Both Muslim AND Christian?

I find it rather amusing that Muslims do not find it so offensive to be called Christian, as they love and adore Jesus (peace be to him). Yet the many of the Christians think being called a Muslim is a horrible thing.

You're right, its something strange, yeah? :p
I still can't possibly conceive of the idea how anyone could be both.
Most of our beliefs are completely opposite of each other's.
I still can't possibly conceive of the idea how anyone could be both.
Most of our beliefs are completely opposite of each other's.

Yet, you both believe in exactly the same god. That should tell you something. Any bells going off?
My God is NOT the god of Islam.

So, you are saying that Jesus was praising a different God than the one from the Old Testament?

I agree, but I didn't think that was the mainstream Christian view.

Please, tell me more.
My God is NOT the god of Islam.

I'm afraid that is where you are wrong. You should at the very least learn something about your religion, you don't appear to know anything about it other than what your indoctrination has shown.

Look it up. See for yourself.
And sandy, don't forget, it is the same god as the Judaism faith.

Isn't that special?
Islam denies the father-heart of God, the divinity of the Son and the Person of the Holy Spirit. The god of Muhammed is NOT the Father of Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that God cannot be tempted by evil and neither tempts anyone with evil; evil being understood as referring to immorality and sin. James 1:13 ( Psalm 5:4-5; Habakkuk 1:13)

The Quran teaches that Allah is the author of evil: ..."the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is He Who deceives them." S. 4:142 Hilali-Khan
"the best of schemers is Allah." S. 3:54
The god of Muhammed is NOT the Father of Jesus Christ.

It won't matter how many times you say that, it won't change the fact that it is the same god all three religions are based.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
And you can delude yourself into thinking it is. It's not. My God is NOT the god of Muhammed. You just don't get it.:rolleyes:
Isaiah 45:7. "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil" (KJV).
And you can delude yourself into thinking it is. It's not. My God is NOT the god of Muhammed. You just don't get it.:rolleyes:

No, sandy, it is YOU who doesn't get it. As I stated, you can look it up for yourself. Look, it even has reference to it in Wiki.

"The term God most commonly refers to the deity worshipped by monotheistic and monolatrist religions, usually claimed to be the creator of the universe. As of 2007, a majority of human beings are classified as adherents of monotheistic religions. While the largest of these, Christianity and Islam, vary in their description of this deity, they usually hold it to be the same as the God of Judaism."

Again, sorry to burst your bubble. :D
Do you know how to interpret the Bible?
Interpret? It's the word of god, shouldn't need interpreting.
Have you ever read it?
Of course, it's a book. I read books.

# Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? (Amos 3:6, KJV)
# Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good? (Lamentations 3:38)

Of course, since it's the word of god (not man) how do you tell which translation to go from?
Some god huh? Can't even make sure he's quoted properly.
Yeah, Wiki knows ANYTHING about Christianity/God.:rolleyes:
I don't care what Wiki says. Allah is NOT my god.
They were talking about DIFFERENT Abrahams.
The Muslims worship Abraham Ahmed's God.
The Jews/Christians worship Abraham Goldstein's God.

That must be it, right, sandy?

If you think Jesus was referring to Abraham's God from the Old Testament (Tanakh) when he referred to his father, then you are talking about the same God.

How interpretations and impressions of that God may have changed after the fact, based on the different prophets (as they did with each Patriarch) does not change the fact that all three Abrahamic religions (ever wonder where they got that term?) all worship Abraham's God.
Muslims, sandy, are your brothers and sisters, regardless of how deep your fingers are in your ears, and how loudly you scream.