By His wounds we are healed

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I knew Jesus had a brother named James, but I haven't heard much about his twin Judas. Anybody got a link?

Sure would like to head up to Rosslyn and see what's buried under that chapel. Who's with me?
That movie's just another damn recruitment film... nobody go see it! And btw, Mel Gibson is NOT Australian so don't shove him on us!
That a woman died of a heart attack while watching it doesn't surprise me but I am surprised that lightning struck people three times on location during the filming. The assistant director was hit twice via his umbrella and J.C. (the actor who played Jesus Christ) was hit directly. According to witnesses, the lightning exited J.C. via his ears and he walked away unharmed...!!!???

I just love movie propaganda. It reminds me of Poltergeist where people started saying "all the actors were killed straight after", or "all the actors are now haunted" or some shit similar. Don't listen to it, it's tripe.

Olberman already tried on The Countdown. It was ... rather sick.

Fortunately I didn't see it, but I did see Richard and Judy show which had some rabbi from Mill Hill saying the film was very anti-jew, a catholic woman arguing with him, and a writer saying that while it wasn't anti-jew, it was the worst film he's ever seen :)
SnakeLord said:
I just love movie propaganda. It reminds me of Poltergeist where people started saying "all the actors were killed straight after", or "all the actors are now haunted" or some shit similar. Don't listen to it, it's tripe.

Fortunately I didn't see it, but I did see Richard and Judy show which had some rabbi from Mill Hill saying the film was very anti-jew, a catholic woman arguing with him, and a writer saying that while it wasn't anti-jew, it was the worst film he's ever seen
M*W: Yeah, I knew the hype was coming when I heard about the lightning striking the actor. The woman who had the heart attack would have had the heart attack if she were in a library instead of that sorry ass movie. Several people tried to give me free tickets (I guess to try to save my soul), but I wouldn't accept them. Churches here bought up scads of tickets and tried to give them all away. Makes me sick.
rainbow__princess_4 said:
That movie's just another damn recruitment film... nobody go see it! And btw, Mel Gibson is NOT Australian so don't shove him on us!
M*W: I thought Mel was Australian! What the hell is he, then? You're right. It's another recruitment film. I hope to see Mel Gibson's professional downfall after this trash.
spidergoat said:
It is quite possible that jesus died for the Jews. If he didn't give himself up, the Romans might well have massacred all the Jews in Judea.
He died for all mankind, that event was the microcosm of the earth, for all time & all men; all you have to do is accept Jesus as Lord & Savior

It is also possible that it was not Jesus who was crucified, but his twin brother, Judas,
Thomas was a twin, that is mentioned in the Bible, there is no mention of Jesus having a twin, only James & other family members are mentioned, Judas was called Iscariot, (either Scarii (Jewish rebel assassins) or from a village named Iscari?). the Gospel of Thomas is a later Gnostic addition, a synthesis of Christianity & mysticism, it's a phony, sort of like New Age is now

who is mentioned in original greek versions of the Gospel of Thomas.
are you sure? Sources please? the only copy of that so-called gospel was found in Nag Hammadi in Egypt, in the Coptic language I think?

That would explain later sightings of Jesus, and the origin of the myth of resurrection.
Then why did Thomas see the nail marks on Jesus' hands, after previously saying he needed to see them to believe in the resurrection?
the Gospel of Thomas is a later Gnostic addition, a synthesis of Christianity & mysticism, it's a phony, sort of like New Age is now
It is possible that orthodox christianity is the phony. Early christianity was for more diverse than you assume.

are you sure? Sources please? the only copy of that so-called gospel was found in Nag Hammadi in Egypt, in the Coptic language I think?
sorry,yes, that is the source I am referring too, not the greek. The opening line reads: "These are the secret words which the living Jesus spoke, and which the twin, Judas Thomas, wrote down." Gospel of Thomas 32.10-11, in The Nag Hammadi Library
That Jesus' twin was killed in his place is pure conjecture on my part... ;)
Ellimist said:
Yes, a woman here (in Kansas), Wichita to be precise, suffered a seizure and a heart attack and died during the scene where the nails were being nailed into Jesus's hands and feet...
hey why be sad?
I guess God has called her home!.... (insert harp music here)
so shes in heaven now,
it was gods will,
:eek: :rolleyes: :bugeye:
spidergoat said:
It is possible that orthodox christianity is the phony. Early christianity was for more diverse than you assume.

sorry,yes, that is the source I am referring too, not the greek. The opening line reads: "These are the secret words which the living Jesus spoke,
Ask yourself, why in "secret"? because it's Gnostic, a form of mysticism, that John wrote against several times. The only 'secret' of Jesus, is that He is the only way to salvation, but don't tell anyone I told you!

and which the twin, Judas Thomas, wrote down."
just referring to Thomas as a twin, not sure if it mentions who his twin is.

Gospel of Thomas 32.10-11, in The Nag Hammadi Library
its Gnostic, the secret way to knowledge, because people needed to make salvation harder, the hardest thing about Christianity, is bringing yourself to say, "I'm a sinner, Jesus I know you are my Lord & Savior, by your stripes we are healed, forgive me"

That Jesus' twin was killed in his place is pure conjecture on my part... ;)
muslims believe this too, they can't believe that Jesus would have died on the cross, or that God would had let Him, so they say that "allah" deceived everybody, made someone else look like Jesus & put that man in His place. In one of the suras, it says that 'allah' is a deceiver, funny but Jesus said that He was the "Truth, the Way and the Life" & that satan was the "father of lies". interesting that a 'god' would lie or deceive or even let an innocent stranger (or Judas Iscariot) die on the cross. When Jesus is saying "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani", He is quoting Psalm 22, to fulfill prophecy, not fearing abandonment
What would xianity be like if jesus wasn't crucified? What if he was just imprisoned or ran out of town? Would he be just as powerfull to xians living to a ripe old age before dying from natural causes? It seems that he was supposed to die for maximum "guilt effect". Since jesus had precognitive abilities (he saw that judas was going to deceive him 3 times) he probably saw his grisly death as part of god's plan as well. So it probably wasn't no real surprise for him.

And if it was god's plan for him to be executed, then are all the people responsible for carrying out this plan (pontious pilate, judas etc) really to blame for playing their "nescessary" part in it all?

So I beg to we really have free choice according to what religion likes to tell us?

Hogwash I say.
I've not watched the movie, I don't watch any movie in theaters, I'ts a rip off, movie theaters. I will patiently wait for the dvd to be in my local rental store, then I just might rent it.

However know this I did fight for the Passion movie. I used to be member of an atheist yahoo group, the thing worked via-emails, anyhow I was posting the controversies of ADL and the Jews. I felt as I should. No Jew has a right to dictate shiet in this country, and Mel can make his movie, because the US is a suppose to be a church free state. :rolleyes:

I got some good fight, only because I was interpreted as anti-semetic, finally I just left the damn group. I realized I used the word jews and therefore perhaps this was a bit anti-semetic, but I've just had enough of it with the times and the on going inaliation of the state of Palestine, by the Israel state.

What I really hate, is the ton of money this movie is going to make and yet the blind call it a work of inspiration. No it's a work for profit. I've no problems with movie making money, just that only inspiration was not its only motive.

Many other companies are jumping in the ban wagon of earning from this movie, hell if I would have had the insight to sell t-shirts at the openings of this movie in theaters here in Houston alone, with rightfull permisions and the such, I would make a mint. The sheeple are easyly swayed to buy plenty of memorabilia of this movie.

If I were a Christian, I wouldn't even want to watch the movie, why is that a movie, such as this should inspire me to believe, and worship my lord and savoir? I should have that inspiration and imagination of how my savior died for my sins and belive without doubt, nor need sinthetic hollywood depictions of my religious devotion displayed in movies.

Anyhow Mel is one of my favorite actors, so I will perhaps rent this movie, though the thought does come to mi mind of that lady that died of a heart attack. You see my mom suffers from high-blood pressure, and has a weak heart as well, she's already been through a four way by-pass, and has had several "stints" placed in several of her oteries after the operation, its been 3 years of taking care my mom, and runing her to the emergecies when she has passed out at work, or collapsed here at home. So I again, will probably not rent the damn thing. (just been cousious) :confused:
So if I rent it, it will be without her knowledge of it.

It is sad that the hoopla of this movie is caried out everywhere even here, it reminds me of Wandere's Bob analogy of Americans. We just can't seem to get away from his depiction of our society of sheeple and this movie, is ever so proving him right all along.

are you sure? Sources please? the only copy of that so-called gospel was found in Nag Hammadi in Egypt, in the Coptic language I think?

No. The Hag Hammadi version of the Gospel of Thomas is a Coptic translation from the Greek. The Greek text was found in Oxyrhynchus, Egypt.
Godless said:
However know this I did fight for the Passion movie. I used to be member of an atheist yahoo group, the thing worked via-emails, anyhow I was posting the controversies of ADL and the Jews. I felt as I should. No Jew has a right to dictate shiet in this country, and Mel can make his movie, because the US is a suppose to be a church free state.
right, but I think Jews are saying, "where do you draw the line?" Because historically, they have suffered the brunt of any backlash. The Holacaust didn't happen in a vacuum

I got some good fight, only because I was interpreted as anti-semetic, finally I just left the damn group. I realized I used the word jews and therefore perhaps this was a bit anti-semetic,
they may be a little defensive, but they may have fueled the flames, by going overboard in opposition, whats the deal? afterall its just a movie, did Jews protest 'The last temptation of Christ'? Hmmm... ?

If I were a Christian, I wouldn't even want to watch the movie, why is that a movie, such as this should inspire me to believe, and worship my lord and savoir? I should have that inspiration and imagination of how my savior died for my sins and belive without doubt, nor need sinthetic hollywood depictions of my religious devotion displayed in movies.
You're right, read the book! but that could be said of every movie adaptation?

So I again, will probably not rent the damn thing. (just been cousious) :confused:
So if I rent it, it will be without her knowledge of it.
you're doing good, take care of your Mom

It is sad that the hoopla of this movie is caried out everywhere even here, it reminds me of Wandere's Bob analogy of Americans. We just can't seem to get away from his depiction of our society of sheeple and this movie, is ever so proving him right all along.
hey, I got sucked into "the Blair Witch Project", what a rip!!!
...grins sheepishly...
*right, but I think Jews are saying, "where do you draw the line?" Because historically, they have suffered the brunt of any backlash. The Holacaust didn't happen in a vacuum

True that, however what I dislike is the atempt to change or dictate American policies by force, thus using the legal angle to have change come through their dictated policies, and rather strong lobying group. Our politicians here in the states are easyly swayed with money, if we start letting groups such as the Israel Lobying gergonout, we might as well let any rich corp. run this country through lobying our political parties. WAIT!!!! that's that's happening right now!. Look at Bush&co. We here in the states fight more for the Jews, than any one else, what's sad is, our schools can't even afford a decent lunch, however the fucking Israel state, does get its 10billion anually!! catch my drift!!.?.

*did Jews protest 'The last temptation of Christ'? Hmmm... ?

Na! other idiots did, the Catholics I believe.

*You're right, read the book! but that could be said of every movie adaptation?
Not what I meant: book is better than the movie!,What I meant was that I wouldn't need any other dipiction of religious values, other than that of the bible, and my faith to believe as I should, or any other book, movie, what ever. If I'm devoted I wouldn't need any convincing. (BTW I'm not religious, I'm an atheist)

Randolfo said:
He died for all mankind, that event was the microcosm of the earth, for all time & all men; all you have to do is accept Jesus as Lord & Savior

If he really died, they what the hell are you worshipping, and if he didn't really die, then what have he really done for you?
You are such a liar. Muslims don't believe in a twin. Here's the Quranic scripture on the lies that the Jews insist to spread about Jesus....and unfortunately, christians like you will keep living the lies of the jews till the end of times.

4.153] The followers of the Book ask you to bring down to them a book from heaven; so indeed they demanded of Musa a greater thing than that, for they said: Show us Allah manifestly; so the lightning overtook them on account of their injustice. Then they took the calf (for a god), after clear signs had come to them, but We pardoned this; and We gave to Musa clear authority.
[4.154] And We lifted the mountain (Sainai) over them (jews) at (the li taking of the covenant) and We said to them: Enter the door making obeisance; and We said to them: Do not exceed the limits of the Sabbath, and We made with them a firm covenant.
[4.155] Therefore, for their (jews) breaking their covenant and their disbelief in the communications of Allah and their killing the prophets wrongfully and their saying: Our hearts are covered; nay! Allah set a seal upon them owing to their unbelief, so they shall not believe except a few.
[4.156] And for their (jews) unbelief and for their having uttered against Marium a grievous calumny.
[4.157] And their (jews) saying: Surely we have killed the Messiah, Isa son of Marium, the apostle of Allah; and they did not kill him nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them so (like Isa) and most surely those who differ therein are only in a doubt about it; they have no knowledge respecting it, but only follow a conjecture, and they killed him not for sure.
[4.158] Nay! Allah took him up to Himself; and Allah is Mighty, Wise.
[4.159] And there is not one of the followers of the Book but most certainly believes in this before his death, and on the day of resurrection he (Isa) shall be a witness against them.
[4.160] Wherefore for the iniquity of those who are Jews did We disallow to them the good things which had been made lawful for them and for their hindering many (people) from Allah's way.
[4.161] And their taking usury though indeed they were forbidden it and their devouring the property of people falsely, and We have prepared for the unbelievers from among them a painful chastisement.

We simply say that we don't know what exactly happened to jesus. But we know that the Jews are in the business of corrupting and defying god from the inception of time except for a few of them. I can't wait until christians and muslim embrace, get over their differences and corruptions and submit to their one creator and that will automatically kick the jews ass once and for good without any violence.
This is the hierarchy of cavemen. First, they needed air. Secondly, they needed water. Thirdly, they needed food. Fourthly, they needed sex. Religion is a sub-category of the need for sex. Hence comes war. Humankind is ALWAYS at the DAWN of civilization.
Flores said:
You are such a liar.
before you call me a liar, read what your brother muslims are writing & posting.

BTW, how do you search for things, I found this 'proof' easily by typing the words, "muslim judas on the cross", go ahead & try it, you'll be amazed at what a little knowledge will do, go ahead, try

Muslims don't believe in a twin. Here's the Quranic scripture on the lies that the Jews insist to spread about Jesus....and unfortunately, christians like you will keep living the lies of the jews till the end of times.
your problem is, that you forget that the qoran & muslims teach the law of ‘abrogation’, late verses abrogate earlier ones,
Example, for several years the qibla was Jerusalem, but because not that many jews converted, lo & behold! M gets a new sura changing the qibla to the pagan shrine in Mecca, & allha saying he was only joking, you know a test?
there was a change that M had after getting power in Medina (Yatrib), his pleading suras became more warlike, you need to know all the decievers that surround you,
also, why are muslims only allowed 4 wives, yet M had over 11?
what about the 'satanic verses'?
Do you always find yourself attracted to shit like that???.....evolve man...learn to spot the merits and reject the corruptions.

With you, it wouldn't matter if you are christian, muslim, or jew, I would still think of you as a royal are an expert in making a shit soup out of whatever it is you are looking at.

And I ask you again, are you born that way "retarded" or do you work hard at it... If god indeed died as you say, then what the hell are you worshipping, and if god is "ever living/eternal" as mentioned in the Quran and bible, then where are your sins??? and please don't tell me that you sins are in the same place that the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction are :rolleyes:
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