California Fires - Allah's Wrath?

um carlin is not a moron. he provides some of the best insight to american culture and thought process i have heard from anyone quit whining about it and other things and talk about something usefull

Not MY culture or thought process. He's a bitter old has-been and not at all funny. To say CA and OJ's victims got what they deserved is moronic. Maybe not to you, but to most of the rest of the sane world. :rolleyes:
Not MY culture or thought process. He's a bitter old has-been and not at all funny. To say CA and OJ's victims got what they deserved is moronic. Maybe not to you, but to most of the rest of the sane world. :rolleyes:

if he is such a has been why is he still around oh thats right it because he is succesful and he make a legitiment point if you over build areas like southern california when one of the natrual events happens their human contruction and interfiernce makes it worse. and from what i have seen of your posts you have neither culture or thoughts
Misanthropy is a natural reaction when viewing human behavior in large masses over the long term. Take you for example; reading your posts greatly increases my own personal misanthropy. I take solace knowing that you only represent a small percentage of incredibly myopic and parochial humans. But with the size of the population, that is a still a fair number of people. People like you make me wonder if a large asteroid striking planet Earth, and thereby causing a massive extinction event not witnessed on this planet in countless millennia, would really be such a bad thing.
if he is such a has been why is he still around oh thats right it because he is succesful and he make a legitiment point if you over build areas like southern california when one of the natrual events happens their human contruction and interfiernce makes it worse. and from what i have seen of your posts you have neither culture or thoughts

He's still around because he has a new product to pimp and he will find some liberal losers to buy it up and make him rich(er). Imagine that? He's one of the rich he so detests? :confused: He's an old douchebag who should just STFU. :(

And from what I have seen of your posts you have not grasped the English language very well. Another year of first grade may be in order, hmm? ;)

p.s. The fires are NOT a "natural event". They were mostly started by arsonists.
"Carlin’s persona: the bitter hippie, broken-hearted by the failure of the 60s, whose idealism has since decayed into a cynicism so black and weary that revanchist, schadenfreudean sentiments like this now escape his lips without the slightest stutter. And of course it’s all paired with the most touchy feely, cringemaking New Age back-to-the-land nonsense about being “in balance with nature” the way the Indians are. Thus the paradox of the malignant self-styled humanist: We need to join hands and tap into the spiritual creatures within — and if we don’t, then he hopes your house burns down." :mad:
Good quote regarding Carlin. I couldn't have said it better myself. He did have talent back in the day.....sigh, too bad.
He's still around because he has a new product to pimp and he will find some liberal losers to buy it up and make him rich(er). Imagine that? He's one of the rich he so detests? :confused: He's an old douchebag who should just STFU. :(

And from what I have seen of your posts you have not grasped the English language very well. Another year of first grade may be in order, hmm? ;)

p.s. The fires are NOT a "natural event". They were mostly started by arsonists.

So, like if it's the end times, is the climate supposed to stay perfect and nice? Do you expect a good forecast for the apocalypse?
That was Old Testament. Christians follow the new covenant (New Testament). The Old is good rules, good history, good advice, good examples.

The New is the life. :)

How strange then that they are always quoting the old T when it comes to war, sin, homosexuality and so on. And how strange that they don't just publish and read the New T.

Don't you get embarrassed when you make up stuff?
What do you mean what happens? I don't believe in making sweeping generalisations.

Next stop sweeping generalization

A system that exploits women, a system that turns women into nothing but sexual objects. A system that uses and abuses young people like Britney Spears and then spits them out when they can't make any more money out of them. That system sucks monkey balls. Look at Britney Spears, one minute everyone loves her now people spit on her, her life has completely fallen apart, I wonder who is going to help her out. It’s the same story over and over.

As opposed to treating women like cattle as we often see in pakistan women killed to preserve family honour or sentenced to be gang raped. Unable or unwilling to report abuse by a man because they know they will only be harmed even more. That sucks monkey balls too m8.
Yeah stardom can take it's toll especially at a young age it never seems to pan out. I would guess with her being a millionaire and all she can get the help she needs

For the record on topic, the first person here I saw interpreting the fires as coming from god was our own conservative christian sandy.
-I thought we were talking about the SoCal fires of the past week. Even if not, I seriously doubt "Allah" had anything to do with them.

-Born-again-on-fire-for-Jesus Christians live by the new covenant (New Testament--NT). Other religions/denominations do whatever they want.

-There is plenty about "war, sin, homosexuality and so on" in the NT too.

-I never said the fires were from God. He allows them. It's all part of that "free will" thing.

-I thought Carlin was funny when I was young and stupid. Then I grew up and realized that people like him are what's wrong with the USA.

-I have no idea what the weather will be like for the Rapture. Guess we'll have to just wait and see. I'm predicting very hot for those *Left Behind.

God does not start fires to burn people's houses down. I don't know about Allah.

The fires were started by men and a downed power line. We know who at least 5 of the men are. I don't even think at least two of them are legal American citizens. I could be wrong. We'll know more later.

It's confirmed those men were Christians and started the fires deliberately in the name of Christ to kill as many people as possible. Christ told them he needed more souls in heaven.
Yeah, right...:rolleyes:

They killed 7 or so. Not exactly big numbers compared to the real, purposeful killings in some other religions.
I have the feeling you pay little/no tax. :rolleyes:

No one has to bail me out. My properties are fine. And heavily insured.

Everyone pays taxes, gas, foods, entertainment etc.. Anyone that has

property must also pay for insurances. Those insurance rates go up

whenever there's a major disaster somewhere. That's because it takes more

money to rebuild those that lost everything than the insurance companies

wants to put out of their own profits. That's why everyone else's rates go

up, up and away. Disasters cannot be prevented but those who are allowed

to or just want to build on locations that are prone to disasters are just

making it worse for all other insurance holders.
I knew the weather risks when I got properties in CA. I don't care. It's worth it

So because you want to kill yourself why do all the rest of us have to keep

paying higher insurance rates to help pay for the damages left behind out

there? We are all in the same boat and when some people want everyone

else to suffer for their stupidity then there's something a miss with your

There is no perfect place to live. Many places in CA are close.

Insurance is a huge, big business scam. I pay a fortune in auto, home, health, business, boat, plane, etc.... insurances. I have NEVER had a claim. My properties in CA are not affected by adverse weather.

Katrina is another story.
Yeah, right...:rolleyes:

They killed 7 or so. Not exactly big numbers compared to the real, purposeful killings in some other religions.

Christianity is responsible for killing more people than any other religion in history. And those murders were real and purposeful. :rolleyes:
Christianity is responsible for killing more people than any other religion in history. And those murders were real and purposeful. :rolleyes:

Stalin (an atheist) is responsible for killing more than ALL religious wars combined in the entire history of civilization TIMES 3

Just goes to show you the power of ONE deluded atheist
Just goes to show you the power of ONE deluded atheist

One deluded human being as well as a dictator. Just because he is

Communist doesn't mean that ALL Communists are the same. You are generalizing with that comment.