calculated to kill!

Don't worry the population of the world is just too large for people to be dominated by religion. Even Islam I think is loosing it's grip, people are becoming slaves to something much more subtle and weaker in actual power, but with a lot longer range(like say gravity). Globalism, economic globalism. Obedience tied to being able to "trade" to be able to complete for the scarcity of resources. Religion has fuck all to do with that now. If you are not bondable, have a criminal record, etc in about 5-10 years, you will be completely fucked beyond all hope. That's when we are gonna see the really heavy laws get passed, that will give us the inquisition part deux.

Yeah, the real demons are waiting to be unleashed. And that will be something that will make even atheists shiver with fear.
hence fear of god is not indicated as perfectional - in fact it is simply the default position of persons who remain caught up in sinful reactions

B 18.66 Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.
OMG lightgigantic, you are too cryptic, probably necessarily so, and in that way, it's too bad you weren't a humanist. There's nothing wrong with causing people think deeply, but why take people to the supernatural when there's so many natural things that are super :)
OMG lightgigantic, you are too cryptic, probably necessarily so, and in that way, it's too bad you weren't a humanist. There's nothing wrong with causing people think deeply, but why take people to the supernatural when there's so many natural things that are super :)

Like Humanity
Yeah, the real demons are waiting to be unleashed. And that will be something that will make even atheists shiver with fear.
who knows, maybe it can bring us together?

Anyway, I'm buying 5 fishing poles, a small boat - screw the world!

Hey babe, I'll trade ya some fresh fish for a blow... hehe... just kidding!

Anyway, back to the thread topic.

EVEN IF you are a theist - could you post a similar reference in your own beleif? Something that you can not or will not do for fear of offending, disappointing, or down right pissing off, God.
OMG lightgigantic, you are too cryptic, probably necessarily so, and in that way, it's too bad you weren't a humanist. There's nothing wrong with causing people think deeply, but why take people to the supernatural when there's so many natural things that are super :)
if you had only ever dined on cold pizza you would probably think it was pretty far out, even in the association of people who had eaten hot pizza
Humanity is the epitomy of all life and Earth is the purest of any planet

How about that for religious claims?;)
Firstly, stop derailing the OP topic :)
Secondly, it's difficult to have a "serious" conversation with someone who believes in Xenu the Alien Overlord and refuses to even acknowledge that even the possibility could exit that Xenu doesn't exist.
Thirdly, there is no such thing as race.
Fourthly, returning to the topic at hand.

I wonder, why, do you suppose, Ron Hubbard wrote this material (Xenu Space Opera) was "calculated to kill anyone who attempts to solve it."

Why write such a thing? Especially given that Scientology the word means “the study of knowledge” it just seems so paradoxical? I just don't understand it??? It ...well ... it, almost reminds me of the all forgiving all loving God who sends humans to burn in hell fire for eternity.... ... hmmm wait a minute.... :bugeye:

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Ever notice how many religions have this clause whereby, if you question the beleif *poof* suddenly you are in danger (usually of going to hell). Just the act of "thinking" the forbidden thought "Hey, you know, this is all bullshit" and wham - to hell with you. People are so scared of hell they can not even admit they might be wrong. Even this could endanger their mortal soul, best to not even think about it.

Can any of you remember reading any specific text where it say NOT to question that there is a God? Or that questioning this beleif is bad?

I remember my Baptist friends' sister just started repeating bla bla bla bla bla and ran from the room (true story) because she suddenly started getting worried she was going to question her faith. She was scared to even think anything new that might lead to her losing her beleif. Best to remain ignorant.

There's one (or many) monotheist on these boards who can not admit even the possibility could exit there is no God. Not even the possibility can exist, so much for the reality.

Anyway, I came across this about Scientology:

Xenu, according to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, was the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people to Earth in DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. Scientology holds that the essences of these many people remained, and that they form around people in modern times, causing them spiritual harm.

These events are known within Scientology as "Incident II", and the traumatic memories associated with them as The Wall of Fire.

The story of Xenu is part of Scientologist teachings about extraterrestrial civilizations and alien interventions in Earthly events, collectively described as space opera by Hubbard. Hubbard detailed the story in Operating Thetan level III (OT III) in 1967, warning that this material was "calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it."

Now, it may seem funny to us, actually, it's sad. Scientologists really are worried that even thinking too much about the Xenu Space Opera can cause you to DIE. Well, it's really no different with monotheists if you think about it. They're JUST as scared.

Here Watch: In Xianity there is the concept of the eternal SIN. It is UNFORGIVABLE. Blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost.

Do it.

Deny the Holy Spirit.

For me, I can easily, I deny the Holy Spirit. THAT my friends, sent one hell of a shiver up the back of many a Xian. Some are, right now, thinking, poor poor fool.

Now, back to Xenu: I question the Xenu Space Opera. IMO it's bullshit.

Yup, still not worried one bit.

Funny that,

You don’t even know what Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is.

You think disbelief and denying the existence of the Holy Spirit is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit when it is not.

One has to believe in God and demons to be capable of blaspheming the Holy Spirit as it is revealed in the scriptures.

Why are you so incapable of understanding basic scriptures?

Funny that.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You don’t even know what Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is.

You think disbelief and denying the existence of the Holy Spirit is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit when it is not.

One has to believe in God and demons to be capable of blaspheming the Holy Spirit as it is revealed in the scriptures.

Why are you so incapable of understanding basic scriptures?

Funny that.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Fair enough comment.

But, my point wasn't so much as to be about being balasphemous and more about the fear of being balasphemous. Which in turn can even mean the fear of thinking.

Why is it, do you suppose Adstar, that R Hubbard wrote: warning that this material was "calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it."

I can only think of two reasons:
1) He truly believed that if you thought about Xenu Space Opera you could screw up your thetan level, ow whichever, and become sick.
2) By thinking about it a bit, you might actually come to the conclusion it's all made up.

Now, that isn't to say religion and fear didn't have it's time and place, but, now-a-days, in the civilized societies (both East and West) the fear part of religion really isn't needed for most people.
Yeah, the real demons are waiting to be unleashed. And that will be something that will make even atheists shiver with fear.

In our foxholes?

I happen to agree, I hate atheists who act all superior and mock peoples' beliefs. I mean, at least show respect.

Respect cruel & absurd makebelieve? Then I couldn't respect myself.

Why are you so incapable of understanding basic scriptures?

You don't understand. So you condemn.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

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Firstly, stop derailing the OP topic :)
Secondly, it's difficult to have a "serious" conversation with someone who believes in Xenu the Alien Overlord and refuses to even acknowledge that even the possibility could exit that Xenu doesn't exist.

Why? What " serous conversation" do you want to have with them ?
Why do you suppose Ron Hubbard wrote that people should not think to hard about it.... or they could be in danger of dieing.

Why would he write that?

Any religion, worldview, philosophy or however it is to be called

needs to be (presented as) a matter of life and death

if it is to have real potential to be acted upon consistently.

Anything that is less than a matter of life and death has poor chances of being acted upon consistently.
Now, that isn't to say religion and fear didn't have it's time and place, but, now-a-days, in the civilized societies (both East and West) the fear part of religion really isn't needed for most people.

Riiight. People should not fear pollution, the crash of the economy, no, they should just fearlessly continue in their usual civilized ways ...
But, my point wasn't so much as to be about being balasphemous and more about the fear of being balasphemous. Which in turn can even mean the fear of thinking.

As if thinking would be such a good thing.

Most of our thinking is really just regurgitations of old vomit. Makes one wonder why anyone would be infatuated with thinking.
Can any of you remember reading any specific text where it say NOT to question that there is a God? Or that questioning this beleif is bad?
I do not think it is in the Bible, but I am not a scholar. Because of coming from a family that was either Christian or christian-atheist - ie. an atheist position primarily formed in reaction to the God of the Bible and the Christian church - I always found it a relief when in other religions or in the struggles of certain mystics doubting the existence of God and even getting pissed off at God were seen as normal, par for the course and unavoidable. There was one guru in India - I cannot remember his name - who would get very angry when one of his disciples died. He was not the sort to talk a lot but he spoke passionately on these occasions and one raised his fist to the heavens.
I came in contact with another guru there who said that what your relationship with God is is not important, only that you have a relationship. If you doubt God exists, tell God that.

(by the way, I am not putting forward their reactions or ideas as 'the truth'. I just think they are related to your OP and perhaps interesting.)

I also noted in certain Hasidic teaching stories that supposedly holy men had rather brusque and not very Christian talks with God on occasion. I also found this freeing somehow.

In the writings of mystics you find dark nights of the soul, often, and other periods where one goes through profound doubt. This is not taken as bad.

I think the Christians - and other religious people - who have this zero tolerance attitude are deeply afraid of their own natures. They see the slightest bit of doubt or questioning as the start of a slippery slope.

Poor them, stuck in a very tight box.

Since one can only manage this is a good dollop of denial, it must be like wearing blinders.
Fair enough comment.

But, my point wasn't so much as to be about being balasphemous and more about the fear of being balasphemous. Which in turn can even mean the fear of thinking.

Why is it, do you suppose Adstar, that R Hubbard wrote: warning that this material was "calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it."

I can only think of two reasons:
1) He truly believed that if you thought about Xenu Space Opera you could screw up your thetan level, ow whichever, and become sick.
2) By thinking about it a bit, you might actually come to the conclusion it's all made up.

Why would i care for what R Hubbard wrote ?

Now, that isn't to say religion and fear didn't have it's time and place, but, now-a-days, in the civilized societies (both East and West) the fear part of religion really isn't needed for most people.

Fear is an important thing because it is a great motivator to prompt people to seek. Why would anyone study and investigate volcanoes if volcanoes never had explosive and disastrous eruptions? I suppose some would study volcanoes but not with the same urgency that life and death outcomes motivate many researchers today.

fear is a beggining:
Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Fear of the Lord leads to that fear being removed by discovering the Love of the Lord. Most would not not seek without an element of fear to motivate them.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Why would i care for what R Hubbard wrote ?

Why would I care what superstitious primitives wrote?

Fear is an important thing because it is a great motivator to prompt people to seek. Why would anyone study and investigate volcanoes if volcanoes never had explosive and disastrous eruptions? I suppose some would study volcanoes but not with the same urgency that life and death outcomes motivate many researchers today.

Ignorant raving. If volcanos never hurt anyone, we'd study them as much. Sometimes I think we don't study dangerous things enough.
The vast majority of science is not about that.

fear is a beggining:
Proverbs 1:7The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Fear of the Lord leads to that fear being removed by discovering the Love of the Lord. Most would not not seek without an element of fear to motivate them.
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

You're contradicting yourself.