Calling all experts


hey IXL777,
how are we doing today?i'm hoping that were in good and excellent health,as for me i'm doing excellent thank you:cool:

oh shite,wait,i feel a, impluse coming on.alwright buddy, don't want--to tango with me buddy:eek: wait,spirit/'s a central idea of some movement,cult,etc. caused by light traveling on optic fiber and optic chiasm visual,between both cerebral/temporal hemispheres.investigation of the truths and principles branches,namely natural philosophy,morall philosophy,and metaphysical philosophy,that are accepted as composing studies and research.

wait,incoming message?your needed in psychology.lets test the methods of, individual experiences.
wisdom,a scientific fact! the sciences that deal with the mind and mental processes-consciousness,sensation,ideation,memory,etc.sir,to understand telepathy and telekinesis,logic,and tool known as mathematics.i think this may be to much for or should i wast my time and energy?sir,if,your tangoing with me first you must understand or excogitate full awareness of,self and mental projection i,e.:confused:
hey IXL777,
how are we doing today?i'm hoping that were in good and excellent health,as for me i'm doing excellent thank you.....

Telepathy ,simply put,is the amount of direct communication between two minds without the use of speech , sign language or body language.."I bet you fifty dollars , that through telepathy, you do not know what I just called you?...
If you want to go deep into the paranormal , the first premise is to have "intelligence"...the second is "wisdom" ...and the third is to have a "brain" in the first place....
Ask me any question you like about the paranormal.....seeing this is your thread.......may the best man win!!!
dominic:m: :: :m: :m: :m:
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Astral Projection

"When you dream there are no rules, people can fly, anything can happen. Sometimes
there is a moment as you are awakening when you become aware of the real world
around you, but you are still dreaming. You may think you can fly but you do better not
try." -Astral Projection, People Can Fly
The Astral Plane is another dimension, or a parallel universe, as a scientist would say. The Astral Plane is the dimension where each one of us go every time we sleep, with our Astral body. It is the land of this a reality!!! !!!!:m: :m: :m:

age-equivalent score 26.
any mental element that is avaible for transformation by the *alpha function into a *beta element,suppresion of the *alpha wave in an *eeg,trace of a person who pays*attention to or concentrates on spirit/image abilities
:eek: yes,it is.sir,eliminate the dreams and deepen your meditation and you will see that we can projected our inner form.dream gives great understanding of,ones tru ability:cool:
people can fly,any thing can happen.astral projection,people can fly
my friend your wright!! we can fly!the only problem is finding new technician and technology to assist in this matter.
sir,first understand self and your experiences with mental projection then get back to me.
p.s.lay off the :m: :m: and i may be able to understand you!
Astral Travel,
Dual Awareness. You might feel like you are simultaneously inside your body and outside of it. Sometimes your awareness will bounce back and forth! This is usually a transition stage which will pass fairly quickly. Remain aware at such times. Leaving the body is really about learning to shift your attention from one place (the physical body) to another (the astral body). The astral body does not merely sleep within the body during your waking hours -- it is very active. Right now it might be outside of your physical body and you don't even know it! Can you shift your attention to it?

The Tunnel. Some people (especially in near-death-experiences) find themselves moving down a dark tunnel with a point of light at the end. Some do not. It doesn't matter. You're not out of your body yet... but you're almost there.....People who play with fire will get burnt!!!
"What do you know about"Immortality"?

here, we go again.sir,what fire are you refering to?and 2nd who's playing with fire?sir,again when you deepen your meditation that correspondences with mental projection or mental imagery-then we can have a conversation.until then keep on trying!

reminder,dreams,or dreaming and reflecting the reality and having a {obe} wherein the self is united with the universal mind it is also associated with the occult-clairvoyant faculty of reading the "akashic"record-the cosmic-memory imprint of past,present,and future.the centre that allows the capacity to visualise and understand mental concepts,is,just a reminder or remmbering who we truly are!!sir,who are you:confused:

the next level,the ascending master communications i,e.
sir, close your eye,and deepen your thought or put thinking to the your middle self,the conscious self,within the perimeters of the ego and ego's disire to survive,straddling between the subconscious and superconscious state,feel self-shiften or the motion of elevation;elevated.the light energy that travels between both cerebral hemispheres connecting their patterns on optic chiasm causing the ray of light to angle the refraction;reflected image to be projected at a common point or directions.

reminder,the spirit/image becomes one element with wind or atmospheric;causing a electromagentic force around the physical body:confused:sir,the levels are been master.don't talk dream nor sleep to me reality.

operatioable god head,self-understanding,self-transforming.
Cheer up Markquis,
The men in white labcoats are on their way. It won't be much longer now...
lol. In a way, its kind of refreshing to witness extreme
psychobabble like this. It elevates entertainment to a whole
new level.

no,sir,your the one inneed of,cheering up buddy.
look pal,don't ask to tango if,you can't move rhytmically,usu,to music,using prescribed or improvised step and gestures:D

the third factor is the electromotive force created by the separation of charges across the semipermeable,let me save you the:eek: :eek: buddy pal!!

next,subject please.
okay,heres nother one for you:confused:

motor learning mechanism at the cortical and spinal leve,motor patterns and primitives learnig how to integratte devies with this arthitectures will provide me,with one type blueprint and desing strategy for a viable humaniod robot movements or lower body control!!

its time,any inputs anyone!

understanding light energy!first i'm hoping that your understanding of the eye performs three fundamental optical components collect light energy its neural components transduce that light energy into eletrochemical events and use these eletrochemical event to produce meaningful neural signal thatbecomes the subjective sense of sight when further processed by the brain..

i'm willing to call it truths if you are?
the person is largely unaware of his or her private logic.of the master plan?and many unerlying motives for thoughts.feel.and actions.while it is possible for personality change to take place without insight into one's own dynamics,insight? is usually a requirement for change,and interpretation is that chief tool for promoting insight.the therapist {I} operates.from the therapist's job to reveal it? the process whereby the raw material of sensory experience mamely *beta elements, are transformed into elements,suitable for mental 'digestion' in the form of *alpha work is the requirements need!

[one]...p.s. satan,knows that i'm look for him and his run {why} my mision or quest is to remove want be long now satan noteven your army can stop god soldier from taking you out!!
just something for you to get on with Marquis

HUNBATZ MEN is a Mayan Elder, Day Keeper - an authority on the history, rituals, art, ancient healing techniques, chronology and calendar systems of Mayan civilization. The Daykeeper, in the tradition of the Maya, is the recipient of knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation through centuries of time. It is an oral tradition that implies a lifetime of learning. From the time of his birth, Hunbatz Men was chosen and taught by his uncle Don Beto, the Daykeeper who preceded him. He has authored many books, including The Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion and Mayan Vision Quest:Mystical Initiation in Mesoamerica. Hunbatz Men is the founder of Maya Mysteries School and Indigenous Mayan Community for Studies and Cultural Dissemination in Mérida, Mexico.
"Hunbatz Men unlocks the secret mysteries of Mayan thought in a way never attempted before. As in a safe in which jewels are kept, the hermeticism of Mayan teachings is revealed to the believer through his powerful teachings. The fact that Mayan philosophy could have influenced Greek thought processes and language is a daring suggestion. His teachings contain revelations that are most needed in today's anxious world and are a great contribution to the quest for the ultimate truth." —Robert Boissiere, author of Meditations with the Hopi "Hunbatz Men presents convincing evidence for a profound sacred science underlying Mayan art and architecture. A valuable contribution to the ongoing study of ancient wisdom." —John Anthony West, author of Serpent and the SkyRecommended reading:The Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion andMayan Vision Quest:Mystical Initiation in Mesoamerica TONY PARSONS is one of those rare individuals who bring to their work a deep maturity and wide understanding in matters spiritual. The clarity and natural manner in which Tony writes and speaks about living in the unlimited Awareness of the present is refreshingly authentic. In As It Is, we are taken on a journey--a journey to nowhere and without a goal to attain. In this voyage, we are simply shown how the deep-rooted misunderstanding of our real nature has caused us to live in apparent pain
and fear. Through the radical and direct perception of “what is, as it is,” Tony invites us to live life from a wholly different perspective, one that is centered in the infinite awareness of our true self. Tony Parsons has been sharing this “open secret” to living a fully awakened life with people for over thirty years. His talks and workshops are highly regarded in England, Western Europe and, more recently, in North America. “The past and the future are simply part of the drama that keeps us locked into the illusion of being separate entities. Once the gate has opened into another possibility, then the real adventure begins.” —Tony Parsons Recommended reading: As It Is: The Open Secret to Living an Awakened Life COLIN WILSON burst upon the literary scene with his bestseller The Outsider when he was 25. He is an enormously prolific writer with some 80 major works to his credit which deal with a wide variety of subjects: existential philosophy, religion, occult and supernatural phenomena, music, sex, archaeology, astronomy, and cosmology. His most recent book is The Atlantis Blueprint with Rand Flem-Ath. COLIN WILSON AT 70 by GEOFF WARDFOR the first-time visitor, knocking at the front door of Colin Wilson's home
draws no response - one finds out later that this is because it is blocked off by bookshelves. Indeed, his house is half-home, half-library, with thousands of books on shelves lining the walls of every passageway and every room and filling three sheds in his back garden, not to mention the many thousands of records and videotapes he has collected over the years - a veritable information universe all his own. Therefore, on my initial visit, it was the kitchen door that was opened by Wilson's wife Joy, to whom he has been married for more than 40 years. Wilson himself presents an imposing if craggy appearance. Tall - well over six feet in his carpet slippers and baggy trousers - and with a thatch of unruly hair; spectacles compound a studious look often broken by a boyish grin. (for the complete story visit: Recommended reading: The Atlantis Blueprint: Unlocking the Ancient Mysteries of a Long-Lost Civilization, Alien Dawn: An Investigation into the Contact Experience, From Atlantis to the Sphinx, and The Outsider and Beyond Since 1979, PAUL DEVEREUX has written, or has been engaged upon writing, almost 20 books, many dealing with geomancy or Earth mysteries, making him an authority on the power places of the ancient British Isles and in North America. He has made archaeological discoveries and has produced popular works and peer-reviewed papers in academic publications. Devereux is a founder and the director of the Dragon Project Trust, a research effort studying unusual aspects of prehistoric sacred sites, and is involved in a range of multi-disciplinary work, centered on archaeological concerns and consciousness studies.
Devereux is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Member of the Society for Psychical Research, and Research Fellow of the International Consciousness Research Laboratories Group. He was editor of The Ley Hunter (TLH) journal 1976-1996, and is now its Consultant Editor. TLH is a specialist publication dealing with the multi-disciplinary area known as "geomancy" or "Earth Mysteries." Devereux is a highly informed and original thinker in his fields of interest, and is concerned about the fantasy and misinformation that plagues many of them, and feels that the real mysteries are wonder enough. Recommended reading: The Sacred Place: The Ancient Origin of Holy and Mystical Sites and Places of Power: Measuring the Secret Energy of Ancient Sites SALLE MERRILL REDFIELD is the author of the best-sellers Creating A Life Of Joy and The Joy of Meditating. She also wrote and recorded the audio programs The Joy of Meditating, The Celestine Meditations, and Meditations for the Tenth Insight. Salle Redfield lectures internationally on creating a joyful, purpose-filled life. A native of Alabama, she resides in Florida with husband, James Redfield.
“You are part of a larger plan, and if you pay attention, you will realize that the guidance you experience is leading you in a particular direction. Each of us has a destined calling in life, a truth we must tell, one that becomes clearer as our lives proceed. Remember to spend as much time as necessary tracing your personal history. Look for clues and hidden meanings in all that has happened to you. Use this information, along with your strong desire to help make the world a better place. “Remind yourself that no truth is too small to be important. In fact, the small truths, held with conviction and shared with everyone we meet, can be more effective than great projects. When you take the time to help one individual, and to communicate honestly and authentically, the effect cannot be measured. That person may go on to touch others and influence the world in a way that cannot be foreseen. “Real joy is secured when we pull all the pieces together into one conscious life journey that touches others and makes this world a better, more spiritual place. Remember that at the end of your life you want to look back and know you lived your time here with the greatest sense of awareness and purpose. Make joy a priority, and you will find levels of experience and satisfaction once thought unimaginable.” —Salle Merrill Redfield Recommended reading: Creating a Life of Joy: A Meditative Guide and The Joy of Meditating: A Beginner's Guide to the Art of Meditation ROSS HEAVEN is an author, healer, shamanic practitioner and one of the world's first fully initiated white priests of Vodou, the shamanic spiritual tradition of Haiti. Complementing his shamanic work, Ross has trained in psychology, Imagework (with The Skyros Institute), reiki, reflexology, crystal healing, feng shui, and aromatherapy, and is recognised as a powerfully effective healer. His first two books - The Journey To You and Spirit in the City - were met with great acclaim:
The Journey To You: "A very well-written book, drawing on many authorities. Both theory and practice are superbly presented and it is full of warmth and wisdom. For the complete newcomer or for the experienced shaman, this is probably the most important book on shamanism to be published in years". —David V. Barrett, author of The New Believers, in a review for Amazon Books Spirit in the City: "A pioneering work… Eloquent and expressive, inspiring and profound, this is a vitally important presentation of an immense wisdom" —Simon Buxton, founder of The Sacred TrustRoss runs workshops on shamanism and spirituality, presents widely on these themes, and is a frequent contributor to radio, television and magazine articles. Recommended reading: The Journey to You: A Shaman's Path to Empowerment MARIA SAGI, PhD, a native of Budapest, began her career as a classical pianist and turned subsequently to the study of medicine and psychology, specializing in social psychology and the psychology of music and painting. She received her Ph.D. in psychology at the Eotvos Lorand Science University of Budapest and was subsequently named “Candidate” (Associate Member) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Dr. Sagi has published six books and over sixty articles and research papers, many in German and English. Her book on Aesthetics and Personality is a frequent reference work in Hungarian research organizations. Her principal work, Creativity in Music, is a 7-volume work on the experimental investigation of the musical creativity of different segments of the population, initially her thesis for
candidacy in the Academy of Sciences and presently published in a two-volume form by Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. Since the late 1980s her interests extended to problems of health and healing, using the insights of psychosomatic and information medicine, a field in which she is a frequent lecturer in Hungary, Switzerland, as well as Germany. She has developed the medical dowsing method pioneered by Viennese engineer Erich Koerbler into an encompassing method for diagnosing and treating human health problems (“Holistic Information-Medicine”), both in the immediate presence of the patient and from any finite distance. Her method enables her to examine the effect of psychological factors, such as experienced traumas, on problems of health through the ability to move back in the patient’s medical history throughout his or her lifetime up to and including the period of gestation and birth. Dr. Sagi’s method also allows her to recognize environmental influences on human subjects as well as testing the compatibility of physical conditions in given environments with human health, similarly to the method of Feng Shui, but in an extended form, including specified locations both near-by and distant. Her ability of “seeing into” human subjects who require her assistance, and into the pertinent conditions in the environment, made her a sought-after therapist and lecturer in Hungary, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, with numerous publications in this field to her credit. Dr. Sagi’s professional experience includes co-directing the Hungarian sociological survey of families for the International Sociological Association, co-directing the European Perspectives research on European identity for the United Nations University, acting as Hungarian coordinator of EUROCIRCON the European Culture Impact Research Consortium, and since its founding in 1993 serving as program director of the Club of Budapest Hungary. She is a member of the General Evolution Research Group and Managing Editor of World Futures, The Journal of General Evolution. She is associate of the Sociological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. RICHARD METZGER is the cofounder of The Disinformation Company Ltd, a New York and Los Angeles based media company specializing in offbeat, alternative and underground culture. He is the creator of the Disinformation website, the web's premiere portal to the underground since 1996 and for two years was the director and presenter of UK Channel 4 television's "Disinfo Nation" program. He is a frequent commentator on TV and radio on topics relating to fringe culture. His upcoming book, Disinformation: The Interviews will be published in Fall of 2002. Recommended reading: You Are Being Lied To: The Disinformation Guide To Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes & Cultural Myths.
I want an erudite, articulate ,cognitive reply,
and the Sociological,social psychology and the psychology of man, and the radical and direct perception of intellectual wit..please reply accordingly! :m: :D :confused:
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sir,if your inneed of:m: my buddy the best shite on the market?$300 a O.:D by the way your message was must informative.thank you:confused: