Books refuting the Jesus Myth

I know that just because there are a lot of books proclaiming something is true does not actually make it true. But those books proclaiming Christianity to be true have more credibility than those claiming it not to be. Each author is a very intelligent and faithful Christian. They look at the evidence openly instead of skim it over as a closed case. Science is the study of creation, and by studying it the way it is supposed to be studied, that is, leaving every possibility open, you will find that everything points to our Creator: God.

MW, I know you had a bad experience with your church. What you need to know is that you are not "Christianly obligated" to go to it. If they really cared about you and Jesus then they would know this: It is perfectly okay if for some reason you dont feel you are hearing the word of god in that church to go to another one. It is your right as an American. That is sadly the fate of SO many people here; they went to a church that did not effectively preach the Word to them and as a result come out to preach against it. They feel it is their duty to tell others not to make the same mistake of "wasting their time" that they did.

Just know you are not alone and Jesus still loves you. You can come back to Him as soon as you're ready. His arms will still be wide open to you. They were to me.
Truth51 said:
I know that just because there are a lot of books proclaiming something is true does not actually make it true. But those books proclaiming Christianity to be true have more credibility than those claiming it not to be.
Your books are more credible because your books are more credible? Brilliant!

Actually, it's pretty dishonest: given your level of ignorance, I can pretty safely predict that you've read no credible Ante-Nicene history and, therefore, only pretend to be in a position to make a comparison.
Truth51 said:
MW, I know you had a bad experience with your church.
M*W: Truth51, let me say again, I did NOT have a bad experience with my church! The RCCs I attended were wonderful, and the priests taught the religion I believed in. I felt empty those few times I was unable to attend mass (like when I delivered my babies), otherwise, I woulda NEVER missed! The teachings my priests offered were so inspiring! I'll never forget them or forget what they taught me. In fact, everytime I went to mass, I felt like they were speaking directly to me. They were so inspirational! It wasn't my church -- it was the whole basis of Christianity that I saw was based on a pack of lies. Like I've said before, I was in denial about the truth. I tried to "ignore" it. I put my thoughts out of my mind and prayed for forgiveness! But the truth continued to be unveiled. It was beyond my control. I didn't want to believe what I saw and what I learned. As they say, "ignorance is bliss." This is true. If you want to believe what you've always believed and what you were programmed to believe, don't read anything but the Bible. Keep your blinders on and don't associate with any non-Christians! Don't read the daily newspaper, don't observe other people, stay inside your little apartment and don't watch TV. Don't answer your phone because a non-Christian might be calling, and you don't want to have any contact with the outside world. Keep your lights off, and sit in the farthest corner of a dark room, and pray. Never stop praying, and never stop forgiving everyone you have ever known. Most especially, you must never join a forum that opposes your Christian beliefs. This is the most sinful thing you could do. Even though you don't realize it, reading views opposing Christianity are slowly, discreetly and subliminally, leaking into your brain. Maybe today you don't feel or believe it has affected you that way, but one day, when you least expect it, you will wake up and know that you have been betrayed by all the Christian lies! And, yes, you will be so emotionally hurt, and the wind will be knocked out of you, and you will be in denial and very angry that you have been betrayed by your religion. You'll ask God and Jesus why they let this happen to you, and you'll be angry at them. Then you'll realize it really wasn't Jesus' fault, it was YOUR fault for being so gullible, so duped! Then you will look at other Christians and just shake your head and wonder how they could have been just as duped as you! Then you will thank God, and you will want to learn everything you can about Jesus, his life, his family, his purpose, based on the truth you have had revealed to you. Then you will realize how important YOU and YOUR life and YOUR family are, and you will find God's true purpose for YOU.
What you need to know is that you are not "Christianly obligated" to go to it. If they really cared about you and Jesus then they would know this: It is perfectly okay if for some reason you dont feel you are hearing the word of god in that church to go to another one. It is your right as an American. That is sadly the fate of SO many people here; they went to a church that did not effectively preach the Word to them and as a result come out to preach against it. They feel it is their duty to tell others not to make the same mistake of "wasting their time" that they did.
M*W: Like I said above, it wasn't my "church" it was Christianity itself that betrayed me, so no other Christian church could have proven worthy to me. On a more positive note, it was Christianity itself that showed me the truth. Had I NOT been a Christian at the time, I wouldn't have understood the lies. They would have meant nothing to me.
Just know you are not alone and Jesus still loves you. You can come back to Him as soon as you're ready. His arms will still be wide open to you. They were to me.
M*W: I know I am NOT alone! Who is my family? The entire human race! I don't need the love of a mythological character. I will never go back to worshipping a mythological character. The difference now is, my arms are wide open to humanity. I am my "brother's keeper." I pray for strangers on the street, and I offer them forgiveness for things that I have no idea what they need forgiveness for! I smile at everyone, and even those who never smile at anyone, will eventually smile back at me. Then I know I have somehow minutely healed them spiritually. That uplifts my spirit. That's what its all about -- spiritual growth. Be kind to all creation, and all creation will be kind to you.
Medicine Woman said:
I pray for strangers on the street, and I offer them forgiveness for things that I have no idea what they need forgiveness for!
Please forgive me also for all my unspeakable sins (though very few & petty).
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I know I am NOT alone! Who is my family? The entire human race! I don't need the love of a mythological character.
Could you let us know where your Bellringer's "real aliens, ascended Masters and other Light Beings" stand?
§outh§tar said:
Let's not forget Jesus Himself "admitted" to being God Red Devil ;)

or was that the Church rewriting "the entire damn thing" just so they could fool themselves..?

Nope, so they could assert control of the gullible masses. As Red Devil stated, the bible was copied, translated, and heavily edited. Many chapters were removed and became the 'Apocrypha', some perhaps lost altogether. The bibles we have access to today bear little resemblance to the tome as it was originally collated.

On control, the church did it damnedest to prevent the common man getting copies of the bible they could read, and managed to control access to and interpretation of the bible. Various partial translations were made, but it wasn't until the 12th century a complete translation was made in English.

William Tyndale tried printing copies of the bible in English and selling them. This angered the Catholic Church so much they attempted to buy up all the copies and destroy them, and put a price on Tyndale's head!

The Cristian Church, therefore, is merely a business, founded on copyright control, and you have bought into it.
phlogistician said:
The bibles we have access to today bear little resemblance to the tome as it was originally collated.
Can you prove this? Do you have any evidence for this? Or is just something you heard somewhere?