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matrix sciences,imagery.
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Its time?

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My Name Is Cannonier John.And I Would Like To Put All Sciences Research Or NeuroScientist,Neurobiology And Neurorobotic To The Test.This Test Will Bring All Intelligence Minds As One Corresponding Unit,Frist Let Me State Clearly,That I Not Trying To Be A joke About These Matters At Hand!.In This Process We Are Going To Find Out More About The Human Tru Pyshological Transformation And Esp Ability.How Real Is This,It Real As Your Mind Reflecting All Paranormal Reality.We Here Are Trying To Excogitate The Full Ability Of The Brain/Mind Powers Or Should I Say The Pyshokentic And Telepathy Research!.Is These Ability A Human Tru God Giving Gift,{yes it is.}Mapping The Brain/Mind Patterns Is To Understand How The Brain Work And Sends Telepathic Infromation To Its Subjects.In Other Words We Are Here.........The Next Step Is To Add The Matrix/robotic Armor,Can The Mind Move This Object {Yes},And If You Still Think That You Are A Human? I Can Only Speak For Self--Transformation And Realization,With God Understanding.The Astral Entity Is Inside Every Human Being........
Nice to meet you, John C. :)
You remind me of that crazy man by the river...or me when I'm hyped up on sugar SO i Tttype LiKe! this 4 a WhilE! :D
Process # 1

"Markquis."The Brain/Mind Mapper!
Matrix Generation Is Here

Welcome Human's,
In Today's Conversation We Are Going To Talk About,
The Human Psychological-Transformation And Process!
But Before We Get Started,One Must Understand [Self] And"Memory."The Memory Data Answer The Subconscious Patterns And Creates Images,As Dreams Or Dreaming!But Most Of All Most Excogitatae!The Mind/Brain Reflecting The Paranormal Reality Or As Dreaming And Reflecting The Reality Of {God-Vision.}

Keep In Mind As Go,The Memory Can Also Track Back To Our {DNA},Which Itself Eventually Evoles The Genes That Shape The Very Foundation Of The Physical Body Itself.It Is The Magnetic Force That Holds That Intelligence Patterns."Now."Direct To The Point Of This Conversation.Telepathy And Psychokentic Ability Can Only Work When The Mental Body Is Projected,To Track This Ability We Have To Know The Human Subject Ability To Self-Transform.
First: Stop drinking the bong water.

Second: Go and learn punctuation and grammar.

The Water I'm Drinking Is "Jesus."But Than Some Have Seen Hime And Some Have Not?In Other Words Welcom,No Matter What Is Been Said You Will Be A Part Of My Team.Why My Information You Will Seek.But Most Of All I lOVE keeping It Real With Self Or Could It Be That We Both Sure A mtyhological Or Idealogical Communication.Thank You For That Informortive Infromation,So Next I Will Take Time And Write My Post.
Radiologist-Correspond {pls}

To All Intelligence Minds,It's Time.

I Will Use My Self As The Human Subject,Your Mision Is To Complete All Research Goals.This Task Will Help All NeuroScinces And Scientist Understand The Brain/Mind Abilities.

We Are Going To Explane How The Human Mind/Brain Creates Images And Projectes These Image And Bring Them To Reality

Frist We Are Going To Look At The Cerebrum,Energy Travel On Both Left/Right Hemispheres.But The Question At Hand Is Which Hemispheres Cause The Spirit To Exist The Physical Body By Control Of Mind Wave Patterns.Keep In Mind That We Are Talking About Dreams Or Dreaming And Sleeping.But InFact We Talking About When A Human Subject Are In A Meditation Frequencies."Now."In This Process The Left Temporal Cerebral Hemisphere That Is Connected To The Blind Stop Were These Images Are Formed And Projected To A Common Point And Diretion.We Are Going To Open The Left Cerebral Activies To Track These Telepathic Corresponding Data's,The Visual Pathways That Travels From The Back Of The Cerebellum That Sends Magentic Impluse To The Optic Nerve And Chiasm...
Welcome Markquis,

What exactly do you mean when you talk of "spirit"?
I have good reasons to think that consciousness/awareness (if that is what you mean) do not at all stem form one hemisphere. It's most probably much more a emergenrt property of a conglomeration of processes going on in different ereas of the cerebrum.

"energy travel" you'd rather name this "travel of activation (or information)"

"Keep In Mind That We Are Talking About Dreams Or Dreaming And Sleeping."
So, we are talking about dreamin then? I didn't realise that before the mentioned sentence.
And what about meditation frequencies? If you refer to the brain-wave patterns duriong meditation, they are different form those of the REM-sleep.

"In This Process The Left Temporal Cerebral Hemisphere That Is Connected To The Blind Stop Were These Images Are Formed And Projected To A Common Point And Diretion."
if you mean:
"In this process the temporal lobe of the left cerebral hemisphere, that is connected to the blind spot where these images are formed and projected to a common point and diretion,"
I only can say:
1. the sentence is not yet finished.
2. I have no clue what you mena by the connection between the temporal (lobe?/hemisphere?) and the blind spot.
And to my knowledge, no images are formed in the blind spot. The blind spot in the eye is a passageway for the optic nerve through the retina.

"Telepathic Corresponding Data"
When you talk of telepatic correspondence, it's better to be extremely cautious! This is a human science forum. there is also a pseudoscience forum where it is much more accepted.
Don't get me wrong: we scientists are willing to accept everything, as long as there is sound proof of the statements. It is not so much what you write/say, it's why you do it. I see no reason at this moment to give any credibility to telepatic or any other parapsychological phenomenon.

Couls you please respond in the following manner:
1. state the problem
2. give some relevant (and generally accepted) facts (oterwise it's not a fact)
3. explain why the problem in 1) is a problem

Please do not start all words with capitals. It's annoying.
radiologist #2

We Are Not Talking About Dreams Or Dreaming Patterns.
correction From The Last Post.

Frist We Going To Obtain Information From 4 Corresponding Parts Of The Brain.Crerbellum,Occipilate,Medulla,And Pons.
Most Of These Areas Work With The Visual Pathways,But Infact As We Tract Each Neurons.We Will Find That Magentic Charge On The Left Frontal Lobe Interactes With The Retina Or Optic Tract.

The Frist Process Is To Understand That The Spirit Movement !Work With The Cerebellum And Spinal Cord Area.This Is When The Noncorresponding On The Left Cerebral Hemisphere.Strates To Receives More Corresponding Neurons On The Relay Areas In The Thalamus.As The Human Subject Form Of Mediation Crossover With Axons From The lateral Half of Each Retina Do Not Cross In The Optic Chiasm But Send Thier Nerve Impluses By Way Of The Thalamus To The Occipital Lobe On The Same Side.Keep In Mind That Both Of The Human Subject Retina eyes Are Cloosed,As We Map Out The Brain/Mind We Can Understand How The Higher Viusal Centres Can Create The Mental Body Form And Project It On Visual.The Frontal Lobe Sends Imformation To The Spirit Form.In This Section The Spirit Have Exist And Causing The Mind/Brain To Interact With Telepathic And Psychokentic Communication.Humans Get You Minds Ready--More To Come From The Matrix!
Thank You

Welcom Soul,
If you hade read my 2nd post,it will make more of sens.
the frequencies are not dealing with dreams or dreaming Patterns,this communication take place in a meditation form.

my question is that we can sleep and dream and have an a oobe,but what happens when we are not sleeping?and can control these abilties in a mediation stat.

by the way thank you and for informing me about the big letters
I am afraid the use of words borrowed from science will not save you form scrutiny.
Looking at your descriptions your posts should be ombined and shifted to Pseudoscience.

We've had conversation topics on dreams before, notibly most of them happen in the Intelligence and Machines section, since most people that are looking at designing or just interested in artificial intelligence systems have to study a fair amount of neurology to get an understanding of how to mimic the mind with programming.

for instance a discussion on Quantum Brains

Have a look around the forums (use a search etc)
Direct To The Point Of This Conversation.
My Name Is Mark Williamson.And I Would Like To Put All Insane Members of Sciforums To The Mental Hospital.This Test Will Bring All Insane Members To The Insanity Unit Of The Mental Hospital,Frist Let Me State Clearly,That I Not Trying To Be A joke About These Matters At Hand!.In This Process We Are Going To Make Sure All Insanity Member Go To Mental Hospital In Padded Room.How Real Is This,It Real As Your Mind Might Be Insane.We Here Are Trying To Excogitate The Full Insanity Of The Brain/Mind Or Should I Say The Insanity And Schizophrenic Research!.Is These A Human Tru God Giving Curse,{no it isn't because god dosent exits.}Mapping The Brain/Mind Patterns Is To Understand How Insane You Are John C.In Other Words We Are Here.........The Next Step Is To Send You To The Mental Hospital, Are You Insane {Yes},And If You Still Think That You Are Sane? I Can Only Speak For Markquis--Insanity Realization, Is Essential.The Insanity Is Inside Markquis........
We Are Not Talking About Dreams Or Dreaming Patterns.
correction From The Last Post.

Frist We Going To Obtain Information From 4 Corresponding Parts Of The Brain.Crerbellum,Occipilate,Medulla,And Pons.
Most Of These Areas Work With The Visual Pathways,But Infact As We Tract Each Neurons.We Will Find That John C Is Insane.

The Frist Process Is To Understand That The Insanity Of John C. !Work With The Mental Hospital Insanity Unit.This Is Where The Insanity People Go In The Northern Hemisphere.Strates To Receives More Insane People From The Relay Vehicles For Insanity Unit.As The Human Subject Form Of Insanity Cross Over To Insane From Sane.Keep In Mind That John C. Is Insanity Person,As We Map Out The Mental Hospital We Can Understand Why John C. Isn't There Yet.There Wasn't Enough Room Until A Few Minutes Ago In The Insanity Unit.In This Section The Insanity Person Have Exist And Causing The Visitor To Interact With Insanity Person Communication Window.Humans Get You Minds Ready--Make Sure You Not Become Insanity Person!
To All Sanity Minds,It's Time.

I Will Use John C For Insanity Unit Lab Rat,Your Mision Is To Help Make Sure He Dosen't Excape.This Task Will Help All Sanity Person Feel Safe At Night.

We Are Going To Explane How The Insanity Unit Is Able To Contane Such Very Insanity Person As John C.

Frist We Are Going To Look At His Bathroom,Strange Writings On The Wall And Toilet Seat.But The Question At Hand Is Which Padded Wall Has Been Scratched At The Most By John C.Keep In Mind That We Are Talking About Insanity Person.But InFact We Talking About When A John C Are Insane."Now."In This Process The Food Slot Has Been Scratched At Between Feeding Times And All Food Is Devoured In Under A Millisecond By The Insane John C.We Are Going To Open The Room To Track John C's Activities,The Mental Hospital Pathways Will Be Sealed Off In Case Of Insanity Person John C Emergency...
"Markquis."The Insanity Person Are Here!
Sanity People Generation Is Here

Welcome Human's,
In Today's Conversation We Are Going To Talk About,
The Human Insanity Transformation Process!
But Before We Get Started,One Must Understand [John C] And"Mental Hospital."The Mental Hospital Contain Insanity Person,And The Others Mentaly Disturbing Person!But Most Of All Most Insanity Person!The Insanity Person Watching Mirror Reflecting Self Act Strange-er{Self-Vision.}

Keep In Mind As Go,The Insanity Can Also Track Back To Our{DNA},Which Itself Eventually Evoles The Genes That Shape The Very Foundation Of The Insanity.It Is The Insanity Person That Holds Worlde From Ultimate Intelligence."Now."Direct To The Point Of This Conversation.Insanity Person May Excape And Move Around Much,To Track This Movement We Have To Implant Radio Tracking Devices.

I mentioned before in the other thread you started that this is probably more Peudoscience but only through the way you explain your points and sine you talk of more metaphysical planes like Meditation.


I didn't really see much to add to your points other than the fact that there is scientific proof of telepathy, but it involves equipment that can monitor brain patterns (The earlier systems used diodes, newer systems can just be an implant)

GB-GIL Trans-global,

Be that just a troll handle for another forum member, nobody should ause a person of being completely mad without seeing from the view of that individual.

You might find that a person has come from a completely different social backgrounding, and possibly taught different things with religion etc.
the fish took the bait

if we utiliz {2}human subject And Send more electrornic energy to the cerebellum And Frontal lobe,the human will be able to send an telepathic communication by brain/mind let's check if the human subject's can accomplish this task without sending more energy to these corresponding areas.
kind words

to:gb-gl-trans globel.
a small portion of your self.therefore,your light grows brighter,much brighter,when you acknowledge your brother.ah,but here is a mystery.the light also grows dim if you do not acknowledge yourself,for you are also a part of the whole,are you not?

god is in each and every one of you and makes you all equal to his power?to be god is not to have power over life and death,for death does not exist-----there is only life unto life.reminder god is the interlinking of yourself with the whole.

gb-gl-trans globel,you are an very intelligent entity.i was going over your profile,keep in mind that don't let your bad sense take over your good sense!! the reality is,finding your tru reson for been sent to planet earth and why.if you dreams or any connection you my have with god paranormal visual!reminder it is the reality,And they say human can't fly--ok