This just confirms what I was saying, the equation $$ t' = t / {sqrt{1 - {v^{2}}/{c^{2}} $$ is the equation that is commonly used to determine this problem if time actually slows down or if it is just the clock being seen to slow down. But, that equation is not an accurate description of time dilation, the more accurate equation is the proper time that does not have a Lorentz factor in the denominator. $$ tau = t sqrt {1- {v^{2}}/{c^{2}} $$ In order to derive tau in the classical sense, you have to assume that length actually gets shorter and the amount of time taken for light to travel a shorter distance would actually have to be slower. It is the amount of time it takes to measure a photon to travel a shorter distance that actually matters.
Not to be too negative, but if what think about relativity is confirmed by Farsight - that is not a good thing....