Because, I have my belief's and I hold them sacred, and there is no way that I can become of Jewish Blood.
They are a founding force for my religious belief, the Old Testament, the Torah, but I am of the New Testament, salvation by Grace and Belief in Jesus as my intercessor between my sins and God.
But I have great respect for the Jew's and Israelis, they have been put in a horrible position by act of commission, and history, and they have survived and prospered.
I'm wondering if you don't have some Jewish "Blood" aka DNA material in there? My grandmother on my mothers side did an extensive family tree and low and behold if we go back all the way to Germany there is a maternal great great great grandmother that was Jewish and (for me) and a maternal decedent all the way through my Catholic grandmother to me. I guess that means I am "chosen blood" in your religion
While my ancestry is almost entirely Germanic (or as I like to say Dutch ...) there's also Irish, Italian, French, Greek, Middle Eastern and if I have my way, soon (say in a year or so) there will be some Japanese "Shinto/Buddhist" Blood mixed in there .. which means there is Mongolian/Chinese/Tibetan/Korean Jewish DNA blood and THAT's just from ME
Which got me to thinking . . . . .
am I a chose person in your religion? There MUST be some (a few strands of) maternal "Jewish" mitochondiral DNA in there somewhere. Physically I'd think so given that there was a maternal decendant (I guess that will stop with me) Maybe I'm the LAST of my family to be YOUR choosen people?
Well? Am I DO I get any $money$ out of this???
(Actually, if we go back far enough there's some maternal Ethiopian DNA is every single one of us. - Maybe they should be the "chosen ones")
Are blond hair, blue eyed Germans the chose people? One could say, an Ayrian race.. haaa! Just kidding
I suppose I'm trying to make two - four points
1) You probably do have some "Jewish" blood in your genetic makeup give that 10% of the Roman world were converts at one time.
2) We all share the same DNA source
3) There is no such thing as a race of people - as in a pure blood group (I'm not even sure what that means if anything). There are Chinese "looking" Jews, Indian "looking" Jews, African "looking" Jews, Germanic "looking" Jews, Phoenician "looking" Jews, Arab "looking" Jews, Italian "looking" Jews, etc.... you get the point. Just what DNA is needed to be "Jewish Blood" in your book? I mean, hell, most Jews I know are blond and from Europe or their Parents were Russian.
4) It
is possible for you to convert if you would like to.
If you did convert, and yes I know you wouldn't, but
IF you did, I'd like to see how Orthodox Jews treated you and then I'd like to know what you think of "Blood Jews" and this whole nonsense after
perhaps being prejudiced against. Now
THAT could be interesting. Yes, too bad all die hard Israel supporters weren't forced to live as a Jewish convert in an Orthdox part of Israel - perhaps then they'd realize that this "Blood" Jew bull is a left over from tribal bullshit that perhaps had a benefit 5000 years ago but is decisive in the new Global world of Polytheist Hindu Indian or Shinto Japanese and Buddhist Koreans or Thai and etc....
SO, where one could say it's admirable that Jewish people have been able to segregate themselves for 2300 years from the mainstream of the societies they have lived in - I personally find it wrong minded and a through back to the mindset of when we were still near a Monkey stage of social development.
Well, that's my take anyway,