Can anyone prove the existence of God?


You asked: Can anyone prove the existence of God?

People will respond but you did not say:

Can anyone prove the existence of God to me.

You asked: Can anyone prove the existence of God?

People will respond but you did not say:

Can anyone prove the existence of God to me.

oopssss......Yes.I think you're right.With my English,I do not notice such differences.(Grammar is different).

God himself can prove his existence to you. Just ask with an open heart and be patient.
It didn't work, I tried it.

And if you think it does work how can you tell the difference between the more believable answer that you are deluded, or that it is a god in your head?

Don't say because you will know - you won't know - a delusion is just that, a conviction that a fantasy is true - the victim cannot tell the difference.

So unless you can provide independent evidence of its existence we are faced with two choices -

1. You are deluded - a simple perfectly understandable clinical explanation.

2. There really exists a fantasy level super being capable of creating universes, is everywhere, everywhen, invisible, and all-powerful, that no one has ever seen.
M*W: Then you are definitely the exception. How can you be sure it was the same god other 'christians' believe? The reason I ask is that when I was a 'christian,' it always seemed to me that other 'christians' in my circle were experiencing god when I was not... or not in they way they experienced god. How do you know other than "god said...?"

The only way I can relate god to christianity is when god uses the bible to teach me things. God has taught me a lot about what christ is about.

That's not to discount others experiences, its just what he's related to me. From what I understand there's a lot of truths in a lot of things, religions being some of those things, but christ is the final word. Christ is about the restored communion and the perfection of the human race.

Lori, I think what you say is good faith.
But that is not enough for me to believe in God,because you would be wrong.
There were many things more simple, which I believed.But proved wrong, and had to change my mind.
It is a great responsibility, to ask people to believe you, only on your personal experiences.

I am not suggesting that you believe in god because of what I've said, but that you believe what I've said because I am being honest, and if god can do that for me, god can do it for you too.
I would like to analyze the likelihood of God,irrespective of religion.
That's damned difficult, since one's religion generally determines, at least in part, one's theological view.
Some religions are monotheistic, some are polytheistic, some are pantheistic, et cetera.

That's why I ask you,which are your arguments to prove God's existence.
Define "god" for the purpose of discussion. Monotheist? Polytheist? Pantheist?
Also, clarify whether you mean in an objective or subjective sense. The parameters for subjective proof are much looser and more dependent on personal experiences.

Those who believe in evolution, are welcomed with their arguments.
The two theories are mutually exclusive?
Of course not. Most theists fully accept the theory of evolution and the evidence supporting it.

It is hard to understand you.
If I understood well you can not prove God's existence.

actually I posed it to you directly
"How would one go about (directly) proving the existence of the president?"

Are you suggesting that there are no means to prove the existence of the president?

And your conclusion is? Is God, not God or I do not know?
I have not found the right word to include both the formation of the universe, earth and life on earth.
Therefore I used "evolution" which, I admit, is incorrect.
If you're insisting that a proof of god compliment whatever explanation of the formation of the universe you are entertaining, its a spurious issue since science is still out to lunch on that one.
Hi Emil,

Q: Can anyone prove the existence of God?
A: No

Hope that helps,
Or more correctly (at least as far as the high end of provable claims is concerned)

Q: Can anyone have the existence of any specific article proven to them?
A: No, because the act of being proven to is partnered with the requirement for a certain level of skills/cognitive ability or capacity/etc
I am not suggesting that you believe in god because of what I've said, but that you believe what I've said because I am being honest, and if god can do that for me, god can do it for you too.

Well, you are not honest.
For example, just recently you claimed you don't hate, but a search of your posts shows otherwise.

Of course, you are free to claim whatever you want. I am just pointing out how your particular arguments are not helpful.

I'm sorry but I do not think it's true"God can prove his existence. He did for me."

Emil -

A word of advice, since you are new to the forums: When you make a claim, also provide a justification for it.
So in the above post, also state why you think it is not true that "God can prove his existence. He did for me."

It makes the exchanges more concise and productive.

I would like to analyze the likelihood of God,irrespective of religion.
That's why I ask you,which are your arguments to prove God's existence.
Those who believe in evolution, are welcomed with their arguments.
The two theories are mutually exclusive?
They are the only theory that explains formation of the Universe and Humanity?

I suggest you check out these resources at SEP:
Have a look at this article and tell me if it is possible that someone else other than God can do such a thing:

Please consider carefully facts 1 through 6. Is it possible that people can do that?! Number 19 is key number in creation and Scripture. Please search google for "flower of life".

I hope that the information on that site will be helpful for everyone who is looking for solid proof for the existence of God Almighty.
God can prove his existence. He did for me.

Dear me, what are we to make of this claim?

Okay, so we have one individual on the planet who has been given the very special privilege of having met and talked with god, who has also made sure to prove his existence to her, through voices in her head. And, lo and behold, he is the god from the bible. Amen!

Of course, if we were to plead with Lori to have her god show himself to the rest of us, or even one of us, the pleas fall on deaf ears and Lori continues to remain the one and only person on the planet who has seen and talked with god. She remains very special amongst the rest of us. The only person to have talked with god. Amen!

Please consider carefully facts 1 through 6.
Here's another (genuine) fact, for YOUR consideration.
Your so-called facts have been shown to be, in fact, not factual. How many more threads are you going to troll before you understand this?