Books refuting the Jesus Myth

§outh§tar said:
Let's explore, shall we? “ Originally Posted by Medicine Woman
M*W: No. Christianity was founded on Paul's arrogance.
M*W: Allow me to be more specific. Paul was afflicted with epileptic seizures. That may explain why he saw the bright blinding light and then fell off his horse on the Road to Damascus. I believe his seizure caused him to have an hallucination. Researchers have found that there is a molecule in the brain called DMT that triggers religious "experiences." This is my theory about Paul's experience on the Road.

Further, Paul may have realized that persecuting "Christians" and killing them was not a cost effective mission. They were monetarily worth MORE to him if they were alive! This way, he was able to preach to them about this dying demi-god savior and collect money from them. Then he wanted to "Christianize" the Gentiles and the rest of the world. It was the first multi-level marketing scam in the world. Witness and fill your coffers. Then witness to each other and fill their coffers. Christian churches are still doing this today! Christianity is BIG business!
Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean you should generalize..
M*W: My experience with Catholicism itself wasn't a bad experience. I was devout. I professed it. I lived it. I wanted to learn everything I could about it. In fact, the only reading I did was about Catholicism and Christianity, and I tried to keep it within the auspices of the Nil Obstat, but I ventured to Hal Lindsey's series, etc. Easy reading, but not real factual and aimed at a common lay audience.

My "bad" experience came long after I had visited some Catholic shrines in Europe (Lourdes, Never (St. Bernadette's unblemished corpse), Fatima, Chartres, Notre Dame in Paris, Rouen, Avignon, etc.) which offered me limited spiritual enlightenment that was overwhelmed by cheap and tacky commercialism. It was in the Vatican itself where I came to realize that all it was was a big business. I couldn't feel the "spirit" anywhere, and all I kept thinking about were the "moneychangers in the temple." What would Jesus think if he saw all of the money that was tied up in this house of God! I felt as if I knew Jesus personally then, and I knew all this wealth and gold could not be Jesus' doing. I was stunned by my thoughts. I couldn't believe what I saw. There was nothing godly in the Vatican. The basement of the Vatican houses the crypts of earlier dead rotting Popes. That stench I will never forget. These were the infallible heads of Christ's church on Earth, but they were no more holy or saved than any body decomposing.

Outside the doors of St. Peter's, panhandlers and prostitutes out-numbered the tourists. Pick pockets and purse snatchers were rife. Then I kept thinking about the Vatican being Jesus' city, and I remembered what Jesus did when he saw "the city." He cried.
Let's explore, shall we?

Galatians 1

This passage should clearly illumine you and I do believe responds to everything you are saying. And just in case you are still stubborn to how something written millenia ago can refute you systematically, here's on more to show you that he did NOT found the gospel of Christ.
M*W: About the Gospel of Christ, there is NO PROOF that we know what Jesus might have said. Paul never knew Jesus. Paul came later after the cruci-fiction. It was Paul who commissioned the gospels to be written, then he had Luke write the Acts. Paul himself is supposed to have written some 14 books of the NT. Jesus wrote nothing, so there is no authentication of scripture being true or accurate. They were inspired by Paul and his personal mission. Jesus had nothing to do with the writing of the NT. And what about all the texts that were banned by the church fathers at Nicaea in 325 AD from publication in the Bible? That means the Bible was created with man, by man, and for man. Since the words of scripture came from Paul, who was a man, how could anyone believe it was inspired by God? There may have been a man and a Rabbi living at that time who came to be a major character in the writings of Paul, but he was just a made-up character to sell the people of the time salvation.
Medicine Woman said:
Then I kept thinking about the Vatican being Jesus' city, and I remembered what Jesus did when he saw "the city." He cried.

< --- snip --- >

About the Gospel of Christ, there is NO PROOF that we know what Jesus might have said. Paul never knew Jesus. ... Jesus wrote nothing, so there is no authentication of scripture being true or accurate. They were inspired by Paul and his personal mission. Jesus had nothing to do with the writing of the NT. And what about all the texts that were banned by the church fathers at Nicaea in 325 AD from publication in the Bible?

This seems just a bit schizophrenic. You claim to "remember what Jesus did" while correctly dismissing the the NT as a credible source. What, then, is the source of your revelation, and how did it come to be more verifiable, and better verified, than the NT?
ConsequentAtheist said:
This seems just a bit schizophrenic. You claim to "remember what Jesus did" while correctly dismissing the the NT as a credible source. What, then, is the source of your revelation, and how did it come to be more verifiable, and better verified, than the NT?
M*W: CA, I'm beginning to think you have a reading perception problem. You simply don't understand plain English, because you twist everything around to make the members of this forum look stupid. If you try to read more slowly and anticipate what the writer is trying to say, you may understand it a lot better. I simply can't believe that after everything I have posted about my "Christian" experience, that you would still question me about it in the manner you did. Either that, or you simply haven't read my previous posts, which is fine. But now you're calling me "schizophrenic," because you say I "claim to 'remember what Jesus did' as if I lived in his time." Why must you continue to distort everyone's posts?

When I said that I 'remember what Jesus did,' I was referring not referring to personal observation but what the NT said about Jesus during the time I was a Catholic. You know very well I did not mean this in the present tense. At the time I went to the Vatican, I was a Bible-believing Christian, and this is what I referred to in my previous post. At that time, I believed the NT to be a credible source. I no longer believe that today. And this is why you are calling me "schizophrenic!"

I have already explained in detail the "source FOR my revelation" (when I learned the truth about Christianity), and my faith in Catholicism was suddenly broken. From that point onward, I've been committed to finding out how I could have been so duped by nothing more than a fantasy.
Medicine Woman said:
You simply don't understand plain English, because you twist everything around to make the members of this forum look stupid.
Think about that sentence ... :D

Medicine Woman said:
I have already explained in detail the "source FOR my revelation" (when I learned the truth about Christianity), and my faith in Catholicism was suddenly broken. From that point onward, I've been committed to finding out how I could have been so duped by nothing more than a fantasy.
Perhaps understanding how you've been so duped by your current source for revelation will inform you about the past.
Medicine Woman said:

M*W: Allow me to be more specific. Paul was afflicted with epileptic seizures. That may explain why he saw the bright blinding light and then fell off his horse on the Road to Damascus. I believe his seizure caused him to have an hallucination. Researchers have found that there is a molecule in the brain called DMT that triggers religious "experiences." This is my theory about Paul's experience on the Road.

Further, Paul may have realized that persecuting "Christians" and killing them was not a cost effective mission. They were monetarily worth MORE to him if they were alive! This way, he was able to preach to them about this dying demi-god savior and collect money from them. Then he wanted to "Christianize" the Gentiles and the rest of the world. It was the first multi-level marketing scam in the world. Witness and fill your coffers. Then witness to each other and fill their coffers. Christian churches are still doing this today! Christianity is BIG business!

M*W: My experience with Catholicism itself wasn't a bad experience. I was devout. I professed it. I lived it. I wanted to learn everything I could about it. In fact, the only reading I did was about Catholicism and Christianity, and I tried to keep it within the auspices of the Nil Obstat, but I ventured to Hal Lindsey's series, etc. Easy reading, but not real factual and aimed at a common lay audience.

My "bad" experience came long after I had visited some Catholic shrines in Europe (Lourdes, Never (St. Bernadette's unblemished corpse), Fatima, Chartres, Notre Dame in Paris, Rouen, Avignon, etc.) which offered me limited spiritual enlightenment that was overwhelmed by cheap and tacky commercialism. It was in the Vatican itself where I came to realize that all it was was a big business. I couldn't feel the "spirit" anywhere, and all I kept thinking about were the "moneychangers in the temple." What would Jesus think if he saw all of the money that was tied up in this house of God! I felt as if I knew Jesus personally then, and I knew all this wealth and gold could not be Jesus' doing. I was stunned by my thoughts. I couldn't believe what I saw. There was nothing godly in the Vatican. The basement of the Vatican houses the crypts of earlier dead rotting Popes. That stench I will never forget. These were the infallible heads of Christ's church on Earth, but they were no more holy or saved than any body decomposing.

Outside the doors of St. Peter's, panhandlers and prostitutes out-numbered the tourists. Pick pockets and purse snatchers were rife. Then I kept thinking about the Vatican being Jesus' city, and I remembered what Jesus did when he saw "the city." He cried.

M*W: About the Gospel of Christ, there is NO PROOF that we know what Jesus might have said. Paul never knew Jesus. Paul came later after the cruci-fiction. It was Paul who commissioned the gospels to be written, then he had Luke write the Acts. Paul himself is supposed to have written some 14 books of the NT. Jesus wrote nothing, so there is no authentication of scripture being true or accurate. They were inspired by Paul and his personal mission. Jesus had nothing to do with the writing of the NT. And what about all the texts that were banned by the church fathers at Nicaea in 325 AD from publication in the Bible? That means the Bible was created with man, by man, and for man. Since the words of scripture came from Paul, who was a man, how could anyone believe it was inspired by God? There may have been a man and a Rabbi living at that time who came to be a major character in the writings of Paul, but he was just a made-up character to sell the people of the time salvation.

Hmm.. I also remember that program on the History Channel, which analyzed Paul's radical change after (and I quote), "it pleased God... to reveal His Son".

Apart from your theory being baseless (no one has ever shown that he had any sort of thing), where are the other records that prove he had previously/afterwards suffered from such an episode? But then again, it's a theory..


As for Christianity being "big business" for Paul, do you forget his scourgings and imprisonment throughout his Christian life? Or will you stubbornly attempt to refute or dismiss these as well?


And in regard to your bad experience, I belive Martin Luther did more than just "quit". After Tesler made his bid to sell indulgences to the townspeople, Luther posted his historical 95 Theses which revolutionized Christianity of the time.


What proof do you have that Paul "commisioned the gospels to be written"? I don't want to start quoting right now because it's too late but I'm sure you can find instances where Paul passionately swears in God's name that he did not lie. Hmm.. a "zealous" (Galatians 1:14) Jew who swore by God albeit the same divinely inspired scripture counsels not to swear, "either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath" (James 5:12).

And now you are saying Jesus could have been a made up character? :rolleyes:
To respond to your comment about banning, is the church supposed to allow venomous heresy? No.

Psalm 139:21
§outh§tar said:
Hmm.. I also remember that program on the History Channel, which analyzed Paul's radical change after (and I quote), "it pleased God... to reveal His Son".Apart from your theory being baseless (no one has ever shown that he had any sort of thing), where are the other records that prove he had previously/afterwards suffered from such an episode? But then again, it's a theory..
M*W: I am not the first to come up with the theory. It's been stated elsewhere in this forum that Paul had epilepsy and did an about face following the seizure.
As for Christianity being "big business" for Paul, do you forget his scourgings and imprisonment throughout his Christian life? Or will you stubbornly attempt to refute or dismiss these as well?
M*W: Paul had multiple personalities. One day he said he was a Rabbi, the next day he was a Pharisee, then he changed it to Saducee. He lied for the convenience of collecting money whereever he could. He said he was a lawyer, a tentmaker, and god only knows what else.
And in regard to your bad experience, I belive Martin Luther did more than just "quit". After Tesler made his bid to sell indulgences to the townspeople, Luther posted his historical 95 Theses which revolutionized Christianity of the time.
M*W: I never said that Martin Luther "just quit." I'm totally well-aware of his 95 theses that he nailed to the church door. I've been there and touched that same door. Martin Luther may have come upon some evil truths, but I can't say, because I haven't read anything about him. I saw something on PBS about him recently.
What proof do you have that Paul "commisioned the gospels to be written"? I don't want to start quoting right now because it's too late but I'm sure you can find instances where Paul passionately swears in God's name that he did not lie.
M*W: See Acts 9:7 VS. Acts 22:9 VS. Acts 26:14. Paul of Tarsus lies each time he tells the story of meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul, a liar, wrote over half of the New Testament. The Apostles considered his preachings falsehood.

PEOPLE OF THE LIE: SAUL OF TARSUS: PAUL ~ by Patrick H. Bellringer

Saul was well educated and highly trained as a Roman citizen, though he was an Armenian by birth. He and his family were well known Pharisees of Tarsus. He spoke several languages as well as Latin, the language of the "empire". Early in his life he became a Roman soldier, and because of his nationality, he was placed in Jerusalem as a key person to both understand and help control the native Palestinians. Saul and his Roman troops closely followed the developments of the "christian cult" led by Esu (Jesus) Immanuel in Palestine.

Saul of Tarsus was a friend of Simeon Iharioth, and when Saul learned of this incident between Simeon’s son, Juda and Esu Immanuel, he arranged for the theft of the scrolls of the teachings of Esu, which had been written and kept by Judas Iscarioth. Juda Iharioth was paid 70 pieces of silver to steal the writings and another 30 pieces of silver to identify Esu Immanuel at night at his capture with a kiss---a sign of mockery to his enemy. Saul was personally responsible for the plan and gave assistance in the capture, arrest, trial and crucifixion of Esu Immanuel. Saul truly believed that the "christian cult" leader, Esu Immanuel, had been destroyed forever.

Saul made it his business to know about any cult or new teaching or idea that might challenge the rule of Rome over the Palestinians. To do this Saul worked very closely with the religious leaders of the day, the Pharisees. The Pharisees were the dominant force controlling the economy and religious thought of the area. To identify with these leaders and to gather the information he needed, he joined their ranks. As a Roman citizen and soldier he held international power over people, and as a Pharisee he held local power over the Palestinians.

With this blending of authority the Pharisees used Saul to their advantage. Saul was encouraged to move swiftly against Esu Immanuel and his followers, who taught Truth to the people. He traveled to various cities to hunt them down and to arrest or to kill them. On his way to Damascus he was confronted at night by Esu and blinded by a light of burning chemicals which Esu had made to scare Saul. Saul was truly frightened. He could not see or speak for three days in Damascus, during which time Esu Immanuel escaped to India. Three days later, Simon, one of Esu's followers, restored Saul's sight and speech and challenged him to follow Truth.

Through this strange experience Saul convinced others that he was now a "disciple" of the Master Teacher, Esu. Saul promptly changed his name to Paul to disguise himself as a deserter from the Roman army, and to fool other disciples of Esu, who had been his enemies. Though he had access to Esu's original scrolls stolen from Judas Iscarioth, Paul twisted these teachings of Truth because he was confused and had not listened closely to Esu’s explanations. This resulted in much mis-interpretation and mis-understanding of Esu Immanuel's teaching over the succeeding years. Paul began traveling from place to place, proclaiming the teachings of Esu. Even Esu's closest followers were fooled into believing what the "new missionary" taught.

Through financial assistance of his Pharisee friends in Jerusalem, Paul set out on his first "missionary" journey, teaching his twisted version of Esu's new teachings of "truth". During his life he made three major missionary journeys through the countries bordering the east and north shores of the Mediterranean Sea, even as far east as Italy. Everywhere he traveled, Paul established groups of believers he called churches. Those more commonly known churches were Jerusalem, Ephesus, Antioch, Corinth, Colassae, Thessalonica, Philippi, Laodicea, Galatia, Athens, and Rome.

He promptly changed Esu Immanuel's name to Jesus Christ to give Esu the status of deity, of the anointed one, or God's Son. He taught what one finds today in the "Jewish War Book", or more commonly called the "Holy Bible". He avoided many of the Laws of God. He taught the escaping of personal responsibility by believing in salvation from one's sins by "God's Son" dying as a ransom for one’s sins. The idea of a "rapture" probably began with Paul, the waiting for "Jesus Christ" to return in the clouds and the snatching up of his faithful believers and taking them to "heaven" to live happily ever after. Paul's writings of lies were so widely accepted that by 323 AD at the Council of Nicea, the Pharisees placed many of them into the "Cannonized Bible" of the day. Some of these writings today are known as Romans, I and II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and I and II Thessalonians. These writings were letters of instructions to the "churches" which Paul had established at various locations during his missionary travels.

Paul tells much about his persecutions and trials during these missionary years. He was beaten, arrested, and placed in prison many times. He and his followers were run out of town and stoned many times. Finally, in Rome Paul was arrested and put into prison. He died in Rome nearly blind and while under house arrest. While reading these tales of Paul's travels the reader is enticed to feel sorry for Paul and angry at his persecutors. This is all part of the Lie.

The Truth of the matter is that Paul/Saul was a Pharisee, known today as a Khazarian Zionist. From the beginning of time their philosophy and life-style has never changed. They are evil Satanic controllers. They are a political group, not a religious group of "Jews" as they proclaim. They use anyone and everyone for their purposes as set forth in the Protocols of Zion. Paul was no exception. Paul was persecuted because he broke Roman law. He was a homosexual. He taught that women were not equal to men, but were to be subservient to them. He taught ritual worship. The "drinking of the blood and the eating of the body of Jesus Christ" is nothing more than Satanic cult worship. "This is vampirism and cannibalism at best!" Paul was despised for his evil ideas and actions.

The Pharisee Khazarian Zionists always work quickly in a community to control the local economy and government, and throughout history they have established themselves as the elite; the bankers, lawyers, judges, doctors, politicians, businessmen, teachers, and religious leaders of the day. Their goal is control and to control everything. Their goal is a One World Order. It is no wonder that Paul and his "christian" followers met with opposition in his day, and in every day. Their Satanic goals of ego, power and greed were repulsive to good people and even to the common citizenry. Paul was seen as a rabble rouser and someone to be feared.

Paul did no miracles. Paul did no healing. The account of Paul and Silas being released from prison by an earthquake and the Phillipian jailer converted to "Christianity" is a lie---a fabrication believed to be Truth. Paul was a parasite who lived off the people like a leach! He spread his cult garbage every where like a great cancer. Many evil people listened and believed his lies. Consequently, his followers multiplied, and in the 2000 years that followed this cult has encircled the globe.

History records the great "Christian" persecutions such as that in Rome happening under the command of Emperor Nero. Many "Christians" lived in the catacombs under the city in order to survive---or so we are told. The truth is that the catacombs were used as secret places to conduct their Satanic cult rituals of human sacrifices and blood worship. It is of little wonder that these "christians" under-went great persecution in their day.

This is not to belittle the fact that there are those who have walked the path of the Christos teachings, and who have been most severely persecuted. Truth always makes Satan's followers angry. The path of the Truthbringer is never easy. The point must be made most clearly here that Paul/Saul was never a pure Truthbringer. He twisted Truth, and multitudes have been tricked by his deception. In reality he was a liebringer. By twisting the Master Teacher's words he aided the masses to miss the Truth---to miss Lift-off One! Paul inadvertently dedicated his life to the "dark" side. By doing so, he was used by the Pharisee Zionist camp, and served very well their master, Satan.
None other than Paul of Tarsus admits of trickery (2 Cor. 12.16), imposture (1 Cor. 9.19-20), and deception. He wrote: "For if the truth of God hath more abounded by my lie unto his glory, why yet am I also adjudged a sinner?" Romans 3.7 (King James Version)
M*W: Paul commissioned Luke to write one of the Gospels as well as the Acts. I'll try to find where I got that before. I hope this sheds some light into Paul for you.
MW: I find it funny that you spend so much time trying to knock Christianity down a few notches when your 'religion' is just as unsupported. Most Chrisitans I've talked to admit that the book is not meant to be taken literally. It seems highly unlikely that all the characters of the Bible were made up... but the doesn't mean the basic message it junk.

It does mean that it can't be a definative source. Most chrisitans realize this.

Mission acomplished.
If we are to take the bible as "read" then Christianity has a case, no matter how small. However, I said somewhere else that the bible was completely re-written 400 years after the death of JC - so, on that premis, how can we "believe" anything?
Persol said:
MW: I find it funny that you spend so much time trying to knock Christianity down a few notches when your 'religion' is just as unsupported. Most Chrisitans I've talked to admit that the book is not meant to be taken literally. It seems highly unlikely that all the characters of the Bible were made up... but the doesn't mean the basic message it junk. It does mean that it can't be a definative source. Most chrisitans realize this. Mission acomplished.
M*W: I'm not trying to "knock Christianity down a few notches." My goal is to bring them the truth. I, personally, do not have a religion, so I don't expect any outside support. It's not something I go looking for, but I do have a lot of of people contacting me from all over the world who believe what I have to say about Christianity.

The Bible is a compilation of stories and events with persons named as the characters in these stories. Most of them had names other than what is written in the Bible. There is a tremendous Egyptian influence in the old and new testaments. The names are code words as are the places and the events. The Bible was not inspired by any god. The bible was written by men, for men.

The truth about Christianity will be revealed. The truth is always revealed if you wait long enough. Then you're gonna say, "I heard it from Medicine*Woman first."
The bible was written by men, for men.
The Bible was not inspired by any god.
I think you yourself would disagree if the topic wasn't the Bible. The idea of god is the greatest motivator.
Then you're gonna say, "I heard it from Medicine*Woman first."
Lol... you're a few centuries late.

This is a propoganda thread... pure and simple. If you want to discuss christian symbology, then create a thread to do it. There is plenty there.... but you aren't actually doing that. Instead you are spitting back out what you've seen on TV and what has been stated numerous times.
Red Devil said:
If we are to take the bible as "read" then Christianity has a case, no matter how small. However, I said somewhere else that the bible was completely re-written 400 years after the death of JC - so, on that premis, how can we "believe" anything?
The same reason we 'believe' the history books we get as children. Most of them are wrong in one way or another, but the general idea is still the same.
Medicine Woman said:
PEOPLE OF THE LIE: SAUL OF TARSUS: PAUL ~ by Patrick H. Bellringer

< ... line after line of ubsupported garbage from M*W's lunatic fringe ... >
This, by the way, is the same Patrick H. Bellringer who writes:
5. Aliens Among Us!

Many UFO sightings are presently being reported around the world. Such sightings shall only increase. On November 1, 2002 six different commercial airline crews and their captains witnessed a fleet of 10 to 15 starships flying at an altitude between 22,000 and 36,000 feet over the city of Afyon, Turkey. Details and video footage of this incident are to be made available to the public at

Jennifer Lee reported a UFO encounter in the Far East on November 7, 2002. Three starships (shuttle craft) de-cloaked and were spotted by three U.S. Stealth bombers. Using radar invisibility the three stealth bombers tried to attack the starships. Using their far superior technology, the starships vaporized the three U.S. stealth bombers and beamed the three U.S. pilots, unharmed, aboard the starships. The pilots are now attending cadet classes at Star Fleet Academy on warp drive and warp technology. The U.S. Military now have reduced their stealth fleet from 21 to 18 planes.

Contrary to U.S. government prattle, these starships are our secret allies of the Forces of Light, who are here to help us establish peace in our world at this time. Expect to see real aliens, ascended Masters and other Light Beings on your T.V. soon! And God said, “There shall be peace on earth and good-will toward men”---now! Aho!

- see
And M*W lectures against Christian superstition. :D
red devil said:
If we are to take the bible as "read" then Christianity has a case, no matter how small. However, I said somewhere else that the bible was completely re-written 400 years after the death of JC - so, on that premis, how can we "believe" anything?
Nice premise. It must be nice to be able to suck premises out of your thumb.

Could you please get to the point? I have visited your site but the fancy, bright colors aren't good for my eyes and I have a hard time sorting through.. :(

God bless you two. :)
Medicine Woman said:
Here is a list of books that address the myth of Christianity. This is not my bibliography but one that was sent to me from a email membership on the subject. I have put an asterisk by the ones I recommend.

this sounds interesting, if it is true, any real references?
Forgery in Christianity: A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion
Joseph Wheless
Kessinger Publishing Company; March 1997
ISBN: 1564592251 (Paperback)

Funny, several jews wrote these, like so, they have to write them, otherwise they would have to convert

*The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity
Hyam Maccoby
Barnes & Noble; February 1998
ISBN: 0760707871 (Hardcover)

Paul and Hellenism
Hyam Z. Maccoby
Trinity Press International; February 1991
ISBN: 1563380145 (Paperback)
ASIN: 1563380145 (Paperback) (Out-of-print)

interesting MW, you know that for every book that calls Jesus a myth, there are thousands that say Jesus is true, care if I put a reading list out for you?

Randolfo said:
interesting MW, you know that for every book that calls Jesus a myth, there are thousands that say Jesus is true, care if I put a reading list out for you? :D
M*W: Yes, I am aware of that, and I have read many of them as well. I don't need to see a reading list. I am quite familiar what is published on that subject. Just because there are "thousands that say Jesus is true" doesn't mean that Jesus
is "true." Even I believe that Jesus may have been an actual historical person. I believe those "thousands" of books that say "Jesus is true," have perpetuated the biggest myth in the history of the world.
Medicine Woman said:

M*W: Allow me to be more specific. Paul was afflicted with epileptic seizures. That may explain why he saw the bright blinding light and then fell off his horse on the Road to Damascus. I believe his seizure caused him to have an hallucination. Researchers have found that there is a molecule in the brain called DMT that triggers religious "experiences." This is my theory about Paul's experience on the Road.
Funny, isn't this what people said about your 'friend' Mohammad? Epileptic seizures, they had to throw a blanket over him, so are you saying that islam is false too?
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Randolfo said:
Funny, isn't this what people said about your 'friend' Mohammad? Epileptic seizures, they had to throw a blanket over him, so are you saying that islam is false too?
M*W: How could Islam be false? It's swallowing Christianity! Yum yum.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: How could Islam be false? It's swallowing Christianity! Yum yum.
Now everybody will know you are biased in your thinking, using the same criteria (epilepsy); on the one hand (Christianity) is false & on the other (islam) its true?

"swallowing Christianity!"
now you are delusional, your step away from Christianity has '********' your mind about all things Christian. Step back, review your life, are you so “anti” that you fail to see any 'redeeming' value in Christianity?Does your sub-conscience tell you, “must kill Christians, must hate Christians, must destroy Christians”? What a pitiful existence, walk away, breathe, open the window, let the breezes through

swallowing Christianity! Yum yum.
then it shall taste the sweet taste of God, come let us reason together
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