By His wounds we are healed

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Medicine Woman said:
Markx said:

Hey, Markx, long time no hear!
use PM, what are you missing your dear friends? is this the islamic mutual kissing society? get a room!

You know xians keep bringing up Aisha calling Muhammad a pedophile,
and that he was, proofs in the hadiths

but I ask them, "What about your pedophile priests?,"
they don't claim to be the final prophet of god

and then you have infighting between Catholics and Protestants.
shias & sunnis are on kissing terms too, look into Pakistani mosque bombings

I would be interested in researching further into Paul's life to see what he meant by the thorn in his flesh.
make sure its not lies, like your usual stuff

Sounds like a prick to me! He wasn't a womanizer, so he had to be screwing Timothy, rumor has it,
there you go again, starting rumors, bad medicine, woman

or maybe it was his horse. Did anyone ever take into account that when he fell off his horse and hit his head on a rock on the Road to Damascus and saw visions of the risen Christ, that he was, shall we say, fornicating with his horse and the stool fell out from under him, and he had one of those life-and-death-orgasms, you know like the ones where you cry out, "Oh, God,...oh, God...Oh, God." Where you're coming and going at the same time--you know what I'm talking about? This is what I think happened. In fact, it's pretty clear to me now. Christianity is based on Paul's orgasm from fornicating his old mare. You know the guys who were traveling with him didn't see anything. All they heard was "Oh, God... oh, God... oh, God as Paul wallowed on the ground. What do you think?
I think, you should start writing racy gothic romance novels, you got the touch, & an active imagination
Randolfo said:
use PM, what are you missing your dear friends? is this the islamic mutual kissing society? get a room!
M*W: Regardless of what YOU think, I don't bash Muslims because there are truths in the Qur'an, and they believe these truths. So do I. There is more truth about Jesus in the Qur'an than in the Nu Testicle.
they don't claim to be the final prophet of god
M*W: So, your point would be?
shias & sunnis are on kissing terms too, look into Pakistani mosque bombings
M*W: I know a few Pakistanis, and they admit the corruptions in their mother country. That's why they're no longer there.
make sure its not lies, like your usual stuff
M*W: Randolfo, what you call a lie, many others believe it's the truth. You are the one believing a lie, the biggest lie of these millenia.
there you go again, starting rumors, bad medicine, woman.
M*W: I wish I had been the one to start these rumors, then I'd have accofdingly published these kinds of books on the shelfs. You make it clear that you don't do much reading, so you're the one who believes the lie.
I think, you should start writing racy gothic romance novels, you got the touch, & an active imagination,
M*W: Yes, I've been told. I have published some books in my profession. The next book I write for pleasure will focus on the destruction of Christianity.
Medicine Woman said:

M*W: Regardless of what YOU think, I don't bash Muslims because there are truths in the Qur'an, and they believe these truths. So do I.
Truths? like mixing up Mary, the mother of Jesus & Mariam Aaron & Moses' sister. They lived about a thousand years apart, is that truth in your book? so since muslims believe in this, it makes it right? oh yeah, you're "ABC",
anything but christianity, so since its anti-christian, its true in your book

There is more truth about Jesus in the Qur'an than in the Nu Testicle.
gnostic stuff, yes, truth? No, they don't even have His name right, "Issa" is the arabic version of the greek "yesus", not the Hebrew or Aramaic J'shua. now why is that? because ol' Mo learned about Christianty second-hand.

they don't claim to be the final prophet of god
M*W: So, your point would be?
as the so-called final prophet, wouldn't he be held to a higher standard? oh yeah, he's anti-christian, so its ok in your book

M*W: Randolfo, what you call a lie, many others believe it's the truth. You are the one believing a lie, the biggest lie of these millenia.
hmmm? is that so? and what you call a lie, others believe, how's that work? are you an authority figure that we can trust? un-biased? thoughtful? honest?

M*W: Yes, I've been told. I have published some books in my profession. The next book I write for pleasure will focus on the destruction of Christianity.
oh, another fantasy novel, how does it end? are you the hero? is it a short story? or a Trinity, I mean trilogy?
Well, it seems we have reached the end of useful discussion in this thread.

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