California Fires - Allah's Wrath?

OH no! It's raining outside. God must know I'm an atheist... :p

What century is this again?
God clearly hates me. I said "goddamnit!" three weeks ago and today I stubbed my big toe on a chair. This is my personal testimony unto the power and omnipresence of GOD. Take heed lest someday, god places a chair in the path of your heathen toe - or worse.
You've got to admire the faith of those congregations who don't erect ligtning rods on their churches. Although I'm not sure there are any.

But what does it say about God's allegience to a congregation who do erect a rod and the Church gets struck anyway?

wow if your god could do that than his a cunt in simple forms were is the sense in punishing people who have nothing to do with it??? fair enough george bush or tony blair..
and is you all hate the west so much why are there so many muslims in the u.k?????
"These fires aren't that serious anyway" :confused: WTF?? Are you sh!ttin me? We have over 12 fires burning more than 500,000 acres, over 1M people evacuated, at least 3 people dead, people dying/getting sick from smoke inhalation, billions in damage...and these fires aren't that serious? :eek:

Oh, I forgot, like George Carlin (the liberal moron) said, we deserve it because we live here. F him. :mad:
"These fires aren't that serious anyway" :confused: WTF?? Are you sh!ttin me? We have over 12 fires burning more than 500,000 acres, over 1M people evacuated, at least 3 people dead, people dying/getting sick from smoke inhalation, billions in damage...and these fires aren't that serious? :eek:

Oh, I forgot, like George Carlin (the liberal moron) said, we deserve it because we live here. F him. :mad:

he only said about the earthquakes not the wild fires
"These fires aren't that serious anyway" :confused: WTF?? Are you sh!ttin me? We have over 12 fires burning more than 500,000 acres, over 1M people evacuated, at least 3 people dead, people dying/getting sick from smoke inhalation, billions in damage...and these fires aren't that serious? :eek:

Oh, I forgot, like George Carlin (the liberal moron) said, we deserve it because we live here. F him. :mad:

But it is pretty dumb to live in a place with such a high certainty of things such as:

- Firestorms
- Earthquakes
- Mudslides
- Celebrities
- etc.
Well, You guys still don't understand that if you are of faith, you don't fear death. It can be a good thing. After all no one gets out of here alive. Why fear what's only natural?

And if youre right and the religous are wrong, it doesn't matter anyway. From all I've seen, the faithfull live happier, longer lives while they are here. Being smug is over rated.

The muslims understand this better than some others that point fingers at them.
Well, You guys still don't understand that if you are of faith, you don't fear death. It can be a good thing. After all no one gets out of here alive. Why fear what's only natural?

And if your right and the religous are wrong, it doesn't matter anyway. From all I've seen, the faithfull live happier, longer lives while they are here. Being smug is over rated.
Oh? And the faithful aren't the most smug, selfrighteous bunch on the planet?

You are on earth, right?
Well, You guys still don't understand that if you are of faith, you don't fear death. It can be a good thing. After all no one gets out of here alive. Why fear what's only natural?

And if your right and the religous are wrong, it doesn't matter anyway. From all I've seen, the faithfull live happier, longer lives while they are here. Being smug is over rated.

sure we dont fear death...just show us how to do it first. Go burn in a yourself should not be afraid of.
Carlin specifically says fires. He's a moron anyway. I could not care less what he thinks or says:

I could add plenty more stupid liberal quotes about the disaster:

Reid and Pelosi think the fires are from global warming. :(

Friends of the Earth (enviro-whackjob group) says the fires are President Bush's fault because he hasn't allowed California to fight global warming emissions. :mad:

There's a whole list of stupid reasons the libs have for the fires. I'm too tired to go look it up. :rolleyes:
Most parents would die for their children. Even when that means running into a fire to do it. Simple concept, really.
Carlin specifically says fires. He's a moron anyway. I could not care less what he thinks or says:

I could add plenty more stupid liberal quotes about the disaster:

Reid and Pelosi think the fires are from global warming. :(

Friends of the Earth (enviro-whackjob group) says the fires are President Bush's fault because he hasn't allowed California to fight global warming emissions. :mad:

There's a whole list of stupid reasons the libs have for the fires. I'm too tired to go look it up. :rolleyes:

Carlin's a genius. And he's right. It's religious-minded people who think that the earth is theirs to subdue (it's in the bible). Fires are a normal part of the biosphere of the earth. In fact, many species of plants cannot reproduce successfully without the occasional fire.

There was a significantly wet period in the southwest prior to a near record dry period. Brush grows and accumulates, dries out, and burns.

It's no different from building a city at or below sea-level in a coastal region and hoping that technology will protect you. That's called hubris. Human unmitigated gall in the face of what is obviously well out of their ability to deal with.

Go ahead. Build aimlessly. Don't think about the natural system that you are a part of. Ignore the fact that you're a part of this system. You can beat it. You're a human damn it. You can conquer and subdue anything.
Oh for God's sake--the fires were started by a downed power line and POS human beings--ARSON!! :mad:

Take your global hot air theories back to the nuthouse. We're tired of them. :rolleyes:

Some of the arsonists are suspected criminal aliens. So now we're importing our arsonists...

I knew the weather risks when I got properties in CA. I don't care. It's worth it. :)
Oh for God's sake--the fires were started by a downed power line and POS human beings--ARSON!! :mad:
Imagine that. Failure of human engineering and character. All at one time.

Take your global hot air theories back to the nuthouse. We're tired of them. :rolleyes:
OooK. What was your Phd in again? I don't see it in your profile.

Some of the arsonists are suspected criminal aliens. So now we're importing our arsonists...
Is there a tariff on human imports?

I knew the weather risks when I got properties in CA. I don't care. It's worth it. :)
For what? To proudly state that you live in the land of fruits and nuts? Or are you saying that it was worth my federal tax dollars to have to bail you californians out of your own ill-conceived shit hole of a never-ending natural disaster?
Oh for God's sake--the fires were started by a downed power line and POS human beings--ARSON!! :mad:

Take your global hot air theories back to the nuthouse. We're tired of them. :rolleyes:

Some of the arsonists are suspected criminal aliens. So now we're importing our arsonists...

I knew the weather risks when I got properties in CA. I don't care. It's worth it. :)

"We're tired of them"? Who's we? Are you speaking for someone else? Is god inside you? Is he a voice in your head?

I'd say to a large degree Carlin is right. This is like building a sand castle, and being upset when the tide rises and washes it away. I hope building codes are seriously revised in light of this disaster.

He isn't particularly compassionate, but misanthropy has been part of his act for a very long time now. I love the man; he's been making me laugh since I used to stay up past my bedtime and listen to him on the comedy hour that KSFO in San Francisco used to play from ten to eleven at night in the early 1970's (on an AM radio with tubes).
I have the feeling you pay little/no tax. :rolleyes:

No one has to bail me out. My properties are fine. And heavily insured.

The only parts of CA that are even remotely "sh!thole" are the ones that let people like you come for a visit or worse yet, let you live there. And the ones being infested by criminal aliens. :mad:

Many parts of CA are like paradise. :yay:
Carlin is a pathetic, washed-up, has-been, who is desperately trying for attention. His stupid comments on the View, at the book store, and in life, are just moronic rantings of a very sad, old, bitter excuse for a man. And he's a communist. :eek:

"Carlin’s persona: the bitter hippie, broken-hearted by the failure of the 60s, whose idealism has since decayed into a cynicism so black and weary that revanchist, schadenfreudean sentiments like this now escape his lips without the slightest stutter. And of course it’s all paired with the most touchy feely, cringemaking New Age back-to-the-land nonsense about being “in balance with nature” the way the Indians are. Thus the paradox of the malignant self-styled humanist: We need to join hands and tap into the spiritual creatures within — and if we don’t, then he hopes your house burns down." :mad:

Remember when Imus asked him what he thought the motive might have been for OJ to murder his wife and friend? Carlin said “Maybe they had it coming.” He needs to go back into the woods and STFU. :rolleyes:
Carlin specifically says fires. He's a moron anyway. I could not care less what he thinks or says:

I could add plenty more stupid liberal quotes about the disaster:

Reid and Pelosi think the fires are from global warming. :(

Friends of the Earth (enviro-whackjob group) says the fires are President Bush's fault because he hasn't allowed California to fight global warming emissions. :mad:

There's a whole list of stupid reasons the libs have for the fires. I'm too tired to go look it up. :rolleyes:

um carlin is not a moron. he provides some of the best insight to american culture and thought process i have heard from anyone quit whining about it and other things and talk about something usefull it also seems to me what is implied in what he is saying is when you apply pressure to the natural world its your own damn fault when something bad happens because of how you have upset the balence in nature