Bros before Hos?

A few thousand 'good leaders' or 'bad ones'......or would such a thing be, you know, subjective?

Hell, either ones, Sniffy. Just start naming women leaders in history who've made any kind of mark in history (other than just being a female leader!) and we'll all make up our own minds about "good" or "bad".

Nope, I'm convinced .... One of the greatest mistakes in the history of man was to give women the right to vote.

Baron Max
Hell, either ones, Sniffy. Just start naming women leaders in history who've made any kind of mark in history (other than just being a female leader!) and we'll all make up our own minds about "good" or "bad".

Nope, I'm convinced .... One of the greatest mistakes in the history of man was to give women the right to vote.

Baron Max

For males, very probably - yet men are only half of the human population. On balance, the verdict is neither 'good' nor 'bad'.

These four are the most influential female leaders I can recall off of the top of my head. With a little digging I could find you many more.

Margaret Thatcher, admittedly who has already been mentioned, left a huge mark on 1980s Britain. In my opinion this mark was undoubtedly for the worse, although that wasn't what you asked was it?

Joan of Arc almost single-handedly led French troops to fight the English at Orleans during the Hundred Years’ War (despite her grisly end).

Boudicca came within a whisker of defeating the Romans while leader of the Iceni tribe. She was fierce in battle and achieved more in terms of ground won than many of her male leader contemporaries.

Trung Trac and Trung Nhi were sisters who lead the Vietnamese revolt against China.

Empress Catherine II of Russia (the great)'s reign is often described as a 'golden age'. She was particularly noted by contemporary sources for her generous help of the peasants of Tsarskoe Selo and efforts to help the conditions of serfs in general.
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These four are the most influential female leaders I can recall off of the top of my head. With a little digging I could find you many more.

Margaret Thatcher, admittedly who has already been mentioned, left a huge mark on 1980s Britain. In my opinion this mark was undoubtedly for the worse, although that wasn't what you asked was it?

Joan of Arc almost single-handedly led French troops to fight the English at Orleans during the Hundred Years’ War (despite her grisly end).

Boudicca came within a whisker of defeating the Romans while leader of the Iceni tribe. She was fierce in battle and achieved more in terms of ground won than many of her male leader contemporaries.

Trung Trac and Trung Nhi were sisters who lead the Vietnamese revolt against China.

Empress Catherine II of Russia (the great)'s reign is often described as a 'golden age'. She was particularly noted by contemporary sources for her generous help of the peasants of Tsarskoe Selo and efforts to help the conditions of serfs in general.

Isn't it interesting that three out of the four were accomplish warriors and used violence to accomplish their goals? And Catherine wasn't such a slouch with violence, either, though it's mostly conjecture at this point.

Baron Max
Hell, either ones, Sniffy. Just start naming women leaders in history who've made any kind of mark in history (other than just being a female leader!) and we'll all make up our own minds about "good" or "bad".

Nope, I'm convinced .... One of the greatest mistakes in the history of man was to give women the right to vote.

Baron Max

Man didn't give women right to vote.
SAM said:
You can jump in with any other society, I'm just wondering if this is how it is in most societies.
Pretty much. Certainly all the societies strongly influenced by the Abrahamic theisms, and all the great empires I can think of offhand, made more formal provision for political involvement by male slaves or male former slaves, male strangers or former strangers, than by women of any status.
And yet, it is in monotheistic societies that women have gained a separate identity. How do you explain that?
And yet, it is in monotheistic societies that women have gained a separate identity. How do you explain that?

In western societies, men want women and do lots of things to get "it". Even giving then the right to vote.

In some of the more backward societies, when men want women, they just grab her and take "it". Women don't mean much 'cause men get "it" when they want "it".

Baron Max
Let's not get carried away by the idea that denying women any rights is or was a Western undertaking.

This started back before we even started farming, when we abandoned a matriarchal society.
SAM said:
And yet, it is in monotheistic societies that women have gained a separate identity. How do you explain that?
Explain what? WTF does "gained a separate identity" mean? If you mean that monotheistic societies have in general provided women with more political power than other types, there's nothing to explain - it isn't true.
Because a woman's place is in the home caring for the children, taking care of the house and cooking the meals for the man of the house. And if we'd held to that standard, the world would be a much better place in which to live!

The worst mistake in all of human history was giving women any fuckin' rights other than in her own home.

Baron Max

I'm guessing your mom is an active voter because she sure as hell didn't spend enough time at home with you! :eek:
Just found out that black men had the right to vote, by law, in the US [1870] before women [1920]

Whats with that? American men are more scared of giving rights to women than to blacks?

Or is this a trend in societies? Does this explain why Obama was more saleable than Hillary?

If females didn't have the vote, do you think the guy with the best hair and/or the tallest guy would always win? Look at the guys elected before females had the vote. Those were some ugly mother fuckers. Would women vote for a guy with wooden teeth? Or a gangly guy with a beard and no mustache? I doubt it. But do you thing the quality of elected officials has increased or decreased since women were given the vote?

Mad have you seen Gordon Brown?

So you guys have been stopped from slagging off blacks, jews, muslims, theists, athiests, conservatives and liberals so now it's womens' turn right?
Explain what? WTF does "gained a separate identity" mean? If you mean that monotheistic societies have in general provided women with more political power than other types, there's nothing to explain - it isn't true.

Look at any tribal society, any pagan society.
I would say any society that has any type of religion or faith at its core has perpetuated rather than furthered the emancipation of women.
Not any longer according to the statistics. Somebody said it is a multicultural one whatever that means.