calculated to kill!

Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
No 1 has absolute authority over me.

Pride comes before destruction.

No pride just fact.

Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
I certainly don't want to spend eternity in the presence of the christian god. That seems like hell to me.

Your wish may well be granted, woe is to you.

No, woe to me if I have to spend eternity in the presence of your god.
Calculated to Kill!!!

Sounds like a cool Alfred Hitchcock movie doesn't it? The sad thing this was really a warning by Ron Hubbard against his fellow Scientologists NOT to think too deeply about the bullshit *ahem* I mean "religion" because they might die!!!

Haaa!!! How stupid do people have to be? I mean, WTF? Don't think?


It's just ludicrous. Yet, here we have Scientologists worried that thinking to much about their beleif my cause them to die? No No NO... just drink the Kool Aid and all will be well in the world.

Not only this, but I know of many monotheist, many (actually maybe all) who worry that questioning the bullshit *ahem* their "religion" will piss off the Sky Daddy and they might go to "hell".

Same Kool Aid different color... and it all tastes the same too. Sweet but leaving me thirsty after a full glass.


Questioning God is ok. I have done it a lot. But God can see the motivations of each person. Do they question with a spirit of seeking to understand more while still trusting that God knows best and knows best what to reveal and when to reveal it to the seeker. Or is the person not asking questions at all but indeed making accusations and criticisms against God to justify their rebellion against Him.

Your own words reveal to us your motivations

questioning the bullshit *ahem* their "religion"

You have already made up your mind about God. You have not come to ask questions to gain understanding, you are not a genuine seeker. Your in rebellion and your questions are not designed to bring knowledge but to undermine the message of God.

But all such attacks are in vain, His will shall be done. And no about of venom (no matter how eloquently delivered) will change that.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You have made up your mind about gods. You are not a seeker. You do not want knowledge or understanding, you want to pretend you have them.
He's asked plenty of questions, you haven't.
It's your Holy Babble that's venomous.
Are you ashamed of preaching to animals?