California Fires - Allah's Wrath?


Fat people can't smile.
Registered Senior Member
Long have Imams preached of how Allah is angry with the west and its ways and will punish them, and punish them soon. The fires in California, a place where extremely famous people live, including such as Pamela Anderson - exactly the sort of person Islam would Condemn. Are these fires a sign?
God does not start fires to burn people's houses down. I don't know about Allah.

The fires were started by men and a downed power line. We know who at least 5 of the men are. I don't even think at least two of them are legal American citizens. I could be wrong. We'll know more later.

The fires spread by the power of the Santa Ana's (winds we have to deal with a lot.) The fact that there were at least 6 purposely started is the dreadful thing.

I now know several people who lost their homes. :(

ALL of the people who started these fires deserve the death penalty. :mad:
God does not start fires to burn people's houses down. I don't know about Allah.

The fires were started by men and a downed power line. We know who at least 5 of the men are. I don't even think at least two of them are legal American citizens. I could be wrong. We'll know more later.

The fires spread by the power of the Santa Ana's (winds we have to deal with a lot.) The fact that there were at least 6 purposely started is the dreadful thing.

I now know several people who lost their homes. :(

ALL of the people who started these fires deserve the death penalty. :mad:

Well according to the OT God starts lots of disasters to punish people for their sins, and according to the Qu'ran Allah does too...but Jesus's Father, in the NT, he seems omnibenevolent
That was Old Testament. Christians follow the new covenant (New Testament). The Old is good rules, good history, good advice, good examples.

The New is the life. :)
Long have Imams preached of how Allah is angry with the west and its ways and will punish them, and punish them soon.

They have? Which Imams?

The fires in California, a place where extremely famous people live, including such as Pamela Anderson - exactly the sort of person Islam would Condemn. Are these fires a sign?

Islam does not condemn individuals. And anyway, Pamela Anderson is only the end product of a certain system.

Are these fires a sign?

Aren't there natural disasters and other crazy things happening all the time? This one isn't that serious anyway.
Islam does not condemn individuals. And anyway, Pamela Anderson is only the end product of a certain system.

It only condemns entire systems it doesn't agree with?
What happens to all the individuals in such a system according to you?
Which system is Pamela Anderson an end product of?
Long have Imams preached of how Allah is angry with the west and its ways and will punish them, and punish them soon. The fires in California, a place where extremely famous people live, including such as Pamela Anderson - exactly the sort of person Islam would Condemn. Are these fires a sign?

Yes, their a sign of humans stupidity to build homes that are located in an

earthquake prone, hurricane force winds, mudslides, floods and fires that kill

mamie and injure humans. This has been going on in that area for over 50

years and its going to get worse because humans don't care about their

lives, they only care about their vanity. Where are the politic ans to stop

the developers from building in this type of area? Where is the common

sense that people used to have?
It only condemns entire systems it doesn't agree with?
What happens to all the individuals in such a system according to you?
Which system is Pamela Anderson an end product of?

There are many positives about different systems across the World. You take the good and work against the bad. The West is brilliant in terms of providing for the disabled, the unemployed etc. however bad in terms of looking after the elderly etc. (they are neglected – seen as a burden - and often just abandoned – won’t find this in many other cultures, in Islam the elderly are honoured)

What happens to all the individuals in such a system according to you?

What do you mean what happens? I don't believe in making sweeping generalisations. Every individual will be judged according to his/her deeds.

Which system is Pamela Anderson an end product of?

A system that exploits women, a system that turns women into nothing but sexual objects. A system that uses and abuses young people like Britney Spears and then spits them out when they can't make any more money out of them. That system sucks monkey balls. Look at Britney Spears, one minute everyone loves her now people spit on her, her life has completely fallen apart, I wonder who is going to help her out. It’s the same story over and over.
God's punishment on Manchester is apparent simply from observing the people that live there.

Long have Imams preached of how Allah is angry with the west and its ways and will punish them, and punish them soon. The fires in California, a place where extremely famous people live, including such as Pamela Anderson - exactly the sort of person Islam would Condemn. Are these fires a sign?
Unless any famous people died I don't see quite see how such famous people would be suffering or would suffer.

Those who will suffer will be the poorer people who could not afford appropriate fire insurance and are in danger of losing their homes and then everyone else who will likely have to pay higher insurance rates later. The rich and wealthy will not notice.

So unless God is going to become a precision assassin striking down specific celebrities with fire bolts then I don't see that widespread indiscriminate wild fires like these are going to hurt anyone other than the majority of people there who are not celebrities and will most likely be innocent victims.

Now of course there will likely be those who pray to have their homes spared and their homes are spared and who will atribute that to God and then those who pray and whoose homes burn down and wonder why God didn't answer their prayers. Such will be the irrationaility of the religious.