Brain Implants


Registered Member
Hello all,
I'm new to this site and have an interesting situation I've been dealing with for some time now.
I had a brain scan done in which the Doctor had found several foreign objects within the tissue of the brain. He found it to be extremely impossible and exciting for such objects to be found in my brain, but there they were.

I have never followed up with more test to get a better understanding of the makeup or reasons for these objects and impressions.
The depth interval between each scan could have missed an object and yet exposed a tissue compression near the object, causing the impressions.
In either case, it was confirmed foreign objects are in my brain and possibly more where the impressions are located.
I would like to share a few of these scans with you all and possibly get some good feedback.
I placed 9 snapshot photos of the scans. Simply click on the thumbnails to enlarge the photo to view the objects and/or impressions.

Sorry dude, don't know what to say there.

As for the pictures, yes, it does look like a brain, but I don't know if many people around here could actually tell what's going on in the pictures.

Are these objects removable? Is that dangerous?

Do you have any idea how these supposedly foreign objects got there? Any abductions in your memory bank?
One more thing: what exactly does your doctor say about them? If it's so impossible for them to be there, he must be at least TRYING to get a handle on it, I would assume.

Why did you get these scans in the first place?
I'm sorry, let me give a little history.
In 1997, upon returning home from work, something happened. All I know is that it was around 1pm, I was working in Nebraska out in the country and was on my way home, and the next thing I know, it was night time, in the summer, and I was still driving home.

I knew something was wrong, but couldn't remember where all those hours of time went too. Missing time. I have never seen any sort of aliens at all. I don't remember what happened at all. The next morning I had what looked like a scar next to my temple about the size of a quarter, it faded away over the next two weeks. I had felt movement under my skin and maybe skull next to my right ear.
The movement would last about for 5 to 10 seconds and then stop. This would happen about 20 times a day and lasted for several years.

Several years later, I had been having some intenseheadaches and then my vision began to alter very strangely. It seemed like I was looking through a crystal prism and I could place my hand in front of me and not see it.
I went to the hospital and told them what was going on and they rushed me into do a CT Scan. The Doctor said this happens when pressure is on the brain and he felt I had a major blood vessel leaking into my brain.

They found no blood leaking into my brain, just these objects. Several doctors all looked at my scans, and the one doctor said I had no serious worry of dying because no blood was leaking. So I left the hospital and have simply had to deal with the problem.

The doctors never spoke with me about the objects except for a couple comments of very strange and avoided discussing it any further.
On the CD of the scans, the doctor described the locations of two objects and stated it requires further investigation and that it is truly a find.

No comment was ever discussed about removing the objects or the dangers of them or anything else.
The Doctor only addressed the issue of my vision resulting from pressure on my brain and that I was safe because no blood was leaking into my brain.
Well, that is quite unnerving, if true. If I were you, I would make a big deal of it IMMEDIATAMENTE, SENZA RITARDO!!! :eek:

If you're truly serious, contact everyone you can get a hold of. Budd Hopkins, Whitley Strieber, Dr. Roger Leir (claims to remove implants), and Dr. John Mack, if he were still alive! Those are probably the "Greats" as far as abduction is concerned. Oh, yeah, and David Jacobs. That's just for starters. I imagine Stanton Friedman would like to hear about it, and just about any other ufologist, great and small.

Like I said, if you're truly serious, perhaps something can be done about it. If this is truly as astounding and inexplicable as your doctor claims it is, then I would get on the horn with him and get some straight answers from him. You need to see a couple different neurologists, I imagine, so they can brainstorm, if they're into that kind of thing.

But, above all, contact some people who are serious about this kind of research. You may have a truly extraordinary case on your hands, whether it's extraterrestrial or not. If you're lucky, you may at least get some funding to have the things extracted, assuming it's not too risky.

This sounds crazy, and I can't make heads or tails of those pictures for the most part, but if you're for real, then please, for yourself and many others, demand some more concrete answers, at the very least. I don't see why your doctors should be so reluctant to talk about it.

That's just my theory, at least.
Okay, maybe, if I were you, just contact one of the persons on the list, like, Budd Hopkins. If this is a bonified mystery (and possible alien implant) then the others would undoubtedly find out very quickly!
Cuda said:
I knew something was wrong, but couldn't remember where all those hours of time went too. Missing time.

From the title you give, both to this thread and the CT Scans you've uploaded on line, you clearly consider these objects foreign in nature - I'm sure you've read extensively on the subject of Implants, I'm not going to palm you off with the usual. Simple question really:

Is it your belief that these things found their way into skull only subsequent to your experience of missing time, or, have you ever considered the notion that perhaps they may have caused it?
I considered that. But if you look at the rough outline of the chronology, he very strongly implies that the scar and the "movements" of the object(s) and the resultant problems occured AFTER the missing time. One would think that losing hours out of the blue would have been preceded by other mental handicaps or physical discomforts. However, this episode seems to have been the starting point.

Just my observations. And my suggestions are that he get some REAL medical attention and diagnosis, not this light conversation he appears to have been dealt so far!

That you would recommend the woo-woo cretins above for someone that may actually have a serious medical disorder demonstrates either your total lack of regard for human life or that you've been completely duped by their wild claims of space aliens. Certainly this is indicative of your acceptence of their space-alien hypothesis (each has openly proclaimed their belief in it) and, thus, indicative of your lack of any objectivity with the subject.

Cuda, if you value your health, you will ignore the advice of the uninformed who recommend ufo nutters as a solution. Seek out the advice and consul from a neurologist -someone actually experienced with the physiology of the human brain and how to treat it. You may even have some sort of minor heterotopia that can cause epilepsy if not monitored or treated in the future. Such conditions can be present your whole life and only manifest themselves as problematic in adulthood.

Streiber is a fiction writer; Hopkins is an embarassment to his colleages; Leir is a freakin' foot doctor. None are qualified to look at your brain scans and none are qualified to comment on what could be wrong. Indeed, there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that Leir has ever removed an object of alien design or even an object of design at all.

See your neurologist. Ask questions. Raise your concerns. Just because your doctors comment that something seems "interesting" or "unique" doesn't imply that it is unearthly or even an "implant." It may simply mean that someone with a fascination in a particular field has found something they've never encountered before.

Ignore the thoughtless and woo-woo advice of Giambattista. He has finally revealed his true nature on this board.
not true. skinwalker
what part of.....
Giambattista said:
And my suggestions are that he get some REAL medical attention and diagnosis, not this light conversation he appears to have been dealt so far! you not understand?
and YOU mr SKIN are full of F>E>A>R

shit. you are too timid to even repond to my question--which i'v now asked yu several times, as to WHERE this fear came from, which YOU term 'de-programming'....!
Gustav said:
not true. skinwalker
what part of..... you not understand?

That should have been the only recommendation. Charlatans and witchdoctors are unnecessary and a waste of precious time. My criticism stands. I retract none of it. Giambattista acted in a very callous and reckless manner for someone who may have a very real medical condition.
duendy said:
and YOU mr SKIN are full of F>E>A>R

shit. you are too timid to even repond to my question--which i'v now asked yu several times, as to WHERE this fear came from, which YOU term 'de-programming'....!

Three things, duendy: 1) You asked a question to which I've already provided sufficient answer in another thread long ago. 2) I only just read your post a few minutes ago (unlike others, I have a job, a Uni, and a family with which to spend time as well as a few good books). 3) I rarely read your posts, this mornging was an exception.
Giambattista said:
I considered that. But if you look at the rough outline of the chronology...

Actually Giambattista, if you read the rough outline of chronology as stated Cuba's account begins actually with an instance of memory loss - subsequent to that the discovery of a hitherto unnoticed scar.

Not a wound. Scar tissue.

Since in Cuba's own words Cuba himself clearly discloses he's experienced a definite instance of memory loss that he remains aware of if we are prepared to actually pay attention to the facts as presented and not just shoot from the hip in our conclusions we have to consider the fact that Cuba's account of the chronology being presented here can't entirely be taken at face value.

The facts as presented:

1: A clear disclosure of memory impairment having being experienced on the part of the subject.
2: A wound discerned described as a "scar" - not a wound, indicating a resent trauma, but a scar specifically.
3: A disclosure on the part of the subject regarding how the objects in question have clearly presented neurological consequences, specifically an impediment of the visual cortex/optical nerve brought about by pressure caused by the presence of the objects indicated in the CT Scans Cuba provides.

Given that the objects in question have clearly presented definite neurological consequences, ie visual impairment sufficient to warrant investigation thus producing the CT scans Cuba provides, clearly these objects present actual changes to the way normal brain function works, albeit temporarily in effect. "Memory" is stored and layed down on the outer surface of the human brain, the Cerebral Cortex, that coral like outer structure familiar to all as being the brain.

Damage, pressure to any part of this region causes memory loss. Supposition?

The evidence: Cuba's Scans

On even peripheral scrutiny, not even bothering to look particularly closely, you can clearly see evidence of impression marks resident in the tissue of the brain - clearly indicating something solid resided against these area's for some time. There isn't anyway in hell synapses present in these area's shouldn't have been affected - in conclusion, Cuba's initial instance of "memory loss" couldn't possibly have been his first.

It just indicates at best that the incident in the car happens to be the first Cuba consciously recognises as having occurred.

The formation of scar tissue over the trauma Cuba indicates he found on his head clearly indicates an injury of some longer standing than Cuba acknowledges - this, coupled with the facts as presented and evidenced in the scans themselves indicate strongly that this particular trauma happened some time prior to Cuba own account of driving in his car and subsequently loosing time.

These so called Implants are actually the consequence of a previous head trauma.

Frankly Giambattista I have no idea what it is you have been "considering" here, but it isn't at all anything Cuba himself has actually said and it doesn't frankly seem actually very much at all full, whatever it was.

Try paying attention.
SkinWalker said:
Three things, duendy: 1) You asked a question to which I've already provided sufficient answer in another thread long ago. 2) I only just read your post a few minutes ago (unlike others, I have a job, a Uni, and a family with which to spend time as well as a few good books). 3) I rarely read your posts, this mornging was an exception.
so. where's the thread then, if u pleeze?
SkinWalker said:
That should have been the only recommendation. Charlatans and witchdoctors are unnecessary and a waste of precious time. My criticism stands. I retract none of it. Giambattista acted in a very callous and reckless manner for someone who may have a very real medical condition.

however, going along with the assumption that alien implants are a reality (of which i have no opinion due to inadequate info) and conjuring up a scenario where i could have been possibly subject to an alien implant, i will not contact any of the usual players. i presume them to be suspect, compromised and most of all, tired old hacks. illogical and emotional perhaps but i will allow myself that. nor would i wish to be part of the media circus that would almost certainly ensue. i would be lauded by the crackpots and vilified by the pseudos.

who the fuck would want that?
i'll do my own investigation
ja, i am smart like that
Mr Anonymous said:

Actually Giambattista, if you read the rough outline of chronology as stated Cuba's account begins actually with an instance of memory loss - subsequent to that the discovery of a hitherto unnoticed scar.

Not a wound. Scar tissue.

Thanks for your input and I'll explain further.

Yes, the area in question (scar), looked exactly like what a scar looks like.
When I arrived home that night, I told my wife I was tired and told her something didn't feel right, and went to bed. In the morning while brushing my teeth, I noticed what looked like a partial scar extending out from under my hair line, next to my temple. I moved the hair back and saw the rest of the circle scar tissue.
I had never had any injuries on my head at all and never had this scar resemblance on my temple prior to that day, except maybe the night before when I got home, but never had the opportunity to look in the mirror because I went right to bed.

From the morning after the missing time, I had the movements under my skin next to the scar tissue area and within days I began to unwillingly/unknowingly disassociate myself with my everyday activity that eventually caused me to sit and stare at the wall for hours upon hours. About two months after the missing time date, I was in terrible shape, staring at nothing for hours until my wife would shake me out of it and I could remember absolutely nothing for those hours.
She took me to a doctor and after testing and examining me, he stated my brain was not producing any Serotonin and he proscribed medication for me.
Eventually I began to get back to reality and function normal once again.

I did however experience a type of fear or paranoia for several years and had to fight this problem just to leave my house. I have no idea where this fear or paranoia came from.
As for the scar area, it first was about the size of a dime and expanded larger over the next week to about the size of a quarter, and then it began to fade away over the next week. About two weeks of the visual scar before it was gone.
At the beginning I thought maybe I somehow had a tissue eating virus because it got larger everyday. It was strange to me to watch what looked like a wound scar, growing.

Several months after I began to function normally, I started looking up alien information on the net and discovered the discussions of alien implants. I began to wonder if this is what happened to me. The reason I began towards this type of questioning is because the day before my missing time, my wife and I encountered a shinny looking ball in the sky about a mile from where we were driving. I began chasing after it because we wanted to see what it was, and thinking it might be a silver air balloon. It was very bright and almost like looking into a bright strong light. We chased after it for several miles down a farm road in the corn fields before it just vanished.
The day of my missing time (the next day), I was driving from work and it was this very spot that we spotted the ball that my missing time happened, this spot is also where I remember waking up and realizing it was about dark night and I was still driving home.
From work to home was about 50 miles. This was the history of the event.

About a year ago is when I finally got brave enough to speak to others about the incident and my scans. After looking for a couple years, I found a guy named Derrel Sims and Roger Leir, I contacted both by email, but decided to correspond with Derrel Sims only.
I have not given my CD of the scans to anyone yet, because I was looking for a qualified Doctor to view my scans and offer medical opinions of them.

Derrel Sims has no brain type doctor available and so I didn't send him the scans. I don't want to be judged as an alien nut case and have my name splattered all over conspiracy web sites like I have read about others.

I contacted several medical institutions trying to find someone dealing with the brain, willing to investigate my situation further, simply out of interest.
I don't have the means to go out and further place myself in debt to begin the whole process all over again, so I've been not too aggressive in trying to get an investigative discovery of my scans.

I don't recall any other times in my life of having memory loss, and have never had any head injuries.
I do still experience some serious sharp head pains on occasion and the vision issues do reoccur once in awhile for a short few minutes of time but not enough to keep me from working or functioning on a daily basis.

No matter how or why the objects and impressions are in my brain, it sort of makes me angry wondering how they got there, especially without me knowing about it.
I simply have no answers except for a confirmation of foreign objects being in my brain.
I forgot, I did send an email to the guy named David Jacobs and sent him a couple of the scans. He seemed very interested and wanted me to send the entire set of scans. I assumed he was a Dr from what I read about him and wanted to know if he knew someone experienced in the brain before I sent them to him.
I had the impression his interest was more of recognition than simply interest and discovery and didn't want to have that type of exposure. So our correspondence ended.
Cuda said:
Hello all,
I'm new to this site and have an interesting situation I've been dealing with for some time now.
I had a brain scan done in which the Doctor had found several foreign objects within the tissue of the brain. He found it to be extremely impossible and exciting for such objects to be found in my brain, but there they were.

I have never followed up with more test to get a better understanding of the makeup or reasons for these objects and impressions.
The depth interval between each scan could have missed an object and yet exposed a tissue compression near the object, causing the impressions.
In either case, it was confirmed foreign objects are in my brain and possibly more where the impressions are located.
I would like to share a few of these scans with you all and possibly get some good feedback.
I placed 9 snapshot photos of the scans. Simply click on the thumbnails to enlarge the photo to view the objects and/or impressions.


Cuda said:
I forgot, I did send an email to the guy named David Jacobs and sent him a couple of the scans. He seemed very interested and wanted me to send the entire set of scans. I assumed he was a Dr from what I read about him and wanted to know if he knew someone experienced in the brain before I sent them to him.
I had the impression his interest was more of recognition than simply interest and discovery and didn't want to have that type of exposure. So our correspondence ended.
Hi Cuda, i just want to say, i TRUST you

you ..may get some 'insinuations' here from some resident pathological skeptics, but thres others who will LISTEN to you. and wonder WITH you

i personally have had a very powerful 'OBE' experience where i haveinteracted with them. i didn't have to have regression to remember. i rememberd all wy through

but your experience soundsvery familar wit one abduction i've mnentioned several times in pseudoforums...briefly a family, gran mum and her two young boys--bout 10-11
they had been to their loca restaurant, leve. and are looking at the outlineof the rooftops against the evening sky

they all notice a very very bight oval object/UFO which they all say a it got neaerer they felt ths intense love, and pne of theboys said ;it was like it could land and you would just go off with it and not care' owrds to that effect

THEN whooosh, there is missing time. ittakes an hour longer to get home tan usual

they were all--showing it espcially Gran, and mum. mum evewntually has hypnotherapy and she remmbers them all being abucted and how she had been terribly worried for her sons. you can see her really distressed rememebering tis

but before they were sodistressed because they KNEW some unbelievable tng had happened but wewre in a likealimbo of not being able to place it

this docu really moved me