By His wounds we are healed

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Flores said:
Do you always find yourself attracted to shit like that???.....evolve man...learn to spot the merits and reject the corruptions.
M*W: You know, Flo, you've got a point here. I don't understand why anyone would believe in a dead god-figure! It's beyond my comprehension.
With you, it wouldn't matter if you are christian, muslim, or jew, I would still think of you as a royal are an expert in making a shit soup out of whatever it is you are looking at.
M*W: I like that--shit soup!
And I ask you again, are you born that way "retarded" or do you work hard at it... If god indeed died as you say, then what the hell are you worshipping, and if god is "ever living/eternal" as mentioned in the Quran and bible, then where are your sins??? and please don't tell me that you sins are in the same place that the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction are
M*W: You make a lot of sense, Flo. I don't think he has to "work hard at it." It comes natural. You've opened up a very good topic. Why would anyone believe in a dead god-like beng?
Randolfo said:
He died for all mankind, that event was the microcosm of the earth, for all time & all men; all you have to do is accept Jesus as Lord & Savior

I did not ask him to die for me, thank you very much :rolleyes:

Jesus DID NOT die, it is CRUCI-FICTION, how come God died ?? isn't that pathetic ???
Flores said:
Do you always find yourself attracted to shit like that???.....
I like you, so I guess so

:D :D :D

evolve man...learn to spot the merits and reject the corruptions.
& what modicum of logic do you use to spot unerrantly all untruths, oh vulcan-logical one?

With you, it wouldn't matter if you are christian, muslim, or jew, I would still think of you as a royal idiot....
royal idiot? You are mistaken, I'm not related to Queen Elizabeth

you are an expert in making a shit soup out of whatever it is you are looking at.
good, you'll never go hungry, hmmm an ancient delicacy, corpolite soup

And I ask you again, are you born that way "retarded" or do you work hard at it...
So I'm retarded because I don't agree with you, & that makes you the standard by which all are measured?

If god indeed died as you say, then what the hell are you worshipping, and if god is "ever living/eternal" as mentioned in the Quran and bible,
you left out half of the equation, Jesus died on the cross & 3 days later, the Resurrection

then where are your sins??? and please don't tell me that you sins are in the same place that the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction are
how did you know? they are as far as the east is from the west, you been sneaking around & reading the Bible?
Proud_Muslim said:
I did not ask him to die for me, thank you very much
He did it anyway, for all that accept Him

Jesus DID NOT die, it is CRUCI-FICTION,
only islam is a cruci-FICTION, they can't see the truth if it stared them in the face

how come God died ?? isn't that pathetic ???
to forgive your sins, it's pathetic if you lose out now, you been warned
Randolfo said:
He did it anyway, for all that accept Him

He did NOT die, it was a LIE, how can God die ?? are you retard to believe in such nonesense ??? :rolleyes:

only islam is a cruci-FICTION, they can't see the truth if it stared them in the face

Islam is not pathetic illogical religion like christianity to assume God can be crucified by the jews !! imagine this: THE JEWS CRUCIFIED AND KILLED THE CHRISTIAN GOD !!! How pathetic ???

wake up man, use your brain and think about it.

to forgive your sins, it's pathetic if you lose out now, you been warned

In your doctrine, SIN = DEATH, your God died-------> your GOD is sinner !! cant you see how pathetic christianity is ?
skywalker said:
where did rando go? please do not scare him from your weird reviews. He asked an honest question. :D
M*W: Who cares where rando went. He's an idiot. Good riddance.
M*W said:
M*W: Who cares where rando went. He's an idiot. Good riddance.
M*W When will humanity become what you expect it to become if you can't tolerate views that differ from your own, or people who don't agree with you? Shouldn't you try to be the best example of what you teach?
Proud_Muslim said:
He did NOT die, it was a LIE, how can God die ?? are you retard to believe in such nonesense ??? :rolleyes:

Islam is not pathetic illogical religion like christianity to assume God can be crucified by the jews !! imagine this: THE JEWS CRUCIFIED AND KILLED THE CHRISTIAN GOD !!! How pathetic ???

wake up man, use your brain and think about it.

In your doctrine, SIN = DEATH, your God died-------> your GOD is sinner !! cant you see how pathetic christianity is ?
M*W: Yeah, how can God die? Makes no sense to me. Gods who die are not saviors. They can't even save themselves. The longer I live, the more I hate Christians. All Christians are worthy of death.
Randolfo said:
"By His wounds we are healed", from Isaiah 53:5 (chapter 53: verse 5)

How can a peacefull god imply that wounds can be healing? Is your god a Vampire? Is this the same logic that the ancient use to use to sacrifice virgin girls to the angry river Nile.
It's a reference to the prophecy of Isaiah:

Isaiah 53:5
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
rainbow__princess_4 said:
And btw, Mel Gibson is NOT Australian so don't shove him on us!
what's that got to do with anything? not aussie? what's it take to be an aussie? 3 generations? born there? move there? convict ancestors? what?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I feel certain that there were "later sightings of Jesus." I also believe he is buried in Southern France. There are just too many "clues" that would indicate this. For example, there are some village/town names in Southern France (Septimania = "seven heads" of Revelations), Carcasonne = "body of the Son", Arques = "Ark," etc..

try this site:

carcasonne= ?
septimania= ?
arques= arch
septi= ?
mania= handled
carcas= salamander
sonne= sound

you made those words up, what do you know latin, or think you know latin? wouldn't septimania= 7 maniacs, which would be you
wouldn't carcasonne= salamander one, which would be you again
wouldn't arques= be the movie stars, no that's arquette, little arches?
take some languages courses before you make up stories &
stop taking that bad medicine, woman
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Who cares where rando went. He's an idiot. Good riddance.

Proud_Muslim said:
He did NOT die, it was a LIE, how can God die ?? are you retard to believe in such nonesense ???
He was a substitute for you, He lives again & will judge the living & the dead

Islam... How pathetic ???
I couldn't agree more, a distored text, edited by the minds of men, to confound 1 billion souls, pity

wake up man, use your brain and think about it.
still waiting for you to do what you preach, take that veil off, open your eyes

In your doctrine, SIN = DEATH, your God died-------> your GOD is sinner !! cant you see how pathetic christianity is ?
He died for you, the sinner, He lives again, for you the ex-sinner, if you accept Him as your Savior

You believe in false God. A violent one, who let his only Son died, No I meant the only Begotten son, no no no I meant the Son of God...... Don't you think it is time for you to convert to your true religion? Religion of Jesus The Son of Man ( in his own word ) not the Son of God as in Pauls words? Ahh your God loves so much Blood....Like Flores said, A Vampire God may be? A pagan one? Who loved to get Human Scarifices.

By the way did you ever get an answer from your supreme councel about Paul being HomoSexual?

Markx said:

You believe in false God.
the follower of 'satan' tells me this? why do you think muslims even have to fight to subdue the world? what kind of god orders you to do jihad on people minding their own business? subdue until all follow allha or pay the tax? tell us, what kind of god gives his followers 72 virgins for blowing planes & trains up? would his name be, ......satan?

A violent one, who let his only Son died, No I meant the only Begotten son, no no no I meant the Son of God......
I know English is confusing for you, so try to repeat after me.......

Don't you think it is time for you to convert to your true religion?
& which would that be?

Religion of Jesus The Son of Man ( in his own word ) not the Son of God as in Pauls words? Ahh your God loves so much Blood....Like Flores said, A Vampire God may be? A pagan one? Who loved to get Human Scarifices.
islam draws blood all the time; of shias, of ba'hais, of hindus, of christians

By the way did you ever get an answer from your supreme councel about Paul being HomoSexual?
I don't have a supreme council, what did your mullahs tell you to think? you can tell us, no ones looking........

;) ;)
Markx said:

You believe in false God. A violent one, who let his only Son died, No I meant the only Begotten son, no no no I meant the Son of God...... Don't you think it is time for you to convert to your true religion? Religion of Jesus The Son of Man ( in his own word ) not the Son of God as in Pauls words? Ahh your God loves so much Blood....Like Flores said, A Vampire God may be? A pagan one? Who loved to get Human Scarifices.

By the way did you ever get an answer from your supreme councel about Paul being HomoSexual?


Bashing Christianity now eh?


Remember - there are only two real Abrahamic faiths, Judaism & Christianity - Islam is just a cancerous growth manufactured by a peadophile called Mohammed.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: The longer I live, the more I hate Christians. All Christians are worthy of death.

Wow! All this time I had it wrong.
I guess Islam and it's followers really ARE a peaceful, tollerant religion.

Now I feel so much better about the millions of strokey-bearded lunatics (and their husbands) due to invade my country this Saturday.

Praise Alan! Praise him indeed!

The Flemster.
Markx said:
Hey, Markx, long time no hear!

You know xians keep bringing up Aisha calling Muhammad a pedophile, but I ask them, "What about your pedophile priests?," and then you have infighting between Catholics and Protestants. Catholics are in denial, and Protestants love to take jabs at the Catholics. Lovely faith, that Christianity.

I would be interested in researching further into Paul's life to see what he meant by the thorn in his flesh. Sounds like a prick to me! He wasn't a womanizer, so he had to be screwing Timothy, rumor has it, or maybe it was his horse. Did anyone ever take into account that when he fell off his horse and hit his head on a rock on the Road to Damascus and saw visions of the risen Christ, that he was, shall we say, fornicating with his horse and the stool fell out from under him, and he had one of those life-and-death-orgasms, you know like the ones where you cry out, "Oh, God,...oh, God...Oh, God." Where you're coming and going at the same time--you know what I'm talking about? This is what I think happened. In fact, it's pretty clear to me now. Christianity is based on Paul's orgasm from fornicating his old mare. You know the guys who were traveling with him didn't see anything. All they heard was "Oh, God... oh, God... oh, God as Paul wallowed on the ground. What do you think?
Medicine Woman said:
Markx said:
Hey, Markx, long time no hear!

You know xians keep bringing up Aisha calling Muhammad a pedophile, but I ask them, "What about your pedophile priests?," and then you have infighting between Catholics and Protestants. Catholics are in denial, and Protestants love to take jabs at the Catholics. Lovely faith, that Christianity.

I would be interested in researching further into Paul's life to see what he meant by the thorn in his flesh. Sounds like a prick to me! He wasn't a womanizer, so he had to be screwing Timothy, rumor has it, or maybe it was his horse. Did anyone ever take into account that when he fell off his horse and hit his head on a rock on the Road to Damascus and saw visions of the risen Christ, that he was, shall we say, fornicating with his horse and the stool fell out from under him, and he had one of those life-and-death-orgasms, you know like the ones where you cry out, "Oh, God,...oh, God...Oh, God." Where you're coming and going at the same time--you know what I'm talking about? This is what I think happened. In fact, it's pretty clear to me now. Christianity is based on Paul's orgasm from fornicating his old mare. You know the guys who were traveling with him didn't see anything. All they heard was "Oh, God... oh, God... oh, God as Paul wallowed on the ground. What do you think?

You got it. He was a homo. We all know that and that is why no one ever rebuffed it. Anyways, it is really good to see you too. I am going enjoy couple of threads very much. ;)
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