calculated to kill!

Fear is an important thing because it is a great motivator to prompt people to seek.
Often to seek beyond old images of God that are abusive.

Why would anyone study and investigate volcanoes if volcanoes never had explosive and disastrous eruptions? I suppose some would study volcanoes but not with the same urgency that life and death outcomes motivate many researchers today.
This shows a great naivte about motivations. Of course people would investigate volcanos and with as much interest. What you believe in is an old form of pedagogy, where the teachers scared the students because they so distrusted their interest in the world. They never noticed the self-fulfilling prophecy that resulted.

fear is a beggining:
Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Fear is a good thing to notice. There can be much insight in it. There is, however, no need for God to be scary, there is quite enough frightening otherwise.

Fear of the Lord leads to that fear being removed by discovering the Love of the Lord. Most would not not seek without an element of fear to motivate them.
Speak for yourself.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
Which leads to a muddle given your other thoughts. Here believers are encouraged to be afraid of their fear as unloving.
Adstar: Why would anyone study and investigate volcanoes if volcanoes never had explosive and disastrous eruptions?

You mean like they study frogs or tulips?
Why would anyone study and investigate volcanoes if volcanoes never had explosive and disastrous eruptions?
Like love, orgasm, bees, space,

Yeah, I wonder why Pythagoras studied the science of music?

In short, theistic people are so motivated by their own fear of Sky Daddy they don't realize that many of us are motivated to study things simply for enjoyment.
Michael many of us are motivated to study things simply for enjoyment.

Yay! Enjoyment based living!

Send the fear mongers packing.
Often to seek beyond old images of God that are abusive.

Images that they wish to interpret as abusive.

But are in fact an image of uncompromising absolute Justice. The images of the serious consequences of sin.

This shows a great naivte about motivations. Of course people would investigate volcanos and with as much interest.

No they would not and No not in the numbers and with the monetary backing the have today. As Necessity is the mother of invention, fear of God is an emotion that is the mother of serious and dedicated seeking.

Fear is a good thing to notice. There can be much insight in it. There is, however, no need for God to be scary, there is quite enough frightening otherwise.

Oh there is reason for God to be scary to those who have rejected the Love of His truth. Reason to be in absolute terror of God actually.

Speak for yourself.

I never said All did i? I said Most. You move my words to the extreme to justify your false observation.

Which leads to a muddle given your other thoughts. Here believers are encouraged to be afraid of their fear as unloving.

If they truly believe Jesus then all fear is removed. :) That’s the thing that those who are blinded cannot see. They see the two quoted verses and they see it as contradiction or confusion. When in fact it tells a story of the progression of revelation.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar Oh there is reason for God to be scary to those who have rejected the Love of His truth. Reason to be in absolute terror of God actually.

Only if your god is evil.
Like love, orgasm, bees, space,

Yeah, I wonder why Pythagoras studied the science of music?

Why do you selectively take out words that i say and disregard the rest? Like the others have done. Those who cannot see the "Most" and you who cannot see the bolded part in my quote:

Fear is an important thing because it is a great motivator to prompt people to seek. Why would anyone study and investigate volcanoes if volcanoes never had explosive and disastrous eruptions? "I suppose some would study volcanoes "but not with the same urgency that life and death outcomes motivate many researchers today.

You and swarm saw the first part and saw an opening for attack. But you seem to think that i cannot quote myself and clearly show your attack to be based on a blatant disregard for the entire message that i put down. It's like the anti-christs in here who quote a verse in the bible in isolation in an attempt to condemn the God of Abraham. Do they think they can get away with distortion when others can read the scriptures in context?

In short, theistic people are so motivated by their own fear of Sky Daddy they don't realize that many of us are motivated to study things simply for enjoyment.

Once again i have no fear of God. i am loved by God and because He loved me first i love Him. True Christians do now dwell on the lake of fire.

It may seem that i do. But the people who dwell upon it in here and bring it up again and again and again are the anti-christs. Once it becomes a topic or is injected into a topic i will stand by it, because it is a revealed reality in the scriptures and no amount of argument about it's justification will remove it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Images that they wish to interpret as abusive.
But are in fact an image of uncompromising absolute Justice. The images of the serious consequences of sin.
No they would not and No not in the numbers and with the monetary backing the have today. As Necessity is the mother of invention, fear of God is an emotion that is the mother of serious and dedicated seeking.
Oh there is reason for God to be scary to those who have rejected the Love of His truth. Reason to be in absolute terror of God actually.
I never said All did i? I said Most. You move my words to the extreme to justify your false observation.
If they truly believe Jesus then all fear is removed. :) That’s the thing that those who are blinded cannot see. They see the two quoted verses and they see it as contradiction or confusion. When in fact it tells a story of the progression of revelation.

Necessity is A mother of invention not THE mother of all invention, obviously. Fear is the root of evil. A wise omniscient, benevolent, omnipotent god would have no need for fear. This is 1 of the many absurdities of The Holy Babble. I can't be afraid of something I don't know exists. I won't be afraid of gods if I find they exist.
No matter what you say or how many times you say it or how you think your words have been twisted, the vast majority of science is not done for safety.

Do you or do you not preach to animals?
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Okay... I call your bluff... How many religions do what you say they do.

It is tiresome with Atheists. The Religious People have to prove everything, but the Atheists are allowed to get by with the vaguest of generalities in regards to accusations.

Are you accusing Religions of anything that ever REALLY happened, or are you just referring to the Legends and Myths of Atheist Propaganda?
Okay... I call your bluff... How many religions do what you say they do.

It is tiresome with Atheists. The Religious People have to prove everything, but the Atheists are allowed to get by with the vaguest of generalities in regards to accusations.

Are you accusing Religions of anything that ever REALLY happened, or are you just referring to the Legends and Myths of Atheist Propaganda?

Desperate absurd foaming at the mouth.
Leo Volont The Religious People have to prove everything

You make the god claim, you get the burden of proof.

If you actually know something about god, prove it. Bitching about nasty atheists is not proof of god.
Ever notice how many religions have this clause whereby, if you question the beleif *poof* suddenly you are in danger (usually of going to hell). Just the act of "thinking" the forbidden thought "Hey, you know, this is all bullshit" and wham - to hell with you. People are so scared of hell they can not even admit they might be wrong. Even this could endanger their mortal soul, best to not even think about it.

That doesn't describe Christianity in the least. All people were unbelievers before they became believers. So your statement doesn't apply to Christianity.

Can you admit you're wrong? Can you admit that you have to make up your own history to deny the life and deeds of Christ? So why do you go to that extreme to keep from admitting you could be wrong? :eek: Pride, perhaps? Is your pride worth the price of hell? If so, then God will give you your wish. If not, then it would be wise for you to see that you're not omniscient enough to make up your own history or determine what happens after you die. Sorry. ;)
Adstar Oh there is reason for God to be scary to those who have rejected the Love of His truth. Reason to be in absolute terror of God actually.

Only if your god is evil.

If God does not exist then He cannot be either good or evil. You cannot disprove the existence of God by declaring Him evil. All you do is show your judgement concerning the will of God.

People think they can disprove God by simply disagreeing with His revealed will. How absurd. Can i prove that Pol Pot never existed just because i disagree with his policies? Of course not.

But i see it all the time in here.

“God is bad so that proves that God must not exist.” Weird.

If God exists and If His will has been revealed by the Bible then your opinion and ranting and raving against it will make not one jot of difference. God is God He has absolute Authority and no one will have eternity in His presence without Him granting it to them.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Your ranting & raving doesn't make a difference as to whether gods exist.
No 1 has absolute authority over me.
I certainly don't want to spend eternity in the presence of the christian god. That seems like hell to me.
Adstar If God does not exist then He cannot be either good or evil.

We are discussing you conception of god. You have yet to demonstrate the least knowledge of any actual gods.

The only reason "for God to be scary to those who have rejected" him is if he is evil.
Calculated to Kill!!!

Sounds like a cool Alfred Hitchcock movie doesn't it? The sad thing this was really a warning by Ron Hubbard against his fellow Scientologists NOT to think too deeply about the bullshit *ahem* I mean "religion" because they might die!!!

Haaa!!! How stupid do people have to be? I mean, WTF? Don't think?


It's just ludicrous. Yet, here we have Scientologists worried that thinking to much about their beleif my cause them to die? No No NO... just drink the Kool Aid and all will be well in the world.

Not only this, but I know of many monotheist, many (actually maybe all) who worry that questioning the bullshit *ahem* their "religion" will piss off the Sky Daddy and they might go to "hell".

Same Kool Aid different color... and it all tastes the same too. Sweet but leaving me thirsty after a full glass.

Images that they wish to interpret as abusive.

But are in fact an image of uncompromising absolute Justice. The images of the serious consequences of sin.
yes, even as earthly dicatators have their apologists old ideas about God create apologies for false images of God as a dictator.

No they would not and No not in the numbers and with the monetary backing the have today. As Necessity is the mother of invention, fear of God is an emotion that is the mother of serious and dedicated seeking.
This is simply not correct, as the people mentioning tulips and other things passionately investigated by scientists and others has shown. You are perhaps motivated by fear primarily and therefore think that a scary good is a good idea.

Oh there is reason for God to be scary to those who have rejected the Love of His truth. Reason to be in absolute terror of God actually.
I can only assume that you needed to be scared into the beliefs you have.
I never said All did i? I said Most. You move my words to the extreme to justify your false observation.
Be honest: I never said 'all'.
You said 'most'. I said speak for yourself. My response fits, perfectly, what you said. Your response above, does not fit mine.
I think even you have the awareness to see you basically lied here but saying I did something I did not do.
'Most', Adstar, is clearly talking about VASTLY more people than just you. Thus my response is not misleading. You generalized. I admonished you for it. If you think it is fine to generalize, that is another issue, but your accusation, and added analysis of me, is disingenous.
The only reason "for God to be scary to those who have rejected" him is if he is evil.


A criminal fears a judge for the sentence that judge has the power to deliver. Especially when the penalty is extreme.

Many criminals facing the possibility of a death sentence will fear the judge they face without thinking that the judge is evil.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days