Books refuting the Jesus Myth

Red Devil said:
Jenyar, be careful here of believing translations "literally". The son of god can also be translated to read "son or follower of kings". Jesus was the direct descendant of David & Solomon, therefore royal blood, or sang real in french. His wife, Mary Magdelene was also of royal blood, being the daughter of a high nobleman. My point is that he was not made "the SON OF GOD" until 400 years later when the bible, and quotes contained therein, were amended, altered, deleted, added. In fact, the chruch in Rome REWROTE the entire damn thing!
M*W: I'm glad to finally see someone here who knows the truth about Jesus, MM, and the church of Rome. What books have you read on the subject? Let's compare notes.
Translation SouthStar, translation. He had probably been out on the town and said "I can do anything, I feel Like God" or he was high on something or other? ;) Anyway, as I just staed, as the bible has been reworked according to the dictates of Rome, who knows what was original or doctored now.

Let's not forget Jesus Himself "admitted" to being God
Well no, we don't know that since we only have third hand accounts written decades after the time claimed for his death.

The best you have is mythology.

Katazia said:

Well no, we don't know that since we only have third hand accounts written decades after the time claimed for his death.

The best you have is mythology.

M*W: These people never cease to amaze me with their religious programming. The people who wrote these third hand accounts never even knew Jesus because they didn't when he was around. That's even debatable.
Katazia said:

Well no, we don't know that since we only have third hand accounts written decades after the time claimed for his death.

The best you have is mythology.


In that case what you are saying about the statement's authenticity could as well be "mythology", as you put it..
Katazia said:

Well no, we don't know that since we only have third hand accounts written decades after the time claimed for his death.

The best you have is mythology.


Hiya Kat,

If Jesus wrote a Gospel would this convince you that he did exist? I will assume not, so are you sure that Darwin did exist and he did in fact write the origin of species(pretend to be in the year 4000 to make this a fair test)?


In that case what you are saying about the statement's authenticity could as well be "mythology", as you put it..
Isn't that what I have just said? I'm not sure what you are trying to say here.


If Jesus wrote a Gospel would this convince you that he did exist? I will assume not, so are you sure that Darwin did exist and he did in fact write the origin of species(pretend to be in the year 4000 to make this a fair test)?
The fact of evolution is not dependent on whether Darwin existed or not. In his autobiography Darwin stated his satisfaction at his two contributions to science. The first was the establishment of evolution as a fact and the second was his theories that began the journey of explaining how evolution occurred.

What Darwin did was essentially discover the fact of evolution, if Darwin had not done this then it seems that such a discovery would have been inevitable and made by someone else.

The difference between Jesus and Darwin is that the existence of Jesus is essential to the integrity of Christianity. If the Jesus stories are simply mythology then Christianity is just a fraud. But evolution is true whether Darwin existed or not.

But you cannot say the same thing about Christianity, since you cannot show that a god exists and the historicity of Jesus is also highly dubious. Without some degree of credible factual evidence the gospels are indistinguishable from myth.

Does that help.
Katazia said:

Isn't that what I have just said? I'm not sure what you are trying to say here.


Just pointing out that you are no more wrong than I am right. :p

And since I have unction.. ;)


Your God is my God.
Katazia said:

The fact of evolution is not dependent on whether Darwin existed or not. In his autobiography Darwin stated his satisfaction at his two contributions to science. The first was the establishment of evolution as a fact and the second was his theories that began the journey of explaining how evolution occurred.

What Darwin did was essentially discover the fact of evolution, if Darwin had not done this then it seems that such a discovery would have been inevitable and made by someone else.

The difference between Jesus and Darwin is that the existence of Jesus is essential to the integrity of Christianity. If the Jesus stories are simply mythology then Christianity is just a fraud. But evolution is true whether Darwin existed or not.

But you cannot say the same thing about Christianity, since you cannot show that a god exists and the historicity of Jesus is also highly dubious. Without some degree of credible factual evidence the gospels are indistinguishable from myth.

Does that help.

Psalm 19:1-4

If you are still "without some degree of credible factual evidence" then you really are stubborn.. :(

Just like I am.


Your God is my God, the God of Jacob.

If you are still "without some degree of credible factual evidence" then you really are stubborn..
Then point me at something that you consider credible factual evidence of your god.

I believe that jesus did exist.. But his title "the Son of God" was a lie.. And also the confusing concept about Trinity..
What is very annoying is Christians, when they first approached you, they never ever mentioned about that.. Always very friendly, open.. etc. But really the reason behind is converting s/o. I have some one knocking at my door the other day, with a leafleft: "How to save water". But inside it talked about Jesus & Christianity.. Do they have to lie like that? And why do Chrisitians feel superior than un-believers? Because of their faith, and that they have been "saved"? But what happens if they do terrible actions?
I have great respects to true Christians.. But.. yeah.. Christianity.. a lot of its concepts camefrom Paul, not Jesus
white_poplar said:
I believe that jesus did exist.. But his title "the Son of God" was a lie.. And also the confusing concept about Trinity..
What is very annoying is Christians, when they first approached you, they never ever mentioned about that.. Always very friendly, open.. etc. But really the reason behind is converting s/o. I have some one knocking at my door the other day, with a leafleft: "How to save water". But inside it talked about Jesus & Christianity.. Do they have to lie like that? And why do Chrisitians feel superior than un-believers? Because of their faith, and that they have been "saved"? But what happens if they do terrible actions?
I have great respects to true Christians.. But.. yeah.. Christianity.. a lot of its concepts camefrom Paul, not Jesus

Christians feel "superior"? Hmm.. isn't Christianity founded on emulating Jesus' humility?

Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean you should generalize..

And just Who did Paul recieve his "concepts" from then?
§outh§tar said:
Christians feel "superior"? Hmm.. isn't Christianity founded on emulating Jesus' humility?
M*W: No. Christianity was founded on Paul's arrogance.
Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean you should generalize..
M*W: A bad "experience" is an understatement.
And just Who did Paul recieve his "concepts" from then?
M*W: Apparently, his own ego and for profit. Jesus had absolutely nothing to do with founding Christianity. He was a Jewish Rabbi and not a Christian.
Neva eva eva gonna know the truth. - me

It disturbs me to see you so happy and content about it. - Jenyar

I'm not happy about it -- I just roll with the punches. If I see something is a lost cause, I'll work towards something more productive.

Hmm.. isn't Christianity founded on emulating Jesus' humility?

Heh, and it's a rare sight to see a humble Christian. Just because something was founded on someone's humlity, it doesn't mean their followers will act the same. This is what makes Jesus Jesus and his followers his followers. If everyone were humble as him, they'd be like Jesus as well but they aren't. ;) When it comes to every religion, once their founding prophet dies, the religion is no longer what it once was.

- N
Katazia said:

The difference between Jesus and Darwin is that the existence of Jesus is essential to the integrity of Christianity. If the Jesus stories are simply mythology then Christianity is just a fraud. ut you cannot say the same thing about Christianity, since you cannot show that a god exists and the historicity of Jesus is also highly dubious. Without some degree of credible factual evidence the gospels are indistinguishable from myth.

Does that help.
M*W: The lack of evidence that Jesus existed IS evidence. So, the "integrity of Christianity" is "highly dubious."
medicine woman
your list of books did not contain the bible
after all thats just another book written by man
if you read the accounts of his aledged life they are contradictory
as you say it's just a fraud
Medicine Woman said:
§outh§tar said:
Christians feel "superior"? Hmm.. isn't Christianity founded on emulating Jesus' humility?
M*W: No. Christianity was founded on Paul's arrogance.
Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean you should generalize..
M*W: A bad "experience" is an understatement.
And just Who did Paul recieve his "concepts" from then?
M*W: Apparently, his own ego and for profit. Jesus had absolutely nothing to do with founding Christianity. He was a Jewish Rabbi and not a Christian.

Let's explore, shall we?

Galatians 1

Paul Called by God

11I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. 12I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.
13For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. 14I was advancing in Judaism beyond many Jews of my own age and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers. 15But when God, who set me apart from birth[1] and called me by his grace, was pleased 16to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man, 17nor did I go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went immediately into Arabia and later returned to Damascus.
18Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Peter[2] and stayed with him fifteen days. 19I saw none of the other apostles--only James, the Lord's brother. 20I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie. 21Later I went to Syria and Cilicia. 22I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. 23They only heard the report: "The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy." 24And they praised God because of me.

This passage should clearly illumine you and I do believe responds to everything you are saying. And just in case you are still stubborn to how something written millenia ago can refute you systematically, here's on more to show you that he did NOT found the gospel of Christ.

8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!