Both Sex or No Sex

You don't want them to think they are abnormal!

Why not?
What's so horrible about being outside the "norm"?

Besides, there really is no such thing as "normal" - that's just a bullshit hegemonic term - and we are all abnormal, anyway.
I would allow the child to choose what sex they wish to be. At some point it will become obvious what gender the child is starting to identify with and I would raise them accordingly. Like a perfectly healthy little boy or girl.
If you have a boy, at least in the US, you have to decide if you want genital mutilation or not. Aka circumcision. Personally I would strongly advise not.

That's an easy decision to make. Definitely no, unless something is medically wrong and can't be fixed any other way. I guess with an intersexed child I would have to weigh the pros and cons. Gender and sexuality are such arbitrary binaries, I would hate to force them into one physically, with out their opinion or consent on the matter.
That doesn't make any sense.. What are you going to name the kid? How is the kid going to dress? Which bathroom would he/she use? Which teams would he/she play on; the boys or the girls. Sorry, you can't dodge the decision and let he child decide when they're 18. To do so would condemn the kid to living as a freak, being ostracized, isolated, and warped for life. You must decide, not the child.

Well duh, if the child was a masculinized girl, you raise them as a girl, if it was a feminized boy, you raise them as a boy.

Then when they get older they can reject that external construct if they want to.

'What people think' is not sufficient grounds for surgery, goddammit.