Both Sex or No Sex


Registered Senior Member
If your child was/had been born with ambiguous genitalia (can't tell what sex it is), what would you do? Would you operate to give them "normal" looking genitalia for their assigned sex or would you leave them ambiguous?
Let them chose when they get older.

At what age would you accept their decision as well reasoned? What if they choose incorrectly and suffer for it? It seems like a lot to put a child through during the formative years of their youth.

On the other hand, many parents choose sex determination based on the wrong reasons, and many people who had their sex assigned wish to be the opposite sex when they grow up.

Just one of the many reasons I can't bring myself to procreate!
I think you should accept them as they are and definitely don't just pick their sex. Leave it to them but let them know it's OK and they are normal and healthy and you could even say lucky really.
At what age would you accept their decision as well reasoned? What if they choose incorrectly and suffer for it? It seems like a lot to put a child through during the formative years of their youth.

On the other hand, many parents choose sex determination based on the wrong reasons, and many people who had their sex assigned wish to be the opposite sex when they grow up.

Just one of the many reasons I can't bring myself to procreate!

18, it should be within their power to make the right or wrong decision at that point (or no decision).
They had on TV where a family was raising their little boy as a girl. They even enrolled him in school as a girl.
Even though he has a penis he identifies himself as a girl and the family knew they had to do something with the Mom caught his getting ready to cut off his penis with scissors.

I honestly don't know what I would have done, but I hope I would put the child first like these parents did.
I definately wouldn't do the surgery, until they post puberty (if they wanted it). But high school might be a bit difficult when you have breasts and a beard. I don't know, I watched a movie about it today and I honestly couldn't wrap my head around what I would do.
yeah that's a difficult one. The child may need hormone replacement so their physical puberty goes in the same direction as their brain.
If your child was/had been born with ambiguous genitalia (can't tell what sex it is), what would you do? Would you operate to give them "normal" looking genitalia for their assigned sex or would you leave them ambiguous?

There aren't many people with this condition thankfully so there aren't many people that face such a condition. Those who do can always go to a doctor to evaluate what could be done at the time for their particular condition because each person has a different condition to work on. While one type of solution may be good for one person it might not be for another.
I think you should accept them as they are and definitely don't just pick their sex. Leave it to them but let them know it's OK and they are normal and healthy and you could even say lucky really.

Tell them it's OK but don't tell them it's normal! Or lucky!!!!!!!!!!! (WHAT are you toking?)
There aren't many people with this condition thankfully so there aren't many people that face such a condition. Those who do can always go to a doctor to evaluate what could be done at the time for their particular condition because each person has a different condition to work on. While one type of solution may be good for one person it might not be for another.

Until recently, doctors were ignorant, arrogant assholes in dealing with this.
Usually they'd perform "corrective" surgery after birth without telling parents.
Until recently, doctors were ignorant, arrogant assholes in dealing with this.
Usually they'd perform "corrective" surgery after birth without telling parents.

Yes I read a story where a little boy who actually had testicles, but his penis was so small the doctor's recommended giving him a vaginoplasty and making his small penis into a clitoris, thus making him a "girl" so he wouldn't have to grow up feeling insecure about his small penis. WTF? I can't believe his parents even deliberated over it.
Tell them it's OK but don't tell them it's normal! Or lucky!!!!!!!!!!! (WHAT are you toking?)
Why not? You don't want them to think they are abnormal! And part of that is telling them they are lucky. Like the guy born with larger feet who then could swim faster.

I thin k Thailand even has a bathroom for "middle" sex. Sexual ambiguity is much more common than people think - perhaps we should talk about how it really is normal for a lot people.
i would definitely let them decide, and possibly before 18.
many intersex people identify much more strongly with one sex by the time they are in puberty, but i would want to wait a while to be certain. your child could really resent you for taking that decision for them if it's the wrong one.
If your child was/had been born with ambiguous genitalia (can't tell what sex it is), what would you do? Would you operate to give them "normal" looking genitalia for their assigned sex or would you leave them ambiguous?

i would have the operation, you souldn't leave it to late,
Why not? You don't want them to think they are abnormal! And part of that is telling them they are lucky. Like the guy born with larger feet who then could swim faster.

I thin k Thailand even has a bathroom for "middle" sex. Sexual ambiguity is much more common than people think - perhaps we should talk about how it really is normal for a lot people.

Yes, I do want them to think they are abnormal. Because they are abnormal. It does no damn good to try tell get a child to think they're normal when they're not. That makes things worse.
Normal for a lot of people doesn't mean anything.
There are things about me that aren't normal. It's fact, it's reality & it can only hurt not to face it.
Yes, it is more common than most people think.
i would recommend the novel "middlesex" for anybody interested in the kind of issues this problem raises - nicely written book in its own right