Calling all experts

good day,
i'm hoping that every one is in the best of mood!as for me i'm doing excellent,hey.who in this room will challeng me.

today's task is to undertsand,how the mental body image can be saparated from the physical body in a medutation frequecny.
this process will explane how the brain/mind unlock the entity that lays within the human-kind.keep in mind that your tru form is a weapond.

step {1} is to understand how each retina transmite information to both side of the brain.axons arising from the medial {nasal} half of each retina cross in the optic chiasm and send thier impulses by way of the thalamus to the occipital lobe of the opposite cerebral cortex.{reminder,spirit image projection into space}.the human eyes are sensitve to light waves in the visible spectrum,the brain receives light energy that travel between both hemispheres,and is connected to the cyclopean non-rapid eye movement.therefore,all information from right field of vision ends up on the right side of the brain.and all information from the left field of vision ends up on the left side of the brain.

step {2} keep in mind that this next task,will explane how the subject brain receives light energy when both retinal eyes are closed. and as i go,im going to say that in this process cell do change,meaing,

{1} bipolor
{5}fovea the saparated image!

the light image that come from with in self is the tru visual pathways,when light travel on both left/right retina it convert electromagnetic energy in the middle of the subject forehead,the elctronic energy send information on both left/right hemispheres,at this point both left/right temporal lobes is very active.the electromagentic feild cause the images on the fovea's to the subject fixation the gaze on images or objects,images of the same object formed by right/left eyes are projected to the same hemisphere;how-ever,if the gaze is fixed on a distant point in space, but closer to the observer,the fusion of disparate images.

step {3} what abilities and information do the subject obtaion from his tru form?the information that comes from the spirit is most powerful to the human-kind.{self} i'm in a 5 by 10 room and to see that i can project my inner spirit form outward and to know that i am not sleeping nor dreaming,well my brother and sisters,matrix is us and we as enitiy control the powers to move matters.observing and penetrating perfect matter through a process of psychokinesis,which started the currently existing known physical universe. more to come from [matrix]
The Human Development Process

Bong water, dude. Don't drink it.
I'm an expert... an my judgement is that your writings make no sense at all.

again: go to pseudoscience!!!

Please post in proper English, so we can understand what you're talking about. It doesn't make sense whatsoever. Sorry...

As I don't see reason in posting all those several threads, I merged them.

See you...
Limp Bizkit

Life is a lesson you learn when you are through,(that's pretty much what they said anyway).
And consistent with all the shit you have to go through and wonder,"why me?,"my life is like living in a tub of shit that has hardened in the sun and traps me in it with the stench of mankind and his arrogant, stupid, abusive, disrespectful ways.
And if you have been through half of what I have, you would say that I have a pretty good attitude too.
Re: Its time?

Originally posted by Markquis
Direct To The Point Of This Conversation.
My Name Is Cannonier John.And I Would Like To Put All Sciences Research Or NeuroScientist,Neurobiology And Neurorobotic To The Test.This Test Will Bring All Intelligence Minds As One Corresponding Unit,Frist Let Me State Clearly,That I Not Trying To Be A joke About These Matters At Hand!.In This Process We Are Going To Find Out More About The Human Tru Pyshological Transformation And Esp Ability.How Real Is This,It Real As Your Mind Reflecting All Paranormal Reality.We Here Are Trying To Excogitate The Full Ability Of The Brain/Mind Powers Or Should I Say The Pyshokentic And Telepathy Research!.Is These Ability A Human Tru God Giving Gift,{yes it is.}Mapping The Brain/Mind Patterns Is To Understand How The Brain Work And Sends Telepathic Infromation To Its Subjects.In Other Words We Are Here.........The Next Step Is To Add The Matrix/robotic Armor,Can The Mind Move This Object {Yes},And If You Still Think That You Are A Human? I Can Only Speak For Self--Transformation And Realization,With God Understanding.The Astral Entity Is Inside Every Human Being........

Hehe, I think that the best part about this thread, is that this guy makes just about as much sence as the rest of the people here, despite the fact that he doesn't even seem to have a very firm grasp of the English language.

know i have got your attention.
my english is quite fine thank you,these last few post was to see and get your respond:confused:

more to come,this time comprehensive thinking will be utlize in this next process.again humans get your minds ready.

from:robotic matrix generation
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man.
It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity.
It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between
science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's
fears, and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension
of imagination. It is an area which we call ... The Twilight Zone.
Re: yes

Originally posted by Markquis
know i have got your attention.
my english is quite fine thank you,these last few post was to see and get your respond:confused:

Ha ha! Forgive me if that sentence wasn't very convincing. Kind of like saying "I'm not as think as you drunk I am *hick*"
Hey there Markquis

Although english appears to be your second language, I think your handle on it is intriguing. Those who have it as a second language always find the most interesting ways to weave their words.

I follow to a degree about what you're saying. Are you're trying to outline/explain how you've observed the workings within the system which we are a part of? [matrix] Your words are vague and others unconstructive responses have been rather unhelpful in shedding further light on this. Could you try to summarize what you are trying to convey, please?

If you don't find acceptable response here, possibly try at the

deoxyribonucleic hyperdiscussion forums

They are more open to new ideas than most here

"Keeping an open mind is a virture---but, as the space
engineer James Oberg once said, not so open that your
brains fall out." -Carl Sagan
11 class mate

good day to all.
frist let me start off by saying.welcome to my world i,e.
{2nd}my class room is still not yet completed,only 11 students respond.come on man i need more humans to attend my class.

i do employed,keep on responding it will make my job much more better to share the information you all seek.

p.s. jesus will directing this class

I have some questions ...

This Test Will Bring All Intelligence Minds As One Corresponding Unit,
What sort of test is it and how will it achieve this goal?
In This Process We Are Going To Find Out More About The Human Tru Pyshological Transformation And Esp Ability.
Who is we?
How Real Is This,It Real As Your Mind Reflecting All Paranormal Reality.
What is paranormal reality?
We Here Are Trying To Excogitate The Full Ability Of The Brain/Mind Powers Or Should I Say The Pyshokentic And Telepathy Research!.
Where is here? What research? Are you with an organization of some sort? If so, which one?
Mapping The Brain/Mind Patterns Is To Understand How The Brain Work And Sends Telepathic Infromation To Its Subjects.
Mapping? Subjects? Can you please clarify?
In Other Words We Are Here.........
Again, who is we and where is here?

the requirements, will be very and extermly diligent.
i will answer all your question's,but fore now,thank you fore responding so repectfully.

who are we?

two entities in one!
hey i am in the middle of gymnastic,get back to you latter.your questions will be answer

who are we? two entities in one!
Certs breath mints became famous for their "Two, two,
two-mints-in-one" ad campaign, your answer reminds
me of that. Do you also contain Retsyn?

hey i am in the middle of gymnastic, get
back to you latter.your questions will be
I don't think you have any intention of answering
my questions. As they say - I will believe it when I
see it.
Hold on, you're using a computer in the middle of gymnastics? Parden my crued observation, but isn't that just a little fucked up?