarrassing, stupid and laughable.
We aren't an admirable species, we aren't a species other races of space would want to write about.
In the days of the roman empire perhaps, but not now.
This might all seem unimportant, in day to day life, but really, what could be more important?
Fat kids around the world having graze-free knees? I disagree.
And I say, who gives a damn? Seriously, try and make anyone care.

Why would I?
I do quite well on my college courses without too much effort. Why? Because I don't really give a shit and they're easy. The pampered brats I go to school with find them incredibly difficult. The assignments are too hard, community college* calculus I too intellectually demanding. As a result my instructor curves the grade, giving me an easy A in a class I only needed a B+ in.

Am I going to complain?
Again, this feeds my own argument. You're saying that people are weak and want to have soft, comforting lies spoon-fed them. Why, yes, I'm saying the same thing.

With safety, we all get to pretend to be what we're not,

I have always aspired to pretend to be what I am not.

Maybe you should die?

If that is what the Norns will. But I suspect that you'd precede me.

*It transfers to my four-year institution of choice, so don't even ask.
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