Can anyone prove the existence of God?

I hope that the information on that site will be helpful for everyone who is looking for solid proof for the existence of God Almighty.

That's silly in the extreme. Manipulating numbers has nothing to do with proof of gods. Show us your god, not the results of your calculator. :)
Or more correctly (at least as far as the high end of provable claims is concerned)

Q: Can anyone have the existence of any specific article proven to them?
A: No, because the act of being proven to is partnered with the requirement for a certain level of skills/cognitive ability or capacity/etc
Gods certainly can provide good evidecne as proof for their existence. Appearing "in the flesh" so-to-speak would be a small start. But not really, Gods can simply make it possible for everyone to know for certain they exist. Right at this moment all neural pathways of every human can be imbued with that understanding.

Have you ever thought it weird how Scientologist's feel just as certain Xenu exists? And for many of the same reasons. THAT doesn't feel a LITTLE tiny bit disconcerting? Like, something's going on here? Almost, as if, it's all bullshit?

I'd really like access to yours and my brain, an fMRI and a questionnaire. THAT I think may help answer some of these questions. :shrug:
Some religions are monotheistic, some are polytheistic, some are pantheistic, et cetera.

Define "god" for the purpose of discussion. Monotheist? Polytheist? Pantheist?
Also, clarify whether you mean in an objective or subjective sense. The parameters for subjective proof are much looser and more dependent on personal experiences.

You ask of me to define something that is in the minds of others?
For something that is in someone's mind, is quite a lot of variations.
actually I posed it to you directly
"How would one go about (directly) proving the existence of the president?"

Are you suggesting that there are no means to prove the existence of the president?

If you're insisting that a proof of god compliment whatever explanation of the formation of the universe you are entertaining, its a spurious issue since science is still out to lunch on that one.

I think,now I understand you.
My question:"Can anyone prove the existence of God?"
Your answer:"How would one go about (directly) proving the existence of the president?"

I think you become a good politician, "You ask me what you want, I answer what I want"

By the way I am ready to prove the existence of a "president" if you open a new thread.
Emil -

A word of advice, since you are new to the forums: When you make a claim, also provide a justification for it.
So in the above post, also state why you think it is not true that "God can prove his existence. He did for me."

It makes the exchanges more concise and productive.

I am new to forum but I'm not stupid.

God can prove his existence. He did for me.

I'm sorry but I do not think it's true"God can prove his existence. He did for me."

So what do we do?
Who must first demonstrate?


I take into account the opinions of those attending the forum.
Out of curiosity I started to read the link.

The first, and best-known, ontological argument was proposed by St. Anselm of Canterbury in the 11th. century A.D. In his Proslogion, St. Anselm claims to derive the existence of God from the concept of a being than which no greater can be conceived. St. Anselm reasoned that, if such a being fails to exist, then a greater being—namely, a being than which no greater can be conceived, and which exists—can be conceived. But this would be absurd: nothing can be greater than a being than which no greater can be conceived. So a being than which no greater can be conceived—i.e., God—exists.

Have a look at this article and tell me if it is possible that someone else other than God can do such a thing:

Please consider carefully facts 1 through 6. Is it possible that people can do that?! Number 19 is key number in creation and Scripture. Please search google for "flower of life".

I hope that the information on that site will be helpful for everyone who is looking for solid proof for the existence of God Almighty.

I take into account the opinions of those attending the forum.
Well, you are not honest.
For example, just recently you claimed you don't hate, but a search of your posts shows otherwise.

Of course, you are free to claim whatever you want. I am just pointing out how your particular arguments are not helpful.

Where have I testified to hating someone?

I haven't argued anything in this thread, I've shared some opinions and experiences.
Dear me, what are we to make of this claim?

Okay, so we have one individual on the planet who has been given the very special privilege of having met and talked with god, who has also made sure to prove his existence to her, through voices in her head. And, lo and behold, he is the god from the bible. Amen!

Of course, if we were to plead with Lori to have her god show himself to the rest of us, or even one of us, the pleas fall on deaf ears and Lori continues to remain the one and only person on the planet who has seen and talked with god. She remains very special amongst the rest of us. The only person to have talked with god. Amen!


There are many of us and many ways that you remain obstinately ignorant about.

Have a look at this article and tell me if it is possible that someone else other than God can do such a thing:

Please consider carefully facts 1 through 6. Is it possible that people can do that?! Number 19 is key number in creation and Scripture. Please search google for "flower of life".

I hope that the information on that site will be helpful for everyone who is looking for solid proof for the existence of God Almighty.
Oh Yosef, you must be kidding. Humans have been manipulating numbers and geometry for thousands of years.

All of this is well within the realm of human abilities. There is nothing remarkable here that indicates the presence of a god is necessary.
I've shared some opinions and experiences.

We have met on other threads.I remember your opinion and I have nothing against.
But I suggest, in good faith, to talk about your revelation with friends, or restricted community.
If you say in public,chances are high to compromise your revelation.

Oh Yosef, you must be kidding. Humans have been manipulating numbers and geometry for thousands of years.

All of this is well within the realm of human abilities. There is nothing remarkable here that indicates the presence of a god is necessary.

Do you want me to believe that humans 1430 years ago were able to analyze a 316 digit number mathematically ?!

It's not only that the first chapter provides those huge numbers that ALL are divisible perfectly by 19 but it has also 19 Alef letters and it has exactly 19 words starting with one of the three letters making the word Allah (God).

Chapter "human being":

- Has 199 Alef letters - 199 is a prime number (as 19). It is the 46th prime number in universe. Humans have exactly 46 chromosomes. Different species have different number of chromosomes.

- Has 83 words initiated by one of the four letters making the word Alansn (Human being). The 23rd prime number is number 83. Humans have 23 chromosome pairs.

Hundreds of similar phenomena. Check out site for more!

Why is it that many people discredit all of God's marvelous creation and wonders as mere purposeless coincidences. If your kid gets kidnapped, is that also a purposeless coincidence ?!

God is TRUE!
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I think,now I understand you.
My question:"Can anyone prove the existence of God?"
Your answer:"How would one go about (directly) proving the existence of the president?"

I think you become a good politician, "You ask me what you want, I answer what I want"

By the way I am ready to prove the existence of a "president" if you open a new thread.
I'm pretty sure that over 99% of people who have proven the president's existence directly have not become even semi-professional politicians.

I don't think it warrants a new thread since its not really a complex issue, but if you think it is, you can start a thread.
Gods certainly can provide good evidecne as proof for their existence. Appearing "in the flesh" so-to-speak would be a small start. But not really, Gods can simply make it possible for everyone to know for certain they exist. Right at this moment all neural pathways of every human can be imbued with that understanding.
That's right - god could.
But since this isn't happening, what is your conclusion?
Does it ride off the assumption that our existence in this world isn't underpinned by a desire to partake in illusion (or a god that disregards such desires)?

Have you ever thought it weird how Scientologist's feel just as certain Xenu exists? And for many of the same reasons. THAT doesn't feel a LITTLE tiny bit disconcerting? Like, something's going on here? Almost, as if, it's all bullshit?
I think it shares a parallel with an atheists feeling of certainty that god doesn't exist - IOW in both cases of the atheist and the scientologist its just the air of mental speculation that rides off their values that makes them "feel" that way.
(IOW both of them have no scope for direct perception - its all ideas)

I'd really like access to yours and my brain, an fMRI and a questionnaire. THAT I think may help answer some of these questions. :shrug:
I don't think it would accomplish much since such can barely tell whether someone is lying, what to speak of scaling the worth of the values held by the individual
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I'm pretty sure that over 99% of people who have proven the president's existence directly have not become even semi-professional politicians.

Most politicians are not even semi-professional politicians.So ......:p
I'm sorry,I could not resist.
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Do you want me to believe that humans 1430 years ago were able to analyze a 316 digit number mathematically ?!

It's not only that the first chapter provides those huge numbers that ALL are divisible perfectly by 19 but it has also 19 Alef letters and it has exactly 19 words starting with one of the three letters making the word Allah (God).

Chapter "human being":

- Has 199 Alef letters - 199 is a prime number (as 19). It is the 46th prime number in universe. Humans have exactly 46 chromosomes. Different species have different number of chromosomes.

- Has 83 words initiated by one of the four letters making the word Alansn (Human being). The 23rd prime number is number 83. Humans have 23 chromosome pairs.

Hundreds of similar phenomena. Check out site for more!

Why is it that many people discredit all of God's marvelous creation and wonders as mere purposeless coincidences. If your kid gets kidnapped, is that also a purposeless coincidence ?!

God is TRUE!

Spidergoat already took a sentence very insulting to Islam and used numerology on it to get things even more interesting than what you guys came up with. It's over dude, start making predictions of things before they're actually discovered, that's the only way you're going to convince us that numerology is more than just crunching numbers until you find something you can manipulate, fudge and squeeze into your personal interpretation.

Hello, Captain.

What's New in heaven?How is the score of God vs. Satan?
And please,please,please help me with the rotary piston because I am good and how many times meet an atheist, I trying to save his soul.

