California Fires - Allah's Wrath?

One deluded human being as well as a dictator. Just because he is

Communist doesn't mean that ALL Communists are the same. You are generalizing with that comment.

Right and this logic doesn't apply to religious wars why?

These atheists are so funny "oh well you know Stalin killing over 20 million is ok, but religious wars are horrible, they show how horrible religion is"
I'm not talking about history. I don't care about history. I care about now.

You don't care about the millions of people your cult, Christianity, is responsible for murdering throughout history? So, you don't care about those murdered people because you only care about yourself?
Stalin (an atheist) is responsible for killing more than ALL religious wars combined in the entire history of civilization TIMES 3

Just goes to show you the power of ONE deluded atheist

Stalin was brought up with religion, graduated from a religious institute. His mother wanted him to be a priest. His drunk 'theist' father beat him. The rest is history.

Get an education.
Stalin was brought up with religion, graduated from a religious institute. His mother wanted him to be a priest. His drunk 'theist' father beat him. The rest is history.

Get an education.

Yeah "the rest" is that Stalin became an atheist and told people the Bible was "full of lies", he also tried to ban religion and destroy religion from his country, then he preceded to kill over 20 million people, not only did he kill, all reports are that he ruthlessly killed

Its funny how you conviently left out "the rest"

YOU should get an education
...became an atheist and told people the Bible was "full of lies" ...

From what I've been reading here lately, that sounds exactly like the histories of not a few here in this 'august' forum--whose end shall be according to their works.
Yeah "the rest" is that Stalin became an atheist and told people the Bible was "full of lies", he also tried to ban religion and destroy religion from his country, then he preceded to kill over 20 million people, not only did he kill, all reports are that he ruthlessly killed

Its funny how you conviently left out "the rest"

YOU should get an education

Communism and atheism are two different things. Didn't know that, did you?
Yeah "the rest" is that Stalin became an atheist and told people the Bible was "full of lies", he also tried to ban religion and destroy religion from his country, then he preceded to kill over 20 million people, not only did he kill, all reports are that he ruthlessly killed

Its funny how you conviently left out "the rest"

YOU should get an education

He didn't so much try to ban religion as supplant Christianity with another religion. The official truths of Stalinist Marxism were really a form of state religion. And his rigid dogmatism was obviously influenced by his religious education.
He didn't so much try to ban religion as supplant Christianity with another religion. The official truths of Stalinist Marxism were really a form of state religion. And his rigid dogmatism was obviously influenced by his religious education.

Oh come on, he was an atheist, all sources indicate that, even Richard Dawkins says "there's no denying that Stalin was an atheist"
Oh come on, he was an atheist, all sources indicate that, even Richard Dawkins says "there's no denying that Stalin was an atheist"

He apparently did not believe in Christianity. That does not change the fact that his version of communism had very little to do with Marxism, and was more of a state religion. Official truths that could not be questioned, torture and imprisonment of unbelievers, it was all there.
But Russia had a long tradition of thinking the czars were practically devine. Religion set up the Russian people to worship a leader like Stalin. Think about it, he hunted heretics, he provided miracles, and demanded total subservience.
He's still around because he has a new product to pimp and he will find some liberal losers to buy it up and make him rich(er). Imagine that? He's one of the rich he so detests? :confused: He's an old douchebag who should just STFU. :(

And from what I have seen of your posts you have not grasped the English language very well. Another year of first grade may be in order, hmm? ;)

p.s. The fires are NOT a "natural event". They were mostly started by arsonists.

no from what i have heard some of the fires we started by people most are natrual and by the way do you know where carlin oh that right southern california