By His wounds we are healed

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I haven't seen it yet, but I heard one woman died of a heart attack while watching it.
spidergoat said:
I haven't seen it yet, but I heard one woman died of a heart attack while watching it.

Darn it. Holy Ghost Killed her!

Hey Rando, did you feel any holy feelings while watching the movie?

Randolfo said:
Just saw the movie "The Passion of the Christ", any thoughts?
I liked "Jesus Christ superstar"better!
mostly b/c of the great music.

this movie is just Mel Gibsons (himself being great JC worshiper) proselytizing Xianity,me thinks.
"By His wounds we are healed", from Isaiah 53:5 (chapter 53: verse 5)
now THAT doesn't make any sense whatsoever!
The only way someone is going to get me into a theater to see that movie is if I were bound and gagged and carried in. And believe me I'd still be struggling all the way.

As for the woman who had a heart attack while watching it, one should make sure that she wasn't scared or threatened by a weiner holding a stake on a chain (sold outside the theater for those twits who wish to experience the crucifix by driving it into their own wrists to escape the pain of the movie) trying to rob her of her gold crucifix. What some people will do to get out of a movie :p.
Yes, a woman here (in Kansas), Wichita to be precise, suffered a seizure and a heart attack and died during the scene where the nails were being nailed into Jesus's hands and feet...

Now, the problem with this is that there are hundreds of death every year in america that happen during movie showings... this is just the media blowing things out of proportion again.
What about the millions+ other people that died in the exact same way jesus did?(often merely to be made an example of)
Did their deaths in anyway assist in the saving of our souls?
I just don't get it.
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Dr Lou Natic said:
What about the millions+ other people that died in the exact same way jesus did?(often merely to be made an example of)
Did their deaths in anyway assist in the saving of our souls?
I just don't get it.
What made Jesus' crucifixion significant wasn't the event itself - that was just the form His death took - it was who was crucified, and why...
It's just another whitewash over the true teachings of Jesus, who was not about blood sacrifice for sin, but peace, love, and compassion. Christianity not only has little to do with Jesus, but has, in fact, emerged as a social response countering the radical teachings and lifestyle originally promoted by Jesus.
spidergoat said:
It's just another whitewash over the true teachings of Jesus, who was not about blood sacrifice for sin, but peace, love, and compassion. Christianity not only has little to do with Jesus, but has, in fact, emerged as a social response countering the radical teachings and lifestyle originally promoted by Jesus.
M*W: Well said!
I wish they could play for us the conversation between god and Jesus....It would go sort of like this.

Jesus: God, those bastards don't want to listen.
God: Keep trying son.
Jesus: I can't take it no more god, they're a hopeless case of ignorance
God: Fine, I have arranged for the escape route. On the ninth hour, wait for my sign and I'll get you the hell out of here.
Jesus: But god, what is going to happen to these idiots
God: They will all rott in hell.
Jesus (aloud): But god, please forgive them, they're stupid and don't know the consequences of their stupidity
God: Alright son, I'm going to stop time right now, while I lift you up to me. They'll think that they are crucifying you in their dreams, but three days later when I wake them up, the fools will find out that you no longer exist in the same grave that they thought they had locked you up in.
Jesus: Thanks lord, and please don't forsake me no more for a bunch of loosers.

I urge you to work on the sequel for The Passion of the Christ. I beg of you because that tidbit right there was awe aspiring writing.
Being more sensitive than most when witnessing another human being being violently afflicted with pain, I won't be able to sit through this movie.

That a woman died of a heart attack while watching it doesn't surprise me but I am surprised that lightning struck people three times on location during the filming. The assistant director was hit twice via his umbrella and J.C. (the actor who played Jesus Christ) was hit directly. According to witnesses, the lightning exited J.C. via his ears and he walked away unharmed...!!!???
It is quite possible that jesus died for the Jews. If he didn't give himself up, the Romans might well have massacred all the Jews in Judea. It is also possible that it was not Jesus who was crucified, but his twin brother, Judas, who is mentioned in original greek versions of the Gospel of Thomas. That would explain later sightings of Jesus, and the origin of the myth of resurrection.
spidergoat said:
It is quite possible that jesus died for the Jews.
M*W: I tend to agree with this statement.
If he didn't give himself up, the Romans might well have massacred all the Jews in Judea. It is also possible that it was not Jesus who was crucified, but his twin brother, Judas, who is mentioned in original greek versions of the Gospel of Thomas.
M*W: I tend to think it was Barabbas ("Bar Abbas" = Son of the Father) who was crucified instead of Jesus. I believe that Jesus was already sailing to France with his wife Mariam of Magdala and their children, and his uncle Joseph of Arimathea (Rama Theo = "Sun God"?). Remember in the Gospels where it was said by the people to Pilate, when he asked who they wanted crucified, the people said "Let Bar Abbas go." So Pilate let the Son of God go. Coincidentally, Pontius Pilate retired in Southern France. I think JC and Pilate were friends and JC's crucifixion never happened.
That would explain later sightings of Jesus, and the origin of the myth of resurrection.
M*W: I feel certain that there were "later sightings of Jesus." I also believe he is buried in Southern France. There are just too many "clues" that would indicate this. For example, there are some village/town names in Southern France (Septimania = "seven heads" of Revelations), Carcasonne = "body of the Son", Arques = "Ark," etc..
Well, i don't want to ruing the ending... but let's just say it has a surprise twist.

Also, unlike most movies, the movie is better than the book.
Careful Spidergoat, someone will twist that into somekind of religious propaganda
Olberman already tried on The Countdown. It was ... rather sick.
where did rando go? please do not scare him from your weird reviews. He asked an honest question. :D
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